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 Feb 2023
Mohd Arshad
I have a fresh rose
                   in my hands
                                Still I smell only you
 Jun 2022
Winter Allen Jane
Your drafts are always better than your poems
 Jan 2022
Mohd Arshad

Yet my hope,

What a saint!
 Jan 2022
Mohd Arshad
Don't feel depressed
Though you have been defeated
It was just the flip of a coin
That didn't turn your way

Don't feel depressed
Though you have been put to shame
It was just a dark cloud
That loomed over your head

Don't feel depressed
For you are the waves
That can upsize such defeats
In a single moment

Don't feel depressed
For you are behind the fog today
But will shine tomorrow
Even in the desert of darkness
 Jan 2022
Mohd Arshad
In every leaf that
Falls, agony lies hidden;
We dont hear, we watch.
 Jan 2022
Mohd Arshad
The beggar left bones;
Puppies circled him to grab;
The sweeper swept them.
 Jan 2022
Mohd Arshad
On the cheeks of fog
Our shattered dreams visualise;
The sun restores them.
 Jan 2022
Mohd Arshad
The mouse gnaws at bones
At the pace of day and night;
After that it squeals.
 Jan 2022
Mohd Arshad
The mouse gnaws at bones
At the pace of day and night;
After that it squeals.
 Jan 2022
Mohd Arshad
Is the axis

On which society moves
 Jan 2022
Mohd Arshad
In arms of the clouds
The moon sleeps with eyes open;
Some glowworms twinkle.
 Dec 2021
Mohd Arshad
Without poetry,

Society is an autumn tree
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