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 Mar 2014
It was never meant to be serious.

It’s funny how easy that is to say

Before you begin.

"No strings attached" is easy to agree upon

Until you’re hanging from a cliff

And they’re safely above with yards and yards of rope

That they would use to save you

If you weren’t


And you have to say, as your palms begin to

Sweat on the edge and you lose grip on the crumbling rocks

That he seems happy.

You have to remind yourself as you grasp desperately

For a hand that doesn’t exist

That this is what you agreed to.

 Mar 2014
Sometimes at stoplights

I turn to you

And see the silhouette of your face

And decide all over again

That I’m in love with you.

I look out the window, down

At the gravel road beneath your tires

So you won’t see me blushing

Or biting my lip when you laugh

And inside my head, I beg you to make

Another lap around the neighbourhood.

Sometimes the distance between

My hand and yours

Hurts to think about

Because how easy would it be

For me to reach over

And curl my fingers into yours?

And maybe I wouldn’t even

Have to pretend

I didn’t mean to.

I wonder if you saw the way

My lip trembled when I thought

Maybe I’m just going crazy -

I wonder if you heard

About the way your name

Makes my head spin.

Sometimes at dawn

When I’m only now saying

Goodnight to you, I think about

Saying, “wait,” at the last minute

But I wonder whether or not

I would be able to go through with it -

Whether I even had any idea

How to put this into words,

Or if I might just start crying

Because oh my god,

How long have I wanted to kiss you?

I wonder if, all those times

I paused and told you

Anything just to say another word,

You knew.
 Mar 2014
I was still in love with you on your bad days

When you wanted to be nowhere, nothing,

When you disappeared under the covers and

I felt them shake with sobs and the first thing you said

When you felt my hand trailing up your spine

Was, “I’m sorry, love. Did I wake you up?”

Sometimes, with puffy, red eyes, you’d tell me

To leave you. You’d tell me that loving you was

A waste of my time and that I deserved more

Than you could ever be, but when you fell against

The front door, kicking and screaming at me

For giving you a reason to stay that you didn’t want,

I was there. Even when I was the only string

On your finger, the only thing keeping you from

Floating away, I loved you.

At night, when the sound of rain falling on the windowsill

Kept me awake, you’d tell me what your world was like.

Sometimes it would scare me, just like it did you,

But I told you that you could stay in mine awhile.

Sometimes you would stop talking mid-sentence

And I would ask you what was wrong.

When you said nothing at all, I knew you hadn’t

Said, “nothing at all.” I knew there was a difference.

You said you didn’t understand me, why I would

Stay with you when you were like this, and I said,

"I’m in love with you," eleven times over

Until I thought, for about an hour,

You believed me.
 Mar 2014
In your arms tonight.
For tonight,
I know nothing of peace.
Love me now,
If not tenderly.
To save whatever is left
Of my tomorrow.
 Mar 2014
Head pounding
Heart breaking
You're not in reach
Yet I hear you saying
"I love you, I want you"
But not enough
You left me here
My heart turned to dust
I'm walking a tight rope
Being pulled to both sides
Soon I'll just fall
I guess it was a good ride
A good ride while it lasted
But I see it's all over
You may still love me
But you also love her
I don't really blame you
I'm not one to keep
No matter what I do
Everyone leaves
I'm not anything special
In is not where I fit
I guess that's why people leave
But, don't worry, I'm used to it.
 Mar 2014
A love triangle
Of two rivals
One shows, but is the love really true?
One truly loves, but doesn't always show enough
A magnet stuck in the middle
Attracting the opposite pairs
Spinning from side to side
To see who really cares
It's hard to make a choice
Between true love,
And what was confused to be love
Turns out it was something else, so to say,
She thinks she's made her choice
Once the darkness goes away
But her darkness soon returns
and things never were the same
With all this confusion
I don't want to play this game
You know,
This sounds really familiar
Our story has already been written
It has already been put to paper,
By the legendary Stephanie Meyer
I'm Jacob
With my warmth, and emotions that I hide
She's Edward
With her false words, and cold darkness on the inside
So you must be Bella
Not knowing which way to bend
But Stephanie Meyer
Already told me how this would end
How about instead
A change in the story line, and fast,
How about this time
The good guy DOESN'T finish last
How about this time
The best friend doesn't take the fall.
How about this time
True love conquers all.
 Feb 2014
She has scars on her legs from the damage you did.
And the apex of her wrists will never be quite the same.
          X's carved into her skin,
  ­                                                loathing.
She feels weak,
and out of control.
Her flesh will never look quite unmarred.
Imperfections because of you mark her skin,
and she cries because it makes her weak
because you made it hard to breathe.
 Feb 2014
I don't know
What to do
Where to go
I'm so ******* confused.
You say you're my friend,
But I feel so used.
I really don't know what to do,
This is all because of you.
You ******* *****!
How could you do this to me
You keep stabbing me in the back
You're supposed to be my friend.
What the ****
What the ****
What am I supposed to think?!
Are we just supposed to start fresh,
Yeah, in your ******* dreams.
You hurt me so bad
and I don't know what to do,
My heart is in constant pain,
and it's all because of YOU.
 Feb 2014
I miss your darkness
and how the weight of it
caused me to gravitate closer.
So close,
that I knew I would be changed by the intensity.
I miss your smile,
and how your fake laughter fooled everyone in the room,
but me.
I miss how at ease you seemed in my arms,
and the security we found in the family we created.
Sweet sleeping beauty,
I miss you. <3
 Feb 2014
And lately
Waking up has been the same thing
as pulling a sweet lull
from the beats of my heart.

It's been like stopping what struggled to start,
and saying things like
later, later
tomorrow, tomorrow.

My lungs don't buy these lies,
and even now

It's harder to breathe.
 Feb 2014
I promise
That everything I say
Will only be the truth
Which will be as clear as day
No matter what may happen
My intent will never stray
I will never conspire
And I will never betray
 Feb 2014
What we had was shunned.
Not for what it was,
but what they thought.
Though it was more than any of them ever knew.
And more than either of us could handle.
I hope the day will come,
When you can look back and smile.
Because that smile
Is all I ever really wanted out of you <3
 Feb 2014
If you have time,

Call me.
Tell me your sorrows,
Share with me your pain.
I'll face a thousand arrows,
Just to meet you in the rain.

Sing to me.
I will lend you my ears,
listen unto your melody.
I will do this for years,
Even if it becomes a felony.

Cry on me.
Pour your tears,
and let me wipe em out.
Like a handkerchief of fears,
Then you can throw me out.

Love me.
Give me the stars
and I will draw constellations.
Let's sail the seven seas
and embark the greatest fascinations.
Together, lets figure words that rhyme.

That is, if you have time.
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