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 Apr 17
boy ran to the fields
and saw how big the sky is
brother didn't see

boy ran to the fields
and fell towards the big sky
brother longs for him

boy ran to the fields
his brother chased after him
they ran forever
 Apr 17
summer sun, high noon
little boy tied to a tree
it's midnight, full moon
 Apr 14
tonight I'm awake
so I can spend tomorrow
feeling so sleepy
 Apr 14
can't you trust me like
you trust gravity to pull
you back to the ground
 Apr 14
restless, these long nights
looking for you in the stars
found you, I found rest
 Apr 14
quickly does the road
get stained by the rain that fell
fast from somewhere else
 Apr 14
the night, swift and loud
crying of the long day's sun
about the full moon
 Apr 14
right hand seeks the lamp
left arm numb with you in it
I wake up alone
 Apr 14
bamboos sway and bend
in the moon's last summer light
we say our goodbyes
 Apr 14
talking in the dark
speaking with only our hands
I found warmth and light
 Apr 14
inside the tunnel
the clown made you cry again
so I hold your hand
 Apr 14
the way your hair waves
seems like sakura petals
so hard to ignore

sakura fall five
centimeters per second
I'm falling faster

you're a sakura
and I'm a cobblestone path
waiting for autumn

I left home armored
and I will be home again
as a sakura
 Apr 14
leaves fall like ashes
touching the ground like tancho
flowers spring from it
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