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 Jun 2013
Carl Joseph Roberts
My One Lost Love

Please know that you're my one lost love
That I remember from my past
The one who seemed to get away
But I wish I could have back

The timing wasn't perfect
For the love we shared back then
Two broken hearts not ready
So now we call each other friends

Every now and then we speak
I hear the story of your life
You tell me that you fell in love
I feel an emptyness inside

I'm happy for you in my heart
And I wish for you the best
Knowing what you need the most
To move forward from the past

Our futures took two different paths
Then where we thought we'd go
I cannot change how you now feel
So I let our friendship grow

Still no matter what our futures holds
Please know these words are true
I hope one day you find again
My one lost love for you

Carl Joseph Roberts**

This is just a thank you poem
She knows who she is
I am very happy for her and will always hold a special place in my heart for the time we shared but also know and understand we have both moved on.  She came into my life and helped me when I needed it most. Touched my soul with her kindness and showed me that there are simply good, very good people out there who can love and be loved. Now I will be glad to call her my friend.
 May 2013
Tessa F
There's a storm coming baby,
We can feel it in our bones
Life's waves crash around us
Making me afraid we'll lose balance
In this salty war zone.
But you say, "don't worry sweetheart,
You're always safe with me"
So I sit with you, my sailor, on our lifeboat
With nothing but an umbrella
And the sunshine in your eyes
Flowers between my toes
And the warmth you make with a sigh
That never seems to get lost in the wind.
 May 2013
Our bed is an ocean,
your body my boat.

Let us explore the sea of our sheets,
as I explore you.

Twisting, curling linens
and I curl into you.

Our bed is an ocean,
your body my boat.
 May 2013
The breezes blow through the trees
The sky is light blue
And there are a few clouds passing through
Green are the leaves that stirr in the wind
And the trees waltz and dance
Because it is a lovely day
The breeze softly cools my fair cheeks
And the smell of roses dances through the air
The sunshine dances on the trees
And on the green leaves
Making everything look bright and sunny
Such a lovely day
Warm golden rays shine upon the ground
And kiss the violets with their warmth
The roses sway and dance to the warm
Soft sunshine
And the tiny flowers
And the buttercups
Dance and waltz in the tall green grass
Such a beautiful day

 May 2013
Terry O'Leary
The fire in her eyes tonight
calls forth the thought that they invite,
though I recall, not long ago
my absence seemed more apropos.

The smile that lingers on her lips
says more than many verbal slips -
the times it pierced me, sad and grim
lie in the past, though far from dim.

She flayed me once... nay, more than twice,
she flayed me both with flame and ice,
and once again, predictably,
she primes me for catastrophe.

The curious naively watch
her try to carve a deeper notch,
for even they don’t claim to know
the depths to which she’d really go.

Upon my face a smile appears
which hides my thoughts, obscures my sneers,
for now I too have learned the rules
from her - ah, yes, the best of schools.

Because I’m acting somewhat cool,
thus pouring on her fire, fuel,
she  burns and yearns and wants me more
than when I was her cuspidor.

Since, unbeknownst I’m not the same,
she plans again her guileful game.
But when her teardrops seep and swell,
will she be proud she taught me well?

The others leave, I stay behind
(they all know what she has in mind)
and take her in my arms once more
then slip her through her bedroom door.

She whispers secrets in my ear,
as I once did (she didn’t hear);
I listen with a mirthless smile
while thinking of a desert isle.

The night is passed, her trusting grows;
I leave before the morning glows.
Aroused, she’ll seek a waking thrill
but find instead a dollar bill.
 Apr 2013
There is a candle burning in the dead of night
Shining brighter than any other light
The smell of wild fills the air
Leaving the towns people without a care
A starry night fills the woods around
Leaving nothing but quiet for this town
A cabin of wood sits on a hill
Leaving everything and everyone standing still
The town peaceful, but full of secrets
That only the residents could truly see it
The visitors that came by, could never believe
How such a small town can be so full of grief
What's there to cry about in a peaceful town?
A place with no laws or rules that bound
When voyagers enter, they feel at home
They do not know what is a stake in modern Rome
The people so stagnant stare on with blank faces
Waiting for the visitors to feel their silent graces
The people of this town have seen so many bleed
So many vanished to the works of creed
And in every citizen is a little guilt
For the evil motives on which the town was built
For when a group of tourists stay in the cabin on the hill to sleep
They do not know that tourists is that on which the towns people
Written in my creative expression club by myself, and two other poets during a writing activity.
 Apr 2013
Terry O'Leary
While I gaze in your eyes, cool cerulean blue,
Sifting night, straining stars through morning’s sweet dew,
I can fathom the depths of empyreal skies,
Angels fluttering by, riding wild butterflies

