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 Apr 2018
I found you, in a stack of photos:
the 2D you, I can't touch, taste or smell

the first thing that came to mind was sharing a joint with you and spilling the chocolate ice cream cone on your skin-******* shorts

and sneaking into the Woolworth bathroom, and our freaked frenzied scrubbing of fabric with nimble fingers and pink powdered hand soap

and how we couldn't stop laughing
until a woman older than time caught us
before we could consummate

which we did after running the entire
200 yards to my van, wet white shorts in your hand, with me looking over my shoulder for imagined narcs and other freedom snatchers

when we finished, we shared my last Winston, blowing smoke rings in the gathering gloom

your shorts were dry, and our high
had worn off--you didn't kiss me goodbye when I dropped you off

between your pad and mine,
I hit a black mongrel pup wandering on the dark asphalt

I scooped him off the road
with my hands; lifeless, light he was...

I found you, in that stack of ancient
photos--that was the day we conceived a son, one you had shredded in a doctor's office for $300 in illegal tender

I see the messy ice cream, your naked nineteen year old flesh,  smoke rings disappearing, the poor mutt dying

though not for lack of trying, I can't see the child you had executed in utero--without trial, judge or jury, save an elusive dream
of freedom

Albuquerque, 1967
 Apr 2018
Benji James
If not for hellopoetry
I would have given up
The writing was starting to take its toll
Left me emotionally exhausted
I was forced to take a break
For all my energy it had drained
Sleepless nights, endless lines
Trying to switch off my brain
Left me depressed
When sentences formed
A story I'd tell
About my life in hell
Sometimes dramatised to a new level
Sometimes I have seen myself become the devil
All my emotions that stain the page
The blood, sweat and tears
Written into each line
Left me losing moments in time
And for this writing became a crime
Didn't feel like I was utilising my mind
Until recently I realised this was the only legacy
I would leave behind
I've seen this art in a whole new light
Through words on a page, I've shown my fight
I've shown all my emotions, I have been totally open
Gave my all in every line
Sprinkled in a flavour of rhyme
If not for hellopoetry all I'd have is blank pages
A mind full of lines, forgotten in time
Took some time to unwind
And that is when I realised
These writings and I are bound for life
I've learned to embrace this now
Finally proud of all my works,
how has it taken me this long
To fall in love with this art
If not for hellopoetry
An appreciation I would never have tasted
And this whole community I've embraced it
Don't care if you love or hate it
It's made me make some changes
If not for hellopoetry
There are talents I may never have uncovered
Some of us are still so young,
Still, more room left to improve
The elder ones raising us up
Understanding a whole new love for this art
I once said These lyrics were written in blood
Straight from the arteries from my heart
That metaphorically speaking
I spread all I am, all across the page
Bled the led with what I felt  
So much heart into every verse
All this time it was never a curse
It was something special I've been gifted
To get all these thoughts out of my system
If not for hellopoetry
I wouldn't be here...caught within this poetic atmosphere

©2018 Written By Benji James
 Apr 2018
Posted this some time ago and pulled it down after a couple hours.  I think it's time to leave it.  No, I don't write too many love poems....

I've often thought of splitting seconds down to nothing
how far it might be possible to walk into a wall
until my atoms slushed into the chalkboard
till the pressure where--
they are no longer fissile   
where time stops and everything stands still...

...except for that taxi in the alley, honking

I could tell you what is out there
but who the hell would listen?

Everyone kept asking what I'd seen

Someone, somehow told them something--
of the torrent rushing by me
of the torment of the all-stop
for a soul still fused by heat and light to longing--
--or how would they have known to ask?

When you get out there--
when you are really out there
it's all exactly where you left it standing--
every cell--
burning despair over the fuel of utterly alone
And how can anyone tell you....

I begged,
"I want to feel again!"
He kicked me
“You can feel."

A window standing open in the third floor of night
and I was hanging out it

A taxi in the alley
leaning on the horn

Heard-- my mother screaming out
from somewhere
Saw-- my body beside a car
below in snow

From behind me--
“Who the hell called a cab!”

...and when you're really out there
the windows all have opened onto nothing...
Death having long since-- left the scene.

When you get really out there
it's all--
and nothing

He came to lead me out
I begged
“Define me!
Wrap your loving words around me!
Give me all the reasons we should be!”

