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 Jan 2016
Pooling emotion on our face
Told by most it's a disgrace
Hot and wet and full of pain
Never should be known again

Invisible paths cut across dry cheeks
Cannot let them think us weak

Let dark clouds loom overhead-
Let them cry the tears we refuse to shed
It has been raining a lot lately, and I've been thinking about angsty character stuff. I guess it also has to do with the fact that so many people refuse to cry because society has made it out to be a sign of weakness and... yeah...
 Jan 2016
Continents and countries
Miles between
Somehow we always meet here on this street
Or perhaps just...

The foot of the mountain or the very peak
Miles, count the distance you will see
Yet here we are, you and I, at the corner of Myrtle and Fir
Or maybe…

Perhaps fate is on our side
Perhaps the stars are perfectly aligned
Perhaps it was always meant to be
Perhaps it’s a small world for you and me
Perhaps a bit disjointed? I don't know and I think I like it. It is rather interesting, how conversations, no matter how odd or unpleasant, can give you inspiration for poetry.
Oh, and the reason I chose Myrtle and Fir is because myrtle stands for "Love"  and fir for "Time" which I liked very much.
 Jan 2016
I usually know how to say how I feel, but this sadness is too great
Can't write it beautifully, just cry
Every waking moment tears are streaming, nothing can stop them from falling

I wrote you a letter
That you will carry with you forever

I'm sorry
I cannot say
Or write
Anything great
My dad died a couple of days ago.
 Jan 2016
If I let you in
What would you think?
Would you see a person?
Would you see a thing?

If I showed to you
What was deep within
Would you shrink in fear?
Would you scorn the sin?

If I showed you my scars
Would you trace them like stars?
Would you laugh in derision-
Mock all my flaws?

If I opened my heart
Would you always be gentle?
Would you cradle it softly
And whisper “It’s beautiful”?

If I showed I was lonely
Would you show you were too?
Would you look past it all?
Would you tell me, “I love you”?
Thinking on characters of mine...

— The End —