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Your wine ...

come sweetheart ...

get more close ...

more closer ...

to my chest ...

and let me ...

get drunk ...

from your sweet ******* ...

i see the sparkle of lust ...

into your eyes ...

and feel ....

how hot is your body now ..

come sweetheart ...

let's start our morning ...

our breakfast ...

together ...

by the wine ...

which you hold ...

inside your ******* ...

hazem al ...
Reading eyes ...

Your eyes ...
as beautiful night ...
inside it...
a thousand stars ...
it's shinning ...
as if it ...
telling me ...
about the longing ...
inside you ...
for me ...
and it keeps telling ...
more with non stop ...
that ...
In your absence ...
my heart crazily longs to meet you ...
can't get a breathes ...
as if you are the breeze ...
that quenches the thirst of my soul ...
and my eyes ...
as if it dies ...
losing their sparkle ...
during your absence ...
and i get a deep dark night ...

so ,...
please sweetheart ...
don't be absent from me
and don't be far...
I always want to see the light of your eyes
to keep me alive ...

hazem al ...
I long for such a meeting

Around the folds of your waist...
I long for a meeting...
Long for the touch of your body...
To dwell in you...
And around you...
Like a hungry snake...
Doesn't want to escape...
Around the scent of your waist...
Smells you...
To go crazy...
For a luxurious meal...
As like you are...
Before devouring...
With his mouth...
Piece by piece...
Until he finishes you completely...
Like prey...
Wait for it...
Days and hours...
To enjoy...
Everything in you...
Until satiety...
And even if...
Time go long...

Yes, my love...
I long for you...
And I long for such a meeting...

Waiting ...

Waiting you ...
And my pen is still ...
With my heart ...
Since morning ...
Waiting for you ...
To be mine ...
And for my heart ...
The content of feelings ...
To share together ...
All day ...
Until evening ...
With a beating heart ...
And an exposed soul ...
Naked ...
Inlaid ...
With all colors of love ...
As our feelings need ...
And we both say it ...
However ...
You and I ...
We want ...
To make it ...
by letters and words ...
In the most sweetest language ...
In Its formulation ...
A soul ...
Because of the intensity of longing ...
We got drunk ...
From the long wait ...

And here I am, my love ...
And my pen ...
Waiting for you ...

Hazem ...
Grant me minute ...

Grant me the moment ...
and it's seconds ...
to taste the time ...
between your hands ...
with a long drunk hours ...
and with every minutes ...
to feel the taste ...
the piece of candy ...
melts in my mouth ...
while i'm kissing you ...

whenever minute ...
runs with you with ...
i feel ...
how lonely ...
and how hard ...
i live my nights ...
without you ...

and what all ...
i afraid more of is ...
to wake up one morning ...
while you are not beside me ...

so, please sweetheart ...
grant me all your times ...
to give you myself ...
all my life ...

hazem al ...
A story and a soul...

Each of us...

lives a story...

And coincidences happen...

Despite the difference in places...

That two people live...

by a soul...

The same story...

Even if the languages ​​differ...

Its tongue...

The pen...

Remains a pen...

It lives the soul...

And the same story...

In all the colors of languages...

and its soul...


A human being...

Are human beings...

Your body is my lust...

your body is a map...
my love...
i love in it...
the pleasure of wading...
and exploring...
i comb it with my lips and teeth...
from the beginning...
to the last parts...
to rain on it from the torrent of my sweet saliva...
until i get you all wet ...
till you be ...
in my crazy lake ...

Because, my lady...
I hate a dry weather...
with non rain ...
and your body, my beloved ...
Its femininity is so exciting ...
It always needs the rain from me ...
to keep you always ...
like fertile land ...
which gives always ...
the love ...

sweetheart ...
don't call me crazy , please ...
whoever sees your exciting body...
becomes at the peak of ******* ...
so, please ...
give me ...
the map of your body ...
to rain it ..
with my love ...

hazem al ...
Crazy lovers ...

How much I longed ...
to shorten the distances of the roads between us ...
i longed for them to fold, so I could reach you ...
but oh my sweetheart...
not everything we wish for we achieve
i came to you with my imagination ...
and opened your door and your arms ...
before my mouth could utter ,...
i closed it with your lips ...
to taste you with ecstasy ..
and melt within you ...
the melting of love for the meeting ...
so, ..
how if our meeting was real, ...
what would happen then ...

are we go crazy lovers ...
or sane people?

do you know ...
who we are ....

hazem al ...
I am the madness ...

I am the ink ...

In the madness of the sea ...

Between the crashing of its waves ...

I live ...

My most wonderful fantasies ...

And As if I am with her...

Sharing with her...

The most beautiful moments...

With my madness...


To create with her...

And for her...

A love's poem...


we practice it together...

In the most wonderful imagination...

Yes, my lady...

I am the ink...

I am madness...

And for you...

I live...

hazem al...
Moonlight and lovers ...

Under the moonlight ...

Lovers always lie ...

With passion for an adventure of love ...

In which bodies are stripped ...

For the soul to wear ...

The garment of love ...

And groan ...

With a scream of lust ...

For feelings to be complete ...

And love awakens ...

With two bodies that were ...

And became ...

One body ...

All night ...

Until morning ...

While live a moments ...

Like that comprehensive dream ...

In the minds of lovers ...

Like imagination ...

Hazem ...
Wonderful crime ...

I love the morning moments ...
within its madness ...
inside ...
since I first woke up ...
and especially ...
at the morning ...
i be ...
with a terrible energy ...
indescribable ...
you don't know , how ...

Come my lady ...
take off ...
the cloak of anxiety ...
and be with me ...
in the same madness ...
in drowning ...
until we wear together ...
at the bottom deep ...
the garment of madness ...
where all the temptation ...
in it we scatter ...
our feelings ...
as much to the size of our desires ...
to create the commit delirium ...
in the most wonderful crime ...

hurry  my beloved ...
Don't delay ...

hazem al ..
For you...

For the one who has...

I harnessed my pen...

with all its abundance...

and I set my imagination free...

with all its madness...

to fly for her...

wherever she is...

and I embodied her...

as an angel...

with me...

every night...

taking from her...


to live with her...

and give her...

from me...

what befits her...

and her heart...

For you, my love...

and to none other...

i surrendered myself...

by the law of love...

with all the limbs of the heart...

and I adorned it with melodies...

by a book...

from the madness of my pen...

which It not open...

Except for you...

only ...


 May 6
hazem al jaber

Just a dream...
nothing more...
dream about little cottage...
surrounded by a flowers and birds...

dream about little isle...
full of love and happiness...
which fly through it sky...
all kind of birds...
and especially the love birds...
which it supplied our souls with its love...
while no one there...
only me and you...
only my soul and yours...
to enjoy the love which we always desired about...

dream about passionately story...
which its sun, never to stay away...
and its moon, shining always...

that's all what i am dreaming about...
is that so much for me...? ? ?

can i have this dream ...
with only you ...

by: hazem
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