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 May 2013
keith pratt
old people die  nobody cries
but the rain  on the pinebox
 May 2013
Nick Durbin
We are married to the Earth in an endless dance,
Floating through the abyss of life,
Imagining adventures with the stars -
Using the universe as our stage.
"Cratered with imperfections. We are the moon." - Lacus Crystalthorn
She inspired this poem with her words. :)
 May 2013
day dreamer
The universe
With all its mystery
Everything constructed
with infinite complexity
Yet comes together
with such simplicity

There's the stars
and there's the sun
Giving us light and warming the earth
From this the plants came forth
They live their life
Giving us the oxygen
Upon which we rely
Now the planets inhabitable
But we must become collaboratble

So respect the earth
From it we came forth
love the air
and the ground
love every person
every plant
love every part of this great planet
 May 2013
Robert Guerrero
Ehi, ti amo
Non ti ** mai detto che ** fatto
Forse **
Mi hai sentito quando l'** detto?
Adreishka ... ti amo con tutto il mio cuore
Non voglio mai lasciarti andare
Voglio che nostro figlio sia perfetto
Lei è perfetta
Io non ti merito
Mi voglio sposare
Quindi, mi vuoi sposare?
Adreishka So che hai già detto sì
Ma dico sul serio
Voglio farti felice al di là di confronto

Translation for the people.

Hey I love you
I never told you that did I
Maybe I have
Did you hear me when I said it?
Adreishka...I love you with all of my heart
I never want to let you go
I want our son to be perfect
You are perfect
I don't deserve you
I want to marry you
So will you marry me?
Adreishka I know you already said yes
But I really mean it
I want to make you happy beyond comparison
 May 2013
Emily Tyler
Is just what it sounds,
First you're up,
Then you're down

Can't decide
Of what to write
Of hearing? Of taste?
Of smelling? Of sight?

And you run in circles
But nowhere you get
Because writer's block
Has you in its net.

Cemented shoes
And silenced talk
It's even hard to describe
Writer's block
Stuck in a rut
 May 2013
Amanda Guerrero
Robert set this up for me
I thank you for talking him into it
I really don't know how to write
I don't know how much I will be on here
I'm kind of shy and antisocial
Thank you
I love you
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