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 Feb 2017
Asim Javid
" she shed her emotions like four seasons. . .
the gloom in her eyes carried certain reasons. . .
from all the nights she sparkled brightest in the moon less one. . .
and then she faded into the sky like a dying sun. . .
striving through the excruciating weathers that soaked her dry. . .
with all that ache and not a tear to cry. . .
was it her strength that held her high. . .
or was it the despair when hopes were a lie... "*
 Aug 2016
Asim Javid
Our withered souls are like
dying sunsets,
hoping to never die.
But only after death,
the sun rises again*

 Aug 2016
Asim Javid
She has annulled the ideas of lugubriousness and sorrow.

She is like a spirited rhapsody with no care for tomorrow.
She is effulgent like a shimmery ethereal.
I see her as an elysian effigy.
Wondering how real can she be ?
Is there nothing broken inside ? Is there nothing that aches ?
May be She is mystery,  not to be solved.
All I can see is that there are strange strings involved.
With her I am falling in these inscrutable ties.
And She is more than what meets my eyes....

                                                 © asim.javid
 Jun 2016
Asim Javid
Day after day you wipe humans away.
Don't you see in that crowd,  there is
a mother , a father,
a daughter and a son.
What do you want to prove with
your hand holding a gun.
Is is just ? Is it fair ?
You are not a human, not even near.
No matter what you call yourself,
  you belong to no religion.
You are not a father , not a brother,
not even mother's son.
You smear your religion ,
you smear humanity.
Your actions are no more than
a plaguey insanity.
Where are your morals, where is
your human code?
You betray the mother earth , which is your abode.
You inflict anguish,
You scourge families.
We detest you and have branded you
" a Terrorist ".
No matter how much you terrorize,
we humans will always find sheer
strength to resist.
     © asim.javid
 May 2016
Asim Javid
You are a part angel and part teacher.

  You are my first school and first institution.

You taught me right and you made me aware of wrong.

You held me close and you taught me how to be strong.

I'm  forever indebted under your grace.

A mother like you is blessing to the human race.

You have been with me in the happy sunny days and in
the troublesome  weather.

I'm proud to be your son and call you my mother* .
 Apr 2016
Asim Javid
Holding her hand , walking on the streets.
Realizing the life in those skipped heartbeats.
Exuding the attar, she dulled my senses.
Tremulous tattered talks due to spooking menaces.
Then she talked in her asthenic voice.
And suddenly everything was just background noise.
All I could do was , stare in her eyes.
And I glimpsed into her soul beyond visible lies.
She was the configuration of pain and hope.
Inside, she was in a scrimmage and clinging with a mope.  
Zealously & tenacious , inside , she was a fighter.
I hankered to describe her beauty in my words, as a writer.
But to describe such aesthetical effigy I constellated nothing, not even a single word.
I was stupefyingly stuck , like a fallen wingless bird*.
 Mar 2016
Asim Javid
A radiating art poured down her fingertips.
i lost the decency of my mind with just one glance of her lips.
i wanted to succumb into her like the paint on her art.
her beauty was so painful that it pierced my heart.
she was close a breath and as far as God.
I lied next to her longing to talk ,
but all we
exchanged was the silence,
wondering if that was odd* !
 Feb 2016
Asim Javid
Strive and strive,  O dear, it's a long drive.
Fear no fear, fight without care.
The roads are rough and challenges tough.
Fear no fear, fight without care.
Take a stand, and push your limits
Follow the flare your soul emits.
The road to triumph, is full of  trammel.
Trust your resolve,  and never scramble.
There will be hurdles, ups and downs.
Keep your fortitude above the crowns.
  Do not yield,  do not cede .
Struggle against the resistance &
you'll be freed.
Impel your soul with throes of agony.
And the trace you face
is your destiny*..
 Nov 2015
Asim Javid
She was a picture of monotonous monochrome.
She was deathly quite in one jaunty home.
She lied in wait of eyes that could see through her bleakness.
One who could see the beauty in her , beyond her illusory mess.
People gazed at her and noticed the lack of chroma.
Then a man , destitute of vision , approached and followed her aroma.
He gazed at her with the touch of his finger.
And time stopped as he started to linger.
His gaze took him , in the depths of her beauty.
And she spilled colors and made him sooty.
With no vision he espied her coloration.
and world was hysterical
at their love in
 Nov 2015
Asim Javid
She was effigy of chaos,  conflicts and messed stories.
Her heart was broken but it radiated beauties.
The dark in her was a mass of stunning surprises. She'd  smile and smile passed the peace.
In her arms,  tranquillity lied & in her arms my disturbed mind would ease.
With an undefined gravity she pulled me close.
Close and close,  she became someone I'd never lose*.
 Nov 2015
Asim Javid
He remained silent and his silence spoke.
Without words,  the story bespoke.
There was a fight in his breath , a soul of a fighter.
Another strain and his fist got tighter.
Facing the enemy ,living with in.
Morbid and morbid , beating the sin.
Times & times, he was dead.
Again & again , he rose from the very death bed.
Carved the hope from with in despair.
Beating the strain and no spare.
He is the human fighting for bread.
He is alive but living among dead.
He shares the same world where vanity live .
He has no food , which is care to few.
He is the fighter , fighting for life.
To be a human or a fighter, that's his strife*.
 Oct 2015
Asim Javid
She was like a candle.
His touch set her ablaze.
Illuminating her present by incineration of her past.
She burnt and burnt till there were ashes at vast.
He tried to hold her,  but through his fingers, the ashes slipped.
She was finally free,  free from confinements of her sins.
His fire made her pure.
Released her soul from the impure.
The fire was the end of her,  and she swallowed it right the abyss of her soul.
The fire was her redemption, which made her whole*.
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