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 Oct 2013
adam hicks
am like a second-hand record
my surface is scratched
and i have been passed through many,
many hands
the grainy silence between my songs
can be so long
and sometimes i skip a note
but when i'm under your needle
i play like an anthem
are so well dressed
it's as if the whole world
is tailored to your perfect frame
sometimes, it's almost a shame
to pull your shirt away from your skin
i wanna watch you fold your laundry
i wanna share a *** of coffee
and play with the food on your plate
but i'll never ask for it to be that way
and that's okay
when you smile my way
it feels like warm weather
you are the sun shining on my face
there are days
when all it does is rain
but everything needs water to grow
there is a tree in my chest
it's roots run down to my feet
and when it flowers i feel it
in the palms of my shaking hands
i hold them up to those rain clouds
because i don't want this feeling
to wilt and die.
 Oct 2013
adam hicks
my first boyfriend bought me an etch-a-sketch for christmas
with "i love you" drawn onto it
then broke up with me on new years day
the irony is not lost on me
and i still don't know
what shook him so hard
that i was erased
i was young then-
didn't know much about life
about love
hell, i still don't
i stumble my way through it all
i often trip & fall
yeah, i'm clumsy like that
but i'm saving all my "i love you"'s
and keeping them to myself
'cause honestly,
my love is the quiet kind
it's not candles & fancy table-cloths
or nicholas sparks dialogue
no, it isn't shouted from rooftops
it's whispered into pillowcases
in lonely beds
i make valentines mixtapes
that i never give out
i catch my tongue
before it runs away
with the words
i don't have the guts to say
i keep them locked up
somewhere in my ribcage
when i see you
i feel them rattling in my bones
there are claw marks on my throat
from times they've threatened
to spill out my mouth
i cry for you
like spilled milk
as white as your library smile
let me inside
i wanna learn everything
your wisdom teeth have to offer
i promise
i will be the perfect pupil
get straight A's
in the curves of your lips
what i mean to say
is if i kiss you
would that
started this as entirely self-reflective, but it all turned into a poem for someone else. c'est la vie.
 Oct 2013
mark john junor
a rain shower fades away in memory
and the air is thick in aftermath
drenched with memory
as we lay beneath the overhang
her lace dress crisp against my cheek
i turn to say something but am
caught up by her distant looking silent revere
the notion of her hand moving along my arm
and her fragile spinning thoughts speaking in her expression
soft skin glows in the evening light
like moonlight was created in her
and the world uses a cheap imitation moon instead of her
she feels me staring and tickles
i laugh and tickle back
we fill our small space with unconquerable giggles
with strong strong loves like sweet wine
we just keep drinking each other in
it always fulfills but its never enough
its like a rose that never fades
like a summer rain shower
soft and slow
wet and warm
intimate to the soul
like a thousand gentle kisses
soaking to the heart and soul
leaves you dancing slow barefoot spins
and heartbeat long pauses in the arch between
ecstasy of body and soul
she is a song to me
and its her love that sings to me
with each nuance of her presence
the day is fading
and soon we will have to pick our selfs up
and drift home
i don't want to get up
don't want to be out of her arms
want this moment to go on and on
want to stay here in
the sand 'neath the overhang forever
laughing holding hands we push back the years
and wonder how we ever
got on without this right here
her hand in mine
if heaven could be described
it would be the quiet dance
two lovers do
in each others arms
without a word
without anything but each other
 Oct 2013
i don’t know where
i’m going with this
all i know is you
have the strongest smile
since my sister
was in the hospital.

it’s like i’m staring
into some sort of futuristic
mirror image of myself
like i’m seeing something
between who i was
and who i want to be
when who i am
is who i want to be
suffocated beneath a thin layer
of gauze

gauze like that of my sister’s
bandages taped
to her wrists
holding blood in;
blood is a terrible word
for a poem,
but at least it isn’t as trite
as what i’m about to say
about your eyes:

your eyes remind me
of what it means to be
on a highway with a cigarette
in one hand and a zippo lighter
in the glove compartment
but the lighter fluid is almost empty
and the cigarette is burning
up and out but your eyes
are still there
and i don’t want you
to stop
seeing me

because i see you
and you’re there
and you have the strongest heart
and you’re holding me.

and i love you
and that’s not some sort
of poetic *******, that’s some
real ****, it’s some corny ****,
some i’m highway fast driving
serious **** and you like it
like that.
you guys arielle is basically my idol she is my inspiration i love her so much she's always there for me for everything and she never yells at me or screams at me and she's just such a lovely person x
 Oct 2013
Amanda Michaels
paints of red,
tears of gold,
skin is blue,
body cold.

starving herself,
crying by choice,
no one wants to
hear her voice.
been in a horrible mood lately. sorry.
 Oct 2013
Amanda Michaels
racing with you
to desert skies
running until we
       have to say goodbye

holding you tightly
        as tight as i can
closing my eyes
         so it will never end.
a little ******. eh.
 Oct 2013
Amanda Michaels
i've been told that love
        is a cage binding you,
a trap held
        deep beneath your heart,
restricting your
         fragile bones,
and suddenly everything
and suddenly everything
          is broken

and you
*don't know what hit you.
writing poetry makes me happier.
 Sep 2013
Don't have the time
or patience
to spit a half assed apology out of my mouth
so I'm detained
Lock myself in a white washed box
Listen to teen suicide
mumble mumble
who am I
and all that ****
We're all trapped in our own heads
Constantly detained
in our own (in)sanity
 Sep 2013
the people here are
static on the television
food with preservatives
plastic flowers.
 Sep 2013
chryselle g
you traced the lines on
my palm not knowing
they were thigmotropic

crawled up around
your fingers and tied
themselves into a ribbon
so you won’t forget

(i hope letting me fall
asleep in your bed is
something you don’t regret)
 Sep 2013
i kissed a boy
i had no feelings for
because his drugs
made me forget
about the boy who
took all my feelings
with him.
 Sep 2013
Brian O'blivion
kiss me like the plague
hands of the sea
fingers an armada

kiss me with your barb wire lips
your lipstick's like a curse
crooked teeth and gapped
your smile like a hearse

kiss me with pink scars on your drop dead skin
(lead me to your slaughter)
thighs spun into spider silk
(I’ll be your sacrificial lamb)
1 pint water
3 drops mother’s milk
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