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 Sep 2018
 Sep 2018
only fools do what I do
 Sep 2018
Monsters don't sleep
Under your bed
They live inside
Inside of your head
 Sep 2018
It is enough
Only when there is nothing left
You will always take more
Until it is all gone

I give and I gave
And I died
You swore and you killed
And you tried

To be in control
And have it your way
You said this is harsh love
Harsh in every way

What is gentle?
What is sweet?
What is kind?
What is love?

I will never know
Hugs and kisses
Just a stare out a window
To what she misses

I long for better
And you shorten the leash
I retreat
And you yell and preach

I want a conversation
With a little truth
I ask one question
And all hell breaks loose

My nights are safe
Yet you intrude
To take my heart
And find it used

Little sparks in my eyes
And in my life
But fire always
Pays its price

Word as a release
But I bite them back
Trying to be enough
Reminded of what I lack

A comparison
That doesn't compare
To light or dark
Not right or fair

I will always have questions
Answered with slaps
I want to hide
But you drag me back

Hell is hot
But less that your rage
Words that bind
Me into a cage

Add me
To your list
Of those you beat
And those you've kissed

Give me a hammer
To build a home
Give me a friend
So I won't be alone

Play me some music
At my demand
Then take it all away
Just like you planned

I could run farther
And I could run faster
But I crawl back
Like a dog to a master

Good Lord, sever
Me from the earth
And let me sleep
Twixt sky and hearth
 Sep 2018
You don't know what it is like to feel empty unless you have been overflowing
 Sep 2018
Stick me in the rain
And I will learn to sing
But give me an umbrella
And I will learn to fly
 Sep 2018
Secrets** should be kept
By those who hath forged them
 Sep 2018
The little girl in the white dress that I used to see in the mirror visited me in my dreams, and the words she spoke to me crawled off of her tongue like a spider on the walls, she whispered, "you think you are the reason that the sun dies at the end of every day, fool, you are the reason she rises every morning."
 Sep 2018
Some of us make mistakes, and others? we are made up of them
 Sep 2018
What is this that I have succumb to
Nothing more than the rocks that have been thrown at me
What is this
That I find myself unable to rise
To lay in my plight
At the foot of mountains
And the feet of giants
That I cannot climb
Nor can I fight
Still I look to you
A prayer in my eyes
That I have spoken many a time with my lips
A plea
This one thing my hope shall never be wasted on
That you will come for me in my time of need
 Sep 2018
Even the angels would want no part in this
If they could feel as I have felt
 Sep 2018
You were knit together in a womb with a silver lining
 Sep 2018
I can go back years in my mind
And still that changes nothing for today
What is done is dead
But not yet buried
This grave tempts me to lie in it
And my weariness coaxes me along
A few tears are running, silently, down my cheeks
The darkness, she always cries with me
New sheets do naught for old dreams
And new lovers do nothing for old scars
This girl, who runs on sand and streets alike
If you chased her,
And caught her,
She would wind you like a thread around her finger,
And tell you all the secrets of the world
Her heart is cleaved in half
She felt the breaking.
Yet somehow she is put together just so,
Just so, perfectly
The ground she lays upon is cold
Her nails scratch against the tombstones as she rises
Likewise, the sun is climbing her way into the morning
We will bury this night with shovels full of dirt
Enough has been said while the moon is full
To be silent for today
Enough has been said for tomorrow
To be silent today
It is late
But just early enough to remember a few heartbreaks
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