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 Apr 2018
Child of mine please know

All things have a season

All things have a time

If stars can fall, then crash and burn

Humans fight and fail to learn

Then time has nought to teach

The blind will never learn to see

And the deaf will fail to hear

Even mighty rivers run dry

And seas can also die


my heart stopped beating

But time has taught me this...

Love is where you find it

Follow joy wherever you can

Hope can spring eternal

Fellowship remains in man
 Apr 2018
I have your soul

inscribed upon my heart

So love

Can never tear us apart
 Apr 2018

Sleepy lethargy took hold

of the nightwatcher

As his weary flesh, blood and bones

Fought to stay awake

Waiting patiently for break of day

With sodden wet clothes

Clinging to bones

He breathed cold air into hands

Whilst dreams of warmer lands enticed...

Imperceptibly at first

It came,

A distant sound

Carried softly on the wind.

He strained to listen

Doubting his senses,

listening to the remote strains

Of a far off harmony.

He deliberately slowed his breathing

To listen more as his eyes strained against

The screen of fog restricting his view

Then again came the harmony

Only to fade and die,

Leaving him feeling strangely bereft.

He walked to starboard

Delight blooming in his heart

Leaning further overboard

Enraptured and entranced

He heard it once again

He was falling ever deeper

Succumbing to the wail

Of the sirens call
 Apr 2018
He wasn't out of place

Just out of time

Playing for those long gone

And unseen

Clothes fluttering in a breeze gone by

Lips delivering music

Inaudible to the living

He wasn't out of place

Just out of time.
Today I went to Caernarfon Castle and was surprised to see a bagpipe player outside but when I looked back he had disappeared with no where to go.  Only when I got home did I discover that Welsh bagpipe players have been in existence since the fourth century.
 Apr 2018
I stand before you

Bare, bold, naked

To hold a mirror

Against your hatred
 Apr 2018
From nowhere

Like motes in the air

Notes begin to appear

Ethereal to the eye

Soft as the sigh

Of breath upon your face

Gliding over your senses

You feel their touch

Origin unknown.

Whether a force of rage

Or state of grace

For a time

You each occupy the same space.

Words can touch your heart

Or destroy your soul,

Obliterate your being

Or leave you whole,

And though the author

You cannot see

You get to know them intimately.

Though the origin of the author

Is often unknown

When words are shared

Your not alone.
 Apr 2018
Aged three score and ten

The old man walked

Onwards and upwards

laborious and slow

to the foothills of the Himalayas

Once there seated quiet

Amid the hush

His aging mind wandered

The collective unconscious

Letting go of earthly need

Intuition planted a seed

He prayed for wisdom, love and peace

All the earthbound wars to cease

His spirit soared

With shoals of souls

Awash in roar and flow

Then he saw the passing of time

watched his body age and decline

Learned that though we may come

From a different place

We are all connected through the human race

Then felt his body at one with a tree

As the cherry blossom fell gracefully
 Apr 2018
With a voice oak rich in timbre

Deep like the rumble of the seas

And tired by the weight of the years

He told me of his life

How he came from the hot lands

Inky in places with mahogany trees

Where the sky at night

Became so dark

The whole was illuminated by

The moon and stars

He told me of a simple life

Where hard work

And nature's bounty

Were all that was needed

To get by

Recipes handed down

Were used as remedies

To cure aches, pains

And life's maladies

Where family was all

And neighbours would call for aid

knowing kindness could be repaid

As and when

He spoke as if time itself was on his side

And when his eyes closed at last

It was time itself

I wanted to defy
 Apr 2018
Could the sun be
    a hole up there—
    that if I could leap
    would enter that breach of light

   Throw me a line!
   Give me a reason
   There’s never enough
   in this life of breathing!

   Explain why dreams roll a soul
   toward the cliffs of day
   Wakes to ache
   then stuffs its mouth
   with necessary same
   button shirt—brush hair
   necessary glance in the mirror
   (yes, still there)    

A lifetime!
   in a shallow instant’s stiff clear water
   (Yeah— still there)  
   in endless caverns of tired eyes
   above mouth still trying
   to say SOMETHING!  
   from ever smaller eternities
   in the glass-flat empty....

Please! Someone explain!
   this draw of breath
   one forcing itself upon another's
   of beating —
   Violence in my chest!

Why hearts don’t sleep—

and I wind up watching
again and again—till
I am the ******...

...Morning lies
   in the mists of a humid *****
   who moans and sweats
   and boils her hips—
   and I wind up watching!?

“Will someone please…!"

   ...and I wind up watching
   bedspread, bed sore, death bed
   till you’re breathing easy
   when she sits and picks
   her collapsed bouffant
   damning the makeup
   that got crushed in the sheets


   with no expectancy
   both tired of knowing...

   ...The Devil lost his balance
   in my presence one night

...tired of knowing—


  ...walk away
   or continue to play

   I could open this screen!
   watch the world STEP BACK!
                                 SLAP FLAT!
   as trees and dwellings flush like quail
   to prop their tottering panic
   against the blue—

You—assume composure...
   compose assumptions
   Await my next—

Move like a spy
Why I don’t play chess or any other game
for that matter.    
“...and when you're really out there
the windows all have opened onto nothing...
Death having long since-- left the scene.
When you get really out there
it's all--
and nothing…”
 Apr 2018
Cold today
but at least
the sun's
in play

Out in it

Wind talking
through mouthfuls of white pine
sweeping, swishing whispers
just enough to let the chimes
sing as bells
without bashing-- themselves
to dissonant trinkets

Music-muttering, free

Leafless shadows of the early spring
cold creeping 'cross
the yards toward noon
where they disappear
into a wood-chipper

What the hell is with my neighbors?

Why do people hate their trees?
Maybe 'cause they are not theirs?
Grown beyond them and their confines?

My tiny yard so feral
They probably hate mine too
But I belong to them  
and mine belong to me
They curve around, protective
my home of wind and bird and sky
cream 'n coffee
one into another
Music sometimes
falling through itself into...
know ******* a morning

I let them live

trees and neighbors my mind smears into afternoon
 Apr 2018
There's beauty in the night time

That no one else see's

There's an orchard in the forest

That whispers in the breeze.

There's a place I often go to

Known only by me

If I get to know you better

I might just let you see.
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