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 Apr 2023
Tests your vigor and vim
Tests your vinegar
Your power to be good, thoughtful, and kind
Even when gray clouds surround you on the sunniest of days
Even when you wanted to dance in the rain jumping puddles
It's always something
Sometimes someone
But Debbie and Derek downers get out of the way
Even if it's always something

 Apr 2023
If you open your heart
The rest will follow
Surely as rainbows come after rainy days
Surely as you can wish upon a star
Take good care of yourself first
Guilty as charged because I put others before myself
Open your eyes
Close your mouth
Open your mind
Open your heart.

 Apr 2023
How many guitars did you capture?
Chiarascurro worked well for some
Did you enjoy the colors you employed?
To be a fly on the wall during that conversation
Picasso shared that artists lie and truth is not their goal
Perhaps it is a truth at many different levels
Neither Pablo nor Juan is still here for us to ask
Can you imagine that conversation if they were here
C@rainbowchaser 2023
 Apr 2023
Indefatigable defines me and many others in different ways
Comfortable in my skin now
Respecting myself and others
You don't take yourself seriously but you take seriously what you do
The the way you live in this world
Sometimes listening very carefully works wonders
So does keeping still and taking it all in
Moving forward that is what"s planned
Finding time to sit in parks or beaches
Feeding squirrels and wildlife
Letting it all go by with great appreciation and respect

C@rainbowchaser 2023
 Apr 2023
How it beats
Who it beats for
Your passion
Your strength
How to treat it when it heals and breaks
Remember wounds that run deep
Knowing your heart and my love goes with you

C@rainbowchaser 2023
 Apr 2023
You kept me entertained on many stormy days in my life recently
Talking didn't help me
Your acrobatics and sweet way of moving about would warm anyone's soul as long as they keep their distance
You are cute and sweet with shades of blue, white, black and silver and gray
Love nuts and fruit accepting what humans leave for you
On days when crying was all I could do without you a smile would never come to my face

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Squirrels in parks on the East coast!
 Apr 2023
The bread would be fresh for two more days and we were not finishing it
Thought of the Bluebirds that gave me such joy
Quickly cut the remainder up and walked to the park
One Bluebird was perched on a high branch
Sparrows had their daily meeting on the ground
A sparrow was walking around because a feral cat was around
He sent the warning chirp
The bread was placed there and by a big tree
As I walked away the bread was happily devoured and no sign of the poor cat
Many people feed the feral cats but didn't want those cats making meals of the birds or squirrels
Calm before the storm

 Apr 2023
You are supposed to take care of yourself first before you assist someone else
What if you are not able or you cant because what they require
Only you can provide or give
Even when it is against your better judgement or what you really want
You put yourself second
It is what it is
No matter what you think or say
When you love someone that much you do it
Having a good heart isnt always easy

 Apr 2023
The golden lab is a trained canine hospital companion
Love and help wags her tail
What a great name for an amazing canine

Donate to caninecompanions
 Apr 2023
Onyx trees viewing the shades gently exploding and aligning above them as if reaching out.
Crepe, Flamingo, Lemonade, Rose, Taffy
and Watermelon pinks headed towards a star
Admiral, Azure, Lapus, Navy and Sky blues with touches of Diamond and Lightning dancing in the sky

C@rainbowchaser 2023
 Apr 2023
Muscovy ducks swimming in a pond
Others sunning themselves under the bushes so they are protected from the sun's rays
Pomeranian and  Swedish blues enjoying the breezes
Squirrels of many colors and shades competing for talller
branches and edible delights
All on a Poet's Walk

C@rainbowchaser 2023
 Apr 2023
They sat on two branches
One above the other
Adorable as could be
Gathered bits of  canteloupe,nuts,and oookies into a cup
Found the tree and called out to them
Scattered the food all around the tree
They sat on their branches enjoying
Made an ordinary lunch extraordinary

 Apr 2023
Mom's unveiling was almost a year ago
All I could do was hug your monument at the cemetery
Didn't want to let go.
Hate visiting there.
You should know that because other than once you visited.  
Mt. Hebron to visit your father.
You never returned as far as I know.
You have missed so much and I miss you more than any poetry books I will write.
Daddy, I am a published writer.
The tears are falling harder this year because your 95th birthday just passed and we can't celebrate or spoil you
Taken from us far too soon fifty years ago when you were
Still need a community to be a writer
Thought I found it but still unsure.
A platform for exchange is needed but not my decision or choice.
You taught me never to believe or use the words I can't in a sentence or my mind.
Still, sometimes that fifteen-year-old girl talks to a stone.
Hoping you hear me because her father died from a heart attack as she watched it happen.
That little gray dove on the railing this morning sat there as if it was hugging me and drying my tears.
Was it you?

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Ill evervwritr
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