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 Aug 2014
I close my eyes
And gently trace
A finger on my lips
Vivid memories awaken
With a sigh,
And lazily eclipse
All reality
Now it's you and me,
My senses in your grip
Intoxicated, electrified by
Your finger on my lips
 Aug 2014
Sunrays are slanting through the trees
While the sweet tiny bluebells sway
In sweet summertime's blowing breeze
Sunrays are slanting through the trees
While the sweet tiny bluebells sway
In the warmth of the tender day
Sunrays are slanting through the trees
While the sweet tiny bluebells sway

Probably Not One Of My Best
But I Hope You All Enjoy It Anyway!!! :) ~~~~<3
 Aug 2014
Slowly fades today
lost in chronicles of time
only memories

grey ashes of yesterday
haunting me with pain

tomorrow so futile seems
stabbing me with fears

longing  brokenly for hope
and lost yesterdays

hoping God may somehow blend
morrow with sweet yesterday

© Hilda August 24, 2014
 Aug 2014
It is difficult-
Separating from yourself
A part of you,
A part of your ideas,
your dreams,
Letting go of elements
of your being,
For someone else's essence.
It is difficult, making room
for another's entity,
but then again,
when was Love ever easy?
Grace to live righteous,
Grace to love neighbour
And enemy and my cross
To bear: give me, O Saviour,

In a world where many people
Often use God's name to act evil.
 Aug 2014
Mint to flavour my tea picked fresh
and Stevia to sweeten my cup.
Watching swallows flit in evening sky
from my small porch sipping tea.

© Тадеус 8-16-2014
Все права защищены.
 Aug 2014
Yellowed card folded
I treasure from loved one gone
held in hand trembling.

© Тадеус 8-16-2014
Все права защищены.
 Aug 2014
All alone I sit
on old bench by the small creek
tranquil solitude.

© Тадеус 8-16-2014
Все права защищены.
 Aug 2014
Phyllis my green leaf
shimmering with sunlight rays
dazzling my eyes
copyright  upon August 15, 2014   David
 Aug 2014
A cheerful and kind disposition brings beauty to any face and loveliness of character is as sweet perfume, gladdening the hearts of those around you.
Hilda © August 12,2014
 Aug 2014
It matters not if your poetry be Sonnet or Haiku. Nor yet if it be free style. The only thing which matters is the essence of the poem which should reflect the true heart of its writer.
© Hilda  August  11, 2014
 Aug 2014
cold Dr Pepper
in old fashioned glass bottle
evokes sweet mem'ries
© Hilda August 12, 2014
 Aug 2014
evening draws near
and i sit and watch it fade
wish i could fade too
© Adelía
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