He touched my hands my face  
"We are"

made sure to catch my eyes--
again assuring

"We are.  We are.”
The intention of that night was for me to commit suicide, end the agony.  Perhaps the truest free-will act of my life was turning from that window.  It was not an act of strength or good-- not even desperation-- just response to silent urging-- to turn around.  Something snapped.  I could see it all, the evil ones waiting like starving vultures and then, the absolute mayhem of their panic as if they were shot around like rubber bands,  suddenly aware they were exposed.  I fled the house with two different boots and someone eles's coat.  

I escaped into a January sunrise of despair.  The evil watchers had sent one of their own to accompany me.  The same one who had assured me it was hell, the same who would assure me as we walked along that "I'd get used to it."  But the morning colors of daybreak over the Merrimack River and the songs of birds were far too beautiful.  One thing I was sure of:  I was not dead, but had somehow escaped the anteroom of hell, had torn a hole in the continuuum of their diabolical plan.  Yes, it is possible by a single decisive act to alter time, to change eternity.

Drug related psychosis (LSD) with thought-process hallucinations and audibles.  Lasted 8 or 9 months, during which, I hardly slept for more than ten minutes at a time.   It ended as suddenly as it started.  Yes, I was in my right mind again.  No, I could never hit the reset on my life.  Consequences?  I knew what would have happened to me if I had gone to a hospital.    I'd read The Bell Jar and Ariel-- knew what happened to my Aunt Lil-- Belchertown State Hospital, the shock treatments, the Thorazine with its tardive dyskinesia. "...Our names too close, confused too often...  


When it was really bad, there was this one guy, Jay, who could talk me down. He was like an angel.
 Apr 2018
Jeff Gaines
Hello everyone,

  I'm so very sorry … I feel horrible doing this, but I have no choice. You see, I have published my first book on Amazon/Kindle! This piece (and many others) had to be taken down because they do not allow published material to be available online for free. (Go figure) I wanted to leave the shell of the posts because I felt compelled to leave all your helpful and loving comments. (Silly sentimental, I know), but I also didn't want to just have the pieces disappear without an explanation. I feel bad enough as it is!

  I owe ALL of you so, SO much for all of your reads, love, and support. It was YOU that gave me the gumption to FINALLY get off my **** and publish! Thank you all for the warm comments, camaraderie, and encouragement! I will still be here, reading, uploading and just being the Rascal that I am. How could I EVER leave you guys?

  The book is called “The Way I See It – FictionPhilosophySoul Food” and it will be FREE for the first few days on Kindle Select, so watch for it, if you are interested. I hope that you go and grab it. If you do, I would also hope that you find it worthy, you would leave me a good review. That will help me get in the public eye! Soon afterward (2-3 days or so), it will be available in paperback.

Find the book(s) here:

Or find the book(s), and all about me, here:

  Soon after, I also hope to have my first novel (a supernatural thriller), called “Wanderer” available as well!

  Wish me luck!

                                Big, Biggest Love,

                                               Jeff Gaines
I once had a really close friend ... I really want to believe this ... BUT ...
No matter how close I thought I was ... I would soon learn I was wrong. and eventually, after years of what I thought was closeness, she just "vanished" from me (or did she "vanish" me from her?), leaving me no way to contact her.

I pondered the reasons to the point of insanity ... until I realized that it just was what it was and there was nothing to do or say except to write a therapeutic piece like this (a few, actually) and move on.

I was led to find this writing from poet Trent Shelton ...
It truly began my healing process with an enlightening understanding:

"You can't control someone's loyalty. Being loyal is a decision they have to make. No matter how good you are to them, doesn't mean they'll treat you the same. No matter how much they mean to you, doesn't mean they'll value you the same. You just have to understand the people you love the most, can sometimes turn out to be the people you can trust the least. But never let that turn you into a person you're not. Keep LOVE in your heart."
 Apr 2018
J Robert Fallon III
Seeping into this mattress the only consistency I know now, the only object I recognize is my stoic unchanging frown.

Running away always seems the viable choice, but the lonely mind is succumbed to having no voice.

The choice is directly in front of me and my hand, yet it looks so hideously bland, I don't understand.

When will my soul become a part of this confusing land?

So easily forgotten, do we remember the bright days of playing in the sand?

When dreams were always ingrained in the inevitable plan?

We all seem to forget the small thought of no matter what I can.
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