It's been an age
[or is it an eon?
or maybe an epoch?]
since we were ****** from our Garden -
[and why was it called
the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil anyway?
we only ever tasted evil.]
so long ago now that it’s crossed the
threshold between memory and dream.
[was any of it ever real?]
There was never any hope of us turning back,
because that’s the way time drags us -
inexorably forward.
[merciless god!]
But I have been watching,
my love,
as we trudge this endless, dry dust:
I have watched suns rise,
and stars rise,
and moons rise,
And I have been thinking,
my darling -
I have been thinking that we must keep walking,
Because it seems to me
this infinite space
Is perhaps a circle,
And the further away we wander,
The closer to home we come.