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 Apr 2023
She talks of Affection
She talks of Loss
She talks of angels here on Earth
She tells of stories others can share
Battles that keep happening
Soldiers who will fight for a win
Tee shirts with names of those who suffered
They are remembered with Love and Joy
She will not rest until Esophageal Cancer has a cure and treatment
The fourth annual walk today proves her spirit and determination with many cheering her on
Congratulations to her and to all that walked and participated
See you next year
Looking forward to progress and good news

To Dara Mormille
 Apr 2023
How much love does it take to find a strength that you never thought you possessed?
How much love does it take to say that scaling Everest naked would not be a challenge because it would be done for you?
How much love does it take when a parent hates your beloved and reminds you for the rest of your life even though you are incredibly happy together but favors your sibling's spouse over yours?
How much love?
There will never be enough and whatever I can do to show you and share with you, you have my heart Babe!
How much love the number has not been invented yet and once it is
It will never be high enough

 Apr 2023
Been there and been through turmoil and hell,
Buried things that should have exited long ago.
Wanted to protect someone who was too ill to help
His exit broke my spirit
My apologizes to my friends and loved ones who knew about my anger all the time
You never threw your hands up, Thanks
If you did, your loss.
Took a caring physician to open the door to a very dark world.
He did and made me work hard to change not just who I am but why I am.
Even those who love you can't listen the way you need them too.
So a professional with a trained ear was suggested and the talk worked
People who are Extra sensitive usually find a way in this world and we still get stuck
Asking for help just isn't something we do
We want to help others but there comes a time when you have to ask
The denim blue stormy days still come but they are far and few between
You let go of those who hurt you
You surround yourself with the very best of people
If you have been bullied than you know what I mean
There are some here that qualify as the best and lucky to call some here friends
Here it goes
Get what you need
Ask for help even if you are not confident enough to do so
Realize that something needs to change and you start the change
Seek it and don't leave us because you don't think there is a way out
You have to go in and find a guide to help you
Here it goes and I hope you find it
It is more than fine to be a work in progress
Your life is not work find a way to enjoy it
It is so much more than making lemonade from lemons

You don't have to go it alone
 Apr 2023
Trying to get on with it
Just had so much to take
Maybe too much
Its job so very much like the climate
Dealing with it takes time, adjustment and great care
You scramble when it's too late
Is it too late?

 Apr 2023
Her green and gold leaves flow like Rapunzel's on this mild December day
You could almost climb those tresses
She welcomes the Blue Jays as they find a seat on her limbs
She sways on the breeze and watches cars and shoppers around her
Hope they stop to notice just how lovely she really is
Thanks for letting me get to know you

 Apr 2023
She is here
A miraculous gift for her family to treasure and adore
Challenging to have her join the party as her Daddy would say at this time in our world
It is a testament of just how much her parents love each other
They love you more than any poet could express even your Aunt
You shine unlike any other
Uncut and beautiful with a quality and luster all your own
May the world welcome your arrival and be gentler,kinder, and more caring for you.
As your begin your story filled with sunshine, warmth and glory
May good health and joy surround you every moment
Welcome to the world, Little Gem.

Dedicated to Lola Rae
 Apr 2023
Fractures depending on severity heal
Unfortunately some leave scars naked to the eye
Healing and recovery take time
Some lessons we need to absorb and learn
The stubborn and common stupidity of some are making life difficult for others that follow rules whether they agree or not to protect the many
We are supposed to be United?
The world should be more like the Broadway show Hadestown which is the the way things should be
Going forward and not backwards
I won't welcome you into our fractured world
Be patient and then you can come on in when everybody does the right thing not what they want to do

 Apr 2023
Editing is not just for writing
It is for speaking
It is for dignity, honor, and respect
It is for being human
Say what you want but watch how and where you say it
Social media has hurt people
Words hurt people even though we try our best
Sometimes that isn't even enough
Extreme care
Every where
Please don't make promises you can't keep

 Apr 2023
Never expected you to come into my life
Not the expecting type, more like  the accepting type
We were not looking but we found each other on September 14,1979
Sharing dreams on the Belt Parkway
Many have come true and look forward to more
New York City sprinkled magic around us
Gently and quietly something special started
Everything just fell into place nicely and easily
Stars sparkled and realigned
You understand me better than I do myself
You still do
We jumped hurdles and healed broken hearts
Still working on those in progress
No matter what,no matter when,where,no matter who
No matter
We climb mountains slowly and steadily
Every moment for the rest of our days
Whispers and hugs will calm the tears in the middle of the night
It always ends up better and alright
Everyday is Valentine’s Day because you are my best friend and love of my life
No greater gift, my love.

C@rainbowchaser 2021
Happy 42 years of knowing you on 9/14
And Happy 41 st Wedding Anniversary on 10/25
 Apr 2023
He's a breath of fresh air
All that and devil may care
Never seen a complete package like him before
Looked up and he walked through the door

He's a diamond in the rough
He's the bomb and all the right stuff
More than enough, the dude is tough
Never seen a dream come true
Better for me and not for you

When you stop looking you'll be found
Somebody makes your world spin right side up and upside down

Repeat first four lines

Chorus and then fade

 Apr 2023
What you see is a dream
It isn’t there
It is not real
Even though you want it to be
You can’t make somebody change when a message has been branded into their heads by people who love them conditionally
Children imprint messages and sometimes yesterday never goes away
Despite your best efforts
She can’t see the world through your eyes
She tried
Cracked mirror

 Apr 2023
In a chef's shop was a dish towel
It beckoned me twice and finally picked it up
It read stressed spelled backwards is dessert
She was taken to a register and became a souvenir
I had her framed and mounted and she is hanging in my kitchen
Savannah Georgia reminds me daily
Stressed spelled backwards is dessert
Eat it, Create it, digest it and believe it.

 Apr 2023
Finally got that Brass ring
All the other times just wanted to set you free and go galloping
The beautiful artwork and craftmanship from Coney Island to both US coasts always caught my eye
Still ride you wherever I am but enjoy how incredible regal you are
Ridden horses before but nothing compares with the ride I take with you and that music
Amazing organs not the ones that are recorded
Love Carousels
Up down and around

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