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 May 6
hazem al jaber

Just a dream...
nothing more...
dream about little cottage...
surrounded by a flowers and birds...

dream about little isle...
full of love and happiness...
which fly through it sky...
all kind of birds...
and especially the love birds...
which it supplied our souls with its love...
while no one there...
only me and you...
only my soul and yours...
to enjoy the love which we always desired about...

dream about passionately story...
which its sun, never to stay away...
and its moon, shining always...

that's all what i am dreaming about...
is that so much for me...? ? ?

can i have this dream ...
with only you ...

by: hazem
 Mar 24
hazem al jaber
Need a hug ...

just need now ...
a hug ...
to turn off ...
the fires of nostalgia ...
that lives  ...
inside me ...
because ...
of my needs for you ...
and with every day ...
after midnight ...
i get drunk ...
while i'm reading  ...
your letter's wine ...
and with every letter ...
which you write ...
i imagining you ...
as you take me off ...
with every word ...
piece  after piece ...
until  my body ...
get drunk ...
all the night ...
with a needs ...
to be hugged ...
as your lovely words ...
hugged my body all ...

hazem ...
 Jan 29
hazem al jaber
Looking for you ..

I'm looking for a lover ...

If she came...
the sun because of her shine ...
If she whispered...
I be as a poem's love on her papers ...
If she sang ...
the roses of heaven were her lovers ...
if she was silent...
the Jasmine rained from her eye ...
And if I'm sad...
she try hard to make me happy ...

I'm looking for a lover ...

when I see her...
my eyelids embrace her eyes ...
to whisper to me...
with all the words of love on her lips ...
to miss her...
even in the moments of meeting her ...
even if I am gone...
my love to her runs in her heart forever ...

I'm looking for a lover...
not any lover ...
and I don't want any love...
except your love...
because I find myself with you...
and with you...
I put my heart...
free only for you

hazem al....
 Jan 15
hazem al jaber
Love is a feeling ...

Love is not just a words...
taken from songs...
and it is not stones...
used to build a palace of illusions...
Love is a feeling in a heart's one....
that fears for you.....
It gives you a smile...
when the world is cruel to you...
love also is ...
a look that settles you in the paradise...
of unknown fantasies...
Love is a feeling ...
that makes you...
the most important person...
in your lover’s life..

this is the love ...
that i seek ...
and care for ...

hazem ...
 Dec 2023
hazem al jaber
Brain's pen...

never to stop...
my imaginations about you...
with every night come...
i get you into my bed...
to make with you...
from memories...
that we talked...
a great novel...
with endless pages...
within my brain...
that writes...
because of...
the heart...
which it beats...
cause of you...
to make me...
every night...
drawing you...
with me...
with my...
brain's pen...
into my bed,,,

wish you could feel...
wish you read...
my craziness about you...

hazem al ...
 May 2019
Özcan Sh
I have seen so many broken hearts
And a fake smile on their masks

The beautiful song that I heard
Didn’t play anymore

I want to feel the warm sun again
I want to see the true love again

I gave them my last pieces of my heart
Just to hear the song
And see their warm smile again.
 Oct 2018
Grace Ann
I must be allergic to you
every time you come near me I swear
my stomach starts doing somersaults
My palms grow slick with perspiration
and I start to asphyxiate on fantasies of you
Surely I must be allergic
Why else would my eyes water at the thought of losing you
why else would I hold onto hope like an epi-pen that you are meant for me?

Within my breathe
Resides your LOVE
Along with your being
Your blood flows within me
I became your good-self in my SOUL

Twenty-four seven
Your memories are mine
Morning, afternoon, day, evening and night

YOU live in me every moment
In my silent thoughts
And in my spoken and written
Words you dwell
My every action depicts
Your style and movements

I am sending you my LOVE vibes
Through every natural things
That you see and come across near you
Can you feel my LOVE BELOVEDz?

In my eyes- I carry your image
As if you are living my image
In front of mirror - I see only YOU
Have you robbed me from YOU?

No one can see
The invisible chain of LOVE
From your heart to my heart
From your soul to my soul

In every dream of mine
YOU make me happy and smile
Who knows what's going on in our lives

Our eyelids blink and
OUR LOVE blossoms Millions of
Flowers around the world

MY work is to narrate you
The details of my dreamZ
That's the only work
I have got NOW in my lives

There are dew drops on your petals
I am standing surrounded by
Your colorful flowers

The sunshine is ready to light the sky
The sky has worn your rainbow colors
The clouds are white and floating like oceans
The birds are chirping songs of LOVE melodies
The animals are stretching to follow us loyally
The breeze is carrying your fragrance
With your scent -
Even dead have come alive..!

Everything is ready but you are not there
And along with nature
I am waiting for your arrival

Within my breathe
Resides your LOVE
Along with your being
Your blood flows within me
I became your good-self in my SOUL

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