While I gaze in your eyes, changing, aqua-blue greening,
I’m ****** into chasms, cascading, careening,
And yield to enticements which meekly disarm,
Seeping virtuous beauty, sad sensuous charm

While I gaze in your eyes, bleeding fiery blue
Ever tempting with treasures, with pleasures for two,
Being caught at the core of a blazing sapphire
Possessing, enthralling, aflame with desire

While I gaze in your eyes, misty emeralds, deep green,
Veiling laughter and banter, and echoes between,
Then I dream, so it seems, in whatever the place,
Of your scent, of your breath, of your radiant face

While I gaze in your eyes, at times placidly blue,
Near’ as calm as the weirs in the woods all bedewed,
Forty winks relegate to a shimmering lake,
Gently floating on lilies, while waiting to wake

While I gaze in your eyes, caught engulfed in the greens
And consigning my fate unto verdant ravines,
My reactions, at length, become shyer and shyer
Reminiscent of ravens at risk in the briar

While I gaze in your eyes, restless, hesitant blues
Overwhelming sensations with turbulent hues,
I’m succumbing to waves of a storm battered sea,
Being cast like a plank, never meant to be free

While I gaze in your eyes, shadowed, Midnight Lake green
Glowing hazy with dreams, misty thoughts so serene,
Sudden silence befalls me, a fast sinking stone,
Looming lost in your eyes, I am never alone

While I gaze in your eyes, saddened, lachrymal blue,
Spilling trickles of rain, pearls obscuring your view,
I’ll attend to your anguish and feelings morose,
Lightly kissing your tears, touching, holding you close

While I gaze in your eyes, pulsing infinite green
Of the earth and of heaven and all in between,
It is simple to see that my hands can hold all
Of the treasures I find which so humbly enthral

While I gaze in your eyes, when they’re bountifully blue,
I’m reminded, love’s lightning is granted to few...

While I gaze in your eyes, when they’re blindingly green,
I’m reminded, love’s lightning cannot be foreseen...

Yet I hope... and I wait...
 Apr 2013
Terry O'Leary
Mid *** shots from vacant lots, which strike and ricochet
A painted girl with flaxen curl (named Wendy)’s on her way
To tantalise with half-clad thighs, to trick again today;
And indiscreet along the street she gives her pride away
To any guy who’s passing by with cash and time to pay.

In concert halls, beyond the sprawls 'round shabby cabarets,
Unjaded thoughts of Camelot imbue divine ballets.
 Apr 2013
The lotus dances on the lake at night
under the bright moon
and the water lily  ballets upon the river
the fairies dance in the shadows of the moon
the flowers waltz in the meadow
and the moon casts its rays upon the ground
making the ground look like silvery
shadows of light hitting the
waltzing flowers
the sounds of crickets and that of katydids
and nighttime birds fill the
and the sweet fragrance of
lavender, lilacs, honeysuckles,
and roses fill the air
and the lotus continues
to dance on the lake
to the song of nighttime birds and insects
and the water lily continues
to ballet upon the river
to the song of the flowing river
that she ballets upon

only at night

© Hilda April 24, 2013
 Apr 2013
Terry O'Leary
Clouds, the clouds diffuse a sad and somewhat somber hue;
Wind, the wind bemoans her loss of reins and calm control;
Crows, the crows flee men of straw, sleeves slapping at the wind;

Grass, the grass defends with blades, impaling truant gusts;
Rain, the rain descends aslant from angry ashen skies;
Stones, the stones repulse the pearls, exploding tears of gloom;

Woods, the woods assuage the angst of misty brooding trees;
Leaves, the leaves desert their branches, dropping one by one;
Fields, the fields imbibe a quaff to quench an arid thirst;

Streams, the streams meander, hushed, to distant vapid shores;
Breeze, the breeze intones a tune, a mourning monody;
Sands, the sands, in chaos, dance across the dappled dunes;

Shades, the shades appear confused, alone in lurid haze;
Mice, the mice discern the dawn, their beady eyes ablaze;
Clouds, the clouds diffuse a sad and somewhat somber hue.
 Apr 2013
J Drake
The walls of your soul that you
  Toil away building;
The windows are dark and the
  Bricks are unyielding...

( Hate, with a hammer, cracks the wall;
   But Love, with a whisper, makes it fall. )

How many times have I told you, Believe?
And then will you learn how to truly Receive.
  For giving is getting -- these two are the same;
  And living is learning to dance in the rain.

— The End —