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 Dec 2018
I know naught of your ways
Such as your gods know nothing of me
 Dec 2018
It feels like I'm choking
And there is nothing in my throat
But I can taste the regret in my mouth
I can't breath
Can't cope
Living is hell
But dying?
She is a slippery *****
 Oct 2018
I wish to rage against all the constructs of this world
Against every little constraint
Yet I find my spirit to gentle
And my voice to soft to carry itself
The sun has not yet died
And my feet still carry themselves on the topside of the earth
The strength in my bones does nothing for the restlessness that I cannot shake
 Oct 2018
I came to your table with clean hands
But a ***** mouth
Still you would not feed me
 Oct 2018
You would rather pick the petals to put on my casket
Than take back a word you have said
 Oct 2018
Even in the chaos of my mind
I try to make peace with you
 Oct 2018
You would not have to ask
The way to my heart
If you had one yourself
 Oct 2018
We could arm the heavens
With the weight of our words
Pressing our beating hearts
Into the wrapping of the atmosphere
That they would burn
And be burned out among the stars
That it would all catch fire
To be consumed by flame
And taken by the fear dancing in your eyes

We would stand in the smoke
Breathing in, until we were spent out
Just to find the warmth
That touches more than skin
To feed our soul that has hungered
Has ached
And been starved for a taste of bliss
We rage on against the dying of the Light
As though she would meet us herself in battle
That we would shield ourselves against the immortals
Those who have seen, and known
But would not be caught up by any that hold one hand with fear
Yet clutch at hope
While they lie ,through their gnashing teeth, to the face of death
Thinking to buy one more day
With spent out yesterdays

If only we knew better
If only we listened
To the whispers in the trees
Who speak with caution
That fire burns
And fire kills
To make a space for new things to grow
Yet all that burns is dust to dust
And ashes to ashes
 Oct 2018
You were a millennia of love
A passion I tasted
For but one lifetime of the moon
And as I held your hand
Against the eons
And you whispered unto my soul
Every secret bound within your immortality
To show me what it is
To give meaning to something
When you have had nothing
And could have everything under the sun
You gave up to me
All the ways you could die
Yet I find nothing but life
In the age of your expanse
And in the quiet of your touch
So pour into me
As I am spent out upon you
That we would make a spark
To be a momentary star
In the sky of the eternal
 Oct 2018
This empty bottle has told me all her secrets
Still I hope for more
Like a thirst unquenchable

I tear away at myself
At everything that I have become
The lining of my lungs separates
And I pull her out of my throat,
and she slips through my teeth
As a ghost in the night
And a final breath
That had been spent to soon
She was told to wait
For the ticking of the clock to be silenced

These dreams, they cling
To the corners of my skull
Knocking together in the night
For warmth, for stamina
If each be just a drop of water
It is still enough to drown all else out

Like change in my pockets
Clutched between clammy fingers
And rings that turn my thieving fingers green
Are these memories I hold of you
I dare not let them slip through my fingers
Yet here I find myself
All spent out

These thieving fingers
Have stolen days
Stolen hearts
And left nothing in return
But two or three petals from a fading flower

Such is life
But to awaken each day
And to look for sleep at the end
Yet we paint our faces
With our bleeding, broken hearts
Oh some smiles, how red they are
Try as you might
You cannot wipe away the pain
So let it bleed
Until it has bled out
And still scars hold things together tighter than your hands ever could
 Oct 2018
To be who you are now
Is to know who you were then
And find no shame in either
For life is not made of guilt
Only the lessons found in remembrance
 Oct 2018
I was just your halfway house
When all I wanted to be was your home
 Oct 2018
I look to you
As my guiding light
As if
You were the only star in the sky
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