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 Jun 2014
When I laugh
My pain goes away
So why not laugh
A little longer
 Jun 2014
I laugh at my pain
Because there is
No other way
I smile at my cuts
Because it pushes
Back my tears
I find joy in my pain
And that hurts
Because I looking
For an easy
Way out
 Jun 2014
I hate the night
Because once my room is dark
I cant control what happens
My thoughts run free
My heart races
I hate the night
Because thats when my fears
Come to life
Where being alone isnt
An option
Where my weeping sounds are
Not heared
I hate the night
Because it makes me think
Of you
Of our laughs
Of our smiles
Of our every moment
I hate the night
 Jun 2014
I like to stare at the sun
I like to act as if
It orbits around me
I like to stare at the clouds
I like to think they make
Shapes just for me
I like to stare at the stars
I like to prend they shine
Just for me
I like to stare at the moon
I like to act as if it
Follows me
I like to stare at the mirror
I like to pretend i see me
But its the girl i pretend to be
 Jun 2014
I run from my fears
As they chase me
At one point in this
Im trapped in a one way street
Forced to face what brings me to shame
Im afraid of my own fears
Im afraid of loving and losing
Im afraid of pain
Im afraid of silence
Im afraid of darkness
**Im afraid of being afraid
 Jun 2014
A tear flows and another follows
Im numb to the pain
Day and night i hear
The angry chants
The so helpless young love that
The nights are worse and
It makes me think
Was it real love
Maybe just a fantasy
Was it a crazy dream that
We thought was possible
Maybe it was a silly thought that
Kept us going
But there are times when i think
Maybe it was real
Maybe our love is real
 Jun 2014
Why cant we look at everything
As a blessing
Instead we see
How it is a curse
We look at the wrongs
Yet never the rights
A loss for us
Is a blessing for another
Why cant we be happy
Why cant we laugh at
Our failures maybe even
Laugh at our pain
Why cant we just be happy
 Jun 2014
I cry out for you
For when I'm lost
For when life brings its trouble
For when I cant continue
For when I feel hopeless
For when my heart seeks you
I cry out for you
 Jun 2014
Im sorry I whisper ashamed into your ear
There was power strenth and wisdom
that ran through me
Im lost and I might have giving up
I feel nothing
Everything is numb
Im stuck but maybe
Not completely hopeless
 Jun 2014
This room is dark
Not a single ray of sunlight shines
But every once in a while a small light appears
The light so small yet able to make things so bright
This room is dark
But there might be a chance of happiness
Some just small enough to smile
Some just large enough to laugh
This room is dark
Full of dark happiness
 Jun 2014
Sometimes i wonder what it will be to love again
Because theres times i dont think i can
My heart no longer loves but instead hurts and longs
My heart cries for the feeling i had once before
It yells in search of the lost love
And if its never found
My heart will wait
 Jun 2014
I've come a long way because of you
And all though im succeding without you the thought of
Wanting you to see me be better, happier is whats keeping me going
I am no longer with you but my heart still is
It calls for you in the lonely hours when i lay in bed
It calls for you in the stressful days when i wish you were with me
It calls for you when i know i can do better
Although i am no longer with you my heart is
 Jun 2014
Am i pretty enough?
Do i need to change?
Does my wieght satisfy you?
We are all stuck in an abusive relationship
Because when we free ourselves from society
We are the ones who bring negative words
Whether your beautiful or not someone judges you
Whether it be yourself or
The world we live in
We stay in this abusive relationship becaue
We think theres no way out
And im afraid there's not
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