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 Jul 2018
I wish you could see,
How close I am to death,
I wish you could feel,
The tightening rope around my neck,
I wish we could be once more again,
Together forever with our happy end,
But I know I won’t get it,
I know you’ll forget it,
After I’ll take my life,
I hope I get to say my one last goodbye,
I hope that you’ll be happy,
That you’ll find what I’ve lost,
I hope you won’t be angry,
That I’ve bet my life in cost,
And I’ve lost it,
I have lost my life,
I hope we don’t regret it,
Our child is never born,
I hope that you’ll come,
At that day in a dress so dark,
I hope that you’ll cry,
That you’ve lost me so young,
Cuz I’m crying now,
But you won’t come to help,
You’re too busy with your life,
With your finding yourself,
You’ll only know the cost,
When everything is lost,
You will only say it,
When you’re staring at my cross,
Oh and I know darling that this is taking too long,
But I hope that you’ve read it,
These are my final words.
 Jun 2017
I was little bit happy,
Little bit sad,
Cuz in the end,
You will break my heart,
Still it will be wonderful,
Good times, bad times,
You can never choose,
In the end it doesn't matter,
Nothing matters really,
So take everything you got,
Cuz nothin' better is coming,
You will die like the rest of us,
Resting in our coffins.
10. June 2017
 May 2017
What to do,
When everything was true,
I can't think of anything now,
I just need to get wasted,
Forget what I found,
I guess you don't get opportunities twice,
The first time I ****** up,
Second chances don't come up,
The fact that it was my fault is killing my mind,
I would be so glad if I woke up.
8. March 2017
 May 2017
Sorry for all the words unspoken,
Sorry for all the pain awaken,
I didn't mean to do this,
At least not like that,
What the hell happened,
Where is my mind,
I need to go now,
7. February 2017
 May 2017
Like it's so hard to know what you want,
I think you don't know anyway,
I sometimes feel like there can be a new start,
And sometimes I feel like this was never planned,
I can give you the time but I don't how long will it take before I fall apart,
The funny thing is that I did this to you,
I don't know how was I able to be so rude,
I'm sorry for that,
Guess I will have to suffer the same way that did your heart.
7. February 2017
 May 2017
Like I know that you can't take things back,
But you can make sure all the pain and suffering will be repaid back,
As smiles and good things,
Support in all the things,
You want to do,
You need to do,
Just always remember,
That I love you.
6. February 2017
 May 2017
I wish you could've hold me just a little longer,
Why didn't I belong here,
Had to go into despair,
It's hard to be happy,
When you can't share your feelings,
With the person who led you,
Lended you his own strenght,
Told you "You can do it",
But now farewell.
24. December 2016

— The End —