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 Sep 2013
Seán Mac Falls
Greatest story told—
Universe in water bead,
Moist earth surrenders.
 Sep 2013
Seán Mac Falls
Preachers feed the flames,
Myriad galaxies explode—
  .  .  .  Dim fires of the mind.
 Sep 2013
Seán Mac Falls
What Gods have mercy?
The fertile plains— all on fire,
Tiger in the grass  .  .  .
 Sep 2013
Seán Mac Falls
Falcon roams the sky—
A poet has come and gone,
  .  .  .  Even moon searches.
 Sep 2013
Seán Mac Falls
Third had grace, loveliest, angels face,
Second had music and long, lithest form,
The first was a lark, one amorous affair,
All three are now but phantasm, dream,
The forests dark, memory— lost to me.
 Sep 2013
Seán Mac Falls
I will not die for you
Woman fey of flesh and home,
I linger but to see you unfrock
The holy, set rogues to roam.

Why should I thus be consumed
In breath like coldest fire?
Shape of rising waterfalls
That state, I surely do not desire

The downy *******, the runny skin,
Spark of cheek, notes of hair in shower,
The gliding step, the gusty tone,
Fools have died for much less a dower.

The lancing pools, the hemlock mien,
The highland sheen, the dawn-bird voice,
The Safire eye, over step of pyramid
Merlin gave Arthur a safer choice.

I will not drown for you,
Flood of hair, red as the lye
In parted Jordan, that sea, not me,
Shall pine as ever, slowly dying.

Your healing humors, your subtle sovereignty,
Your blood, noble as seven-seas are blue,
Little mirror who paints the sky,
Though nearly, I will not die for you.
 Sep 2013
Seán Mac Falls
Her eyes,
Sunken, blue
With edges of ruddy green,
Of olive, kelp, fatigue,
A certain muddy camouflage,
Bright with purpose,
Ambition and fierce urgency,
Set their twin star sights
On me and I learned a new
Word that day—

I fell into formation,
Saluting her stars in the fullest light
Of the falling day.
I learned how to survive
Under such searing heat
And became intimate
With sneak attacks,
Friendly fire, sudden blitzkrieg
And the nuclear winter,
The dark sheet,
Of sorrows unveiling.
 Sep 2013
Seán Mac Falls
If I should die with a shunted echo hear me,
Lost fabled one, my paltry heart the snows,
The warmth rides of the chiding winter sun,
The melody and rustling in cantata leaves,

Whose strings of one, plaintive guitar, strung
By breaths birthing breaks, your tracing lips,
White birds, water wings miraculous, not so
Stunning as your steps float above the water,

I am nothing, less, you shine pure, most of all
More than any heart could tender, how could
An empty house, abridgment only, unhinging
Doors coursing reason hold the new day sun?

As flame was my doom, love hear my thesis—
Should I die, look for me in the loom chrysalis.
 Sep 2013
Seán Mac Falls
With wings at rest longer than its tail
My hobby waits.  Great bird of creation,
Where do you come from?  As I sit and mull
You take flight to and from places I may
Never know,
                            Where are you taking me,
Great spirit on high, far, farther-ring with light
And the wind, which streams then to delirium
Heights?  I am bled and I am torn.  Must I
Suffer in my soaring?  Your clutch, tings
The sky, pierce the cloud, my hobby hovers,
I dream of coronations, talons to my head—
A crown of thorns.
1): a small Old World falcon (Falco subbuteo) with long wings that is dark blue above and white below with dark streaking on the breast.

2): a pursuit outside one's regular occupation engaged in especially for relaxation.
 Sep 2013
Seán Mac Falls
The sea gulls— who fly in wanton
To the horizon, are a spirits
calling, are sea songs falling
To my mind they falter— as I
Have known such cozen to the sun
That falls each day nor do I see
It rising.  My world is weighted,
Under, pass the lining of the quick,
By the mounted cloud which hangs silver
Over the plated night. The owl,
Whose eyes of Janus tails, when wanes
The lids, tied to crescent holey
Whelm of malevolent moon,

Praise over me, with wooly wings,
Is silent as shadow.  I may strut or run
But they do come as the shadows will
With cahooting sun, and the blotting
Bald faced moon, chiaroscuro—
The days feign and heaven pales under
The wake of the luna sea.

       In darkest daylight
I shamble toward the flat horizon
Where the seabirds fly, till their ends,
I take two-faced my faulty comfort
As I see them, falter, falling, yet never
Do they touch the gloaming ground.
 Sep 2013
Dark n Beautiful
Louder than a silent scream
A deafening sound of silence
I saw the light inside of me dim each time;
You wish for me to be obedient
You said you love me. I couldn’t move
My heart race fast, I need to breathe

Never believe in allegiance, or infatuation
This leads to emotions that can’t be met.
Making fun of the clouds in the sky is more realistic
Without all the blissful test
Never believe in love; never want to feel the effects

It never worth the heartache;
I am a stubborn girl
 Sep 2013
Seán Mac Falls
The dark woods circle the clearing.
The marsh birds, safe in their stalks,
Curtains to the yellow,
Cautiously wading.
Wick and wings — wand
Over, under leaves.
Merlin shoots — morning,
Smokes the light

The woodland birds,
High and low,
Flick and feed,
Soon will turn,
To fallen
 Sep 2013
Seán Mac Falls
Johnny goes to war,
Red snake house republican,
  .  .  .  Now he has no limbs.
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