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 Sep 2019
As sparse
      As rare
The finest diamond

        She's there
My greatest love

            Of all my life

In flesh
           In soul
Befixt in time

            To ever always be

 Sep 2019
oUt Of sYNc
Her canvas was drowning with blood;
As her paintbrush slices open her skin.
Paying the price for showing the world
her beautiful art from within.

She strokes her paintbrush in colours
Reflecting ripples of repetitive repulsion.
Her canvas covered with colours and
Succession of the glitters of her imagination.

She’s trying to escape, don’t you see
the struggle riddling her eyes?
She always hated her life but
you never realized what’s behind her lies.

Her mind was the most beautiful explosion
of vivacities through collision of galaxies.
The colours of her canvas masking her
tears from the ever growing mental atrocities.

This is the price she pays to show the world
The beauty of her mind.
For how can you write your beautiful poetry without the
Dark void of emptiness you feel inside.
she was my artist. WAS
 Aug 2019
Living deep
Out in my forest
In an attempt
To close my mind
It fail upon
A dark October
In a better
  Vanished time...
When we were young
And life was bolder
I never thought
We'd get older
While recklessly
We lived as if we
  Could never die...
In drones of silence
The heart beats on
Slowly now
As I write my songs
And here I play another solo
   As I turn to face the night...
Traveler Tim

I replayed this
and realize
It's all been
Said before..
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