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 Apr 2023
Somebody crossed the line
Meant well but should have initiated brain and not mouth
Just because you think of something doesn't give you the right to hurt somebody
Intention has nothing to do with it
Keep it to yourself
There are those out there with a mission to fix people
Take them as they are if you have a chance at a friendship
That is a word that should never be given out randomly or assigned without consideration
As does the word Love
People with no filter need to keep their distance

 Apr 2023
You don't give up
You don't give in
You compromise and realize what you need
You are more than you know
Fear does you no good at all
You can be afraid but that is different
Keep learning daily to find out more
No fear and fearless

 Apr 2023
Thanks Jerry Seinfeld
Thanks Andrew Cuomo
Make up your mind ,Mr.Mayor
Whose side are you really on?
Mister President your press secretary compared Teachers to meat packers.
All important but a lot more than apples and oranges
We are not babysitters and we have the education to prove it.
It is so much more than making it through the rain or the memory of 911.
What is essential to some doesn't matter to others
We have always had the right stuff
Even when good wasn’t good enough
Whatever came at us we made it through
New York Tough
New York Tough

If we lose one child ,school nurse,administrator or educator It is too many!
 Apr 2023
Henry David taught me well
Hiking on Walden Pond brought it forward
Nature and her children sing and frolic
The thunder and lightning and storms worn us she us a force to be reckoned with
Enjoy the sky,the wind
,waterways,oceans,predators and prey
As you sit in awe and enjoy the vistas and bounty
Remember we should care ,protect,and  respect everything around us
Not only should you sing her songs
Stand up and standby her always
 Apr 2023
Toxic people and environments in your own backyard
Co-dependents who enable without realizing why they do it
Party to what they know and not what they don't
Just when the company of a pad, a pen and a keyboard were allies
There is Digital Poetry to investigate and engage in
For what it is worth
Giving it a name starts the process

 Apr 2023
Many of my friends are writers and words
Different genres
Different people in many walks of life
My family and their wishes and dreams
May your health be wonderful
May joy find you no matter where you may roam
May you let go of your troubles and set yourselves free
May you use your creativity for good
My gift to you are these things
May they come true if you are reading this
Or even if your wishes are here and you are not

 Apr 2023
Other than my family and my golden circle of very select real friends
For those no longer in reach or out of touch
Grateful for the time we had and that you passed my way
Fair weathered  friends and otherwise
Last three years we lost a parent and two Dear friends
You, Poetry have been my constant companion
So on my daily walk
The bush had one tiny flower with an opal center
Surrounded by orchid and lavender
Who was saying Hello?
Poetry doesn't judge ,it listens
Let's me get things out and over
Let's me share
My friend Poetry

 Apr 2023
Whatever your religious thoughts are
They are respected and understood
As well as your feelings
Please see other side for a moment
If your life is at stake
If you have survived an attack and I speak from my experience only
where my body and life were forever changed
Years of therapy and dealing with Depression was the price and telling my beloved what happened before we embarked to what will be 43 year old marriage this autumn
Wanted children but a ****** took that from me at fourteen
If you acted first and thought better later
If your partner was not prepared for the situation after the fact
If you are not ready financially emotionally ,or whatever the reason
My body, my life, my choice
The medication and right to choice is not a states or judges decision
As for Florida and other states that have banned the choice

There are no words just tears

 Apr 2023
Beaches beckon come walk on my sand and share my shore
Enjoy the rides and arcades
The crowds are gone so enjoy more
Enjoy summer just a little bit longer
Before the days grown shorter and darken
Indian Summer perhaps
September 11 brought attacks, challenges, adaptation, adjustment and aftermath
Now recovery and redemption
Sorrow personified and magnified
We will never forget
We will always remember for DC, New York, and Pennsylvania
Months that end in ER begin again and again
They never really end
They echo on our hearts

C@rainbowchaser 2021
 Apr 2023
Leo Sunshine
Lola the Gem
Happy to be in a family
Two first cousins growing up together

 Apr 2023
A place to belong
Where food and love surround me
Where hugs and pats are my companions
Where cold does not spend its time with me
Where I dream and wake to find my family returning to me
Looking forward to greeting you and welcoming you back home
I dream of this when nobody choses me at the end of the day
It is always an almost but then they don't return
I dream of this when the volunteer tells me tomorrow girl
Looking for a home

 Apr 2023
Bright blue sky dotted with rainbow colored balloons
The look in your beautiful sapphire eyes when a puppy or dog approaches
Every single moment should be precious for you
You have given us hope and magic
How has a year come and gone since we were graced with your birth
and the gift of you?
The best event in 2020 was you!
So if you are sassy and have chutzpah then the world beckons.
Happy first birthday on May 20!
Be happy and healthy our sweet Gem

 Apr 2023
Some despite the need refuse to learn
They dont think and stopped learning when school ended
School is not a building in fact it is all around you
Reading is not only fundamental it is as important as breathing
Communicating face to face or in a group is getting away from us
Technology lets us reach out but the contact is the reach in
You wonder why people talk at each other and not
talk to each other
While we are at it
When was the last tine you listened and not heard
It is very clear
Or is it?

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