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 Apr 2023
Serene mountains
Majestic waterways
Quaint towns and colorful people
Your serenity is precious
Lush greenness
Joy and respect of Nature
Awe and wonder
Island devine
Stones of History
Abbeys and churches filled with stories
Incredible isle of Puffins
Seagulls await your lunch swooping down for take out
Celtic and Nordic charms and humbles locals
Enchants visitors
Respect and wonder at every turn
Culture and creature living in tandem

 Apr 2023
Ever evolving
Creative and artistic
So Soulful
Stayed by the Duomo
David and The Medici
Easy to love
Forever in my heart
She is Italy for me
Luckily have met her sister cities
Until we meet again
Ciao, Bella.
Dolce Vita and Domani
You gave me the gift of friends for life
Milioni di grazie

 Apr 2023
For beginnings and endings
For Excelsior, Onward and Upward
For honoring and remembering
For new stars in the galaxy
For marking time and place
Ring them long and loud
Ring them strong and clear
Ring them as you mark your personal victory as a survivor
Ring them so friends and family can cheer
Ring the bell and and let the chime carry you through
So you do the very best you can and more than you thought you were capable of
Ring the bell and listen.....

 Apr 2023
Being honest,positive,and true will make for a better world
That United we stand divided we fall is more than song lyrics
That narcissists dont control the world or atempt to do so
That doing the right thing out weighs the wrong
That someday we cure diseases,hatred,injustice and poverty
I 'd like to think so
I'd like to think so
Right now, I am not sure of anything any longer
I 'd like to think change will come for the betrer
I'd like to think so

 Apr 2023
Of History
Of Mystery
Of Art
Of Tradition
Of Stories
Of Legends
Of Culture
Of Music
Tell them
Share them
Talk and Discuss
Face to Face
Not online
Not on Tick Tok
Not texting
Word by word
Stories to be read,shared,passed down and remembered
This is how lessons should be learned

 Apr 2023
The very best of the best
So Special unlike the rest
One and only
One In a Billion
I am talking about my one and only
How do you follow that?
How do you follow that?

 Apr 2023
Do the trees sigh?
Does the wind cry?
Do they gather to remember the loved one or friend and say Goodbye?
Was it a fire caused by a careless human, an architect, was it sick
and Mother Nature called it home or to let go?
What happened to the tree when it was young ,strong, and tall long ago?
How many creatures scurried across its arms to play or hide food?
Find shelter?
Was it Maple, an Oak, a Redwood?
Maybe a Ponderosa Pine?
Did maple sap run from it or apples grow for all to see?
Does a tree make a sound when it falls in the forest?
Did an eagle rest on its branches and then take flight?
Next time, we'll have to get to know a tree better and perhaps
we'll do more than ask questions about out Dear Departed friend,tonight.

Henry David Thoreau influenced this one.
Walked Wakden Pond and touched his desk!
 Apr 2023
Knowing when and how to walk away with grace and dignity
Returning if it is welcome and possible
Knowing how to calm the flames of your mind and cool down so your heart beats gently
Unlike characters on ****** Tunes and Hanna Barbera cartoons
Believing that there is hope and working with it
Holding on to what matters and making that work for you
Happiness is learning to cope well so you can enjoy your life and those around you
This heart is coping
Hope yours is too

 Apr 2023
Narrow mindedness
This trio is beyond comprehension
Remember some will never change
Never saying never lightly
My wish is that changing hearts and Minds
is the way we all should live
Yesterday and History need to be revisited and accepted
Moving forward is up to everybody

 Apr 2023
My companion for longer than necessary to remember
You can move on and go forward but you don't forget
That knowledge serves you well no matter the circumstances
This is the time of year for flashbacks that are dealt with
Which is why we quietly stay on guard
Send the darkness to the light when you can
Be the light for others
Search for that place in your heart that allows you to care and share
Some are still in darkness
Let them in if you can if they are willing
Sometimes listening is the beginning they need
If somebody hurts you let them do what they do.
You do you
If it is meant  to be fences will be mended
Befriended by darkness does not need to be permanent and forever
It takes time and  you will get there

 Apr 2023
Plans have been tampered with and ushered out the door
Celebrations and Milestones return to the backstore of your heart
Virtual everything just not cutting it any longer
Too much tension and despair so that said you have to look deeper.
Try harder
People saying don't stress make it more difficult
What is small stuff to them is larger for you
Find a bit of magic every single day because for now expectations and plans have to go away
Stash them with your dreams

 Apr 2023
Darkness was my only friend
My friends had no idea and maybe a clue
Even Happily married because had to find my way back to him
He has been there every step of the way
Patience and help brought me through the storms
They still return but not as often
Walk them and write them away
Find ways to help others even though they might not be aware that I care
You will find it
No matter what it is to soothe things
Asking for help that was the most difficult part
Admitting something was more than off kilter
Even though I have been there
Just know it is different for everybody
2020 didn't help and it lingers
Been there and you fight gently

Tom and Joey, thinking of you both!
 Apr 2023
It is the feeling in your bones
You have it together and then you lose control
Amazing predicament
Behold its magic and allure
It has blue eyes seeking a rainbow of imagination
It knows what Love is and knows it is different for all
Once Flow and Love get together it does more than make the world go round
It the gift that gives beyond this Earth and time
You don't believe, look at those you love and adore
'The Flow surrounds you
May you all Flow

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