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 Apr 2023
Gentle Moxie
Puffy clouds in a blue sky
Explosion of color
Even though we didn't attend but hope to down the road
They like time and shade
Particular as to home and how they are watered
They are adored
After all we have been through and gone through
Nice to know that Hydrangeas bring comfort and joy
They make you smile

 Apr 2023
Debbie and Derek Downers please stay clear and keep your distance
Not a cockeyed optimist but more optimistic as well as positive than before
I am a lot more than Gloria Gaynor's I Will Survive anthem
Not familiar then Google it
Before you shake your head and judge
Before you label me a Do good Woman
Proud to be one and extremely kind as well
Well Read
Set the boundaries
Just saw a bee dancing on a white flower on the very top of a tree
That gives me hope
I do take the time to notice what others claim they don't have time for
Sorry for them

 Apr 2023
It is a four letter word
Sometimes over said
Sometimes a green light for a one night stand
You are not in it to fix someone
You take them as they are
If not ,get on your way
Sometimes what you are looking for becomes what you never expected
Usually better than you ever dreamed of
Perhaps expectations are not warranted
You can fall into like
You can fall into lust
Keep your raging hormones in check
Say those words to your one and only
Before you say I love you , there are too many one way streets with dead ends
You walk down one and you never come back again

 Apr 2023
Three tiny and lovely gray doves crossed a sidewalk
Blue eyes blazing and petite
Searching for food
The three little musketeers continued cooing and walking
Two dogs and their humans enjoyed their search
Glad they noticed
A squirrel eating nuts seemed to cheer them on
And they did

 Apr 2023
Hang on to those who are there when others are out of reach
Sometimes they choose another path and you are no longer part of their journey
So they let go of what was for whatever is
Memories are sweet and poignant but they are not the here and now
Nor or they tomorrow, they are yesterday
Heaven knows
And so it goes

 Apr 2023
He has soul
He has the beat
His words flow
This three year old captures his world with joy and wonder
The future seems grand in his blue eyed world

Love u LHV
 Apr 2023
No disrespect for the power of prayer
It can't fix this
Somebody wants a Civil War in the United States
History repeats itself and he lit the flame encouraging it
Just like he did on January 6th
He and his followers need to be gone and dealt with before another parent buries a child
Or another underpaid hard working educator is taken way to soon
Care needs to be part of every life not a chosen few
How do I know?
As an educator that took a weapon from a child before the class might have had a tragedy
The student brought the knife to school because he was threatened
The dean was dumbstruck when the report and weapon were handed to him
This did not happen yesterday and he had no right to do that
This comes straight from the heart and mind of a caring soul that has had enough
Many have had enough long before 2020
Not another Heartbreak
In memory if those lost in Texas and Buffalo New York
 Apr 2023

 Apr 2023
319 adjectives start with the letter P
Do you have a favorite?

 Apr 2023
At Daybreak
On the east coast of the United States
Take a closer look
Mercury, Saturn, and Venus
Crescent moon
A parade of Planets

 Apr 2023
Happy July
Somehow we made it despite and in spite of what is out of our control
Cancellations, hurdles, rescheduling and need for more patience
Reflect all that you want to
Giving up isn't an option
Nor is running out or moving away
Complain until you turn another's ears blue
Take peaceful and gentle action
Quietly and affirmatively in a group
Jump threw hurdles with a plan
Be selective and careful
As we continue our Troubles and Triumphs
Looking for a double rainbow in the sky
Oh my

 Apr 2023
Bird fluttering by my window
Squirrel stopping to look my way after feasting on nuts and treats left by the tree
Our Two year old niece being kissed by a nine week old puppy to her delight
Walking hand and hand with our nieces grown and small
Awe, Sigh, andĀ Grateful moments

 Apr 2023
Monarch butterflies are no where to be found
Lovely but dangerous Lantern flies are hiding
No jumping today
Squirrels are taking a nap
Birds flew away into higher trees
Count the small wet rings that become large circles
Like the chorus
Melody and harmony is soft but you can sing along
Altos and Sopranos
This one is for you
The light gray cloudy sky turning to an angry dark gray with a patch of black
The syncopation, harmony, melody and rhythm are all here in the September rain song

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Dedicated to Scott T, Jim Music and Carlo
Three talented Poets and friends
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