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 Jun 2013
Though we are not giants
We can reach across the world,
To touch the hearts of many
To step out and be bold

Did you know, as you see the pictures
They’re really peoples’ lives?
Not just faces; these children have
Real tears and real eyes

If we all can give a little
Our change can change the world,
One step at a time
We are nearing our goal

We can all make a difference
Greatness has no age or size,
It’s only what is in your heart,
That’s truly recognised

And though we are not giants
The world’s within our grasp,
For on each others’ shoulders
We can reach each others’ hearts
This is an old poem I wrote about four years ago,
(when i was about 13/14 years old) -
Just thought I'd share it...  :)
When for the Muse shall I wrangle those Songs
And carry them Gently to your Heart's place
First my Errors make Pure; Then Right my Wrongs
To listen, dear Talent of Promising Grace
If such my Words be too Quipped for your Pick
Since I, abandoned the Once-Supporting Friend
Shall I bite Sincere; Then hear your Voice unique
By Faith my Cloudy Attitude amend
Then crank this Ampled Recorder to Like
Which by Prayers fast weave a Chuffled Tune
To capture those Drums; From Snails such Elves devise
And summon the Crowd to revere you soon.
That is my Wish; Though Hoodwinked I become
Blow Notes for your Pen; Such Pen your Gift's Sum.
So this Lady-of-Themes infused with Beat,
Whose Soft-Flamed Hands smoothen the Letter's Edge,
Whose Process define what Matters on Heat -
Like Ripe Seeds scattered take Root on the Ledge
Then enrich such Themes my Country indeed
Which plomb this Moment I can take to Pride:
Another Beauty marked Genious-of-East
And Future the Written Maiden abide
If Blessings - un-poped - then endowed onto her
For Utmost Talent was beyond belief
Still her Tongue the Innocent bid confer
To sand these Edges from Rough World's relief.
And by such Hands, let our Mothers invoke:
Youth indeed does Spell; And Spells out our Hope.
Yes. The Motives. Which I will due Admit
Why these Trailing Virtues egg me to Write
That my Heart tugs back my Mind to permit
Then bill me later for Hypocrisy
Then assured I was given my Titles null
Beneath you beyond these Honours compare
Cast what Votes? Life be such Permanence dull
To Pour my Energies for you to Care
So goes with the Rest. Whom by their Frought Hands
Cry and Scream to even Notice their Names
Which, by Reason, as Reasonable as Sands
Blew away Dust then Pursue your own Games.
Happy such Moments, as Human you be
To catch how far their Humanity see.
#tomdaley1994 #tomdaleytv
That I shadowed your Invite, I admit
Though such Quip must be uttered in Reverse:
Me the Famed Star; You the Commoner's Wit
Was simply a Jest to see you Rehearse
Seriously, Hearts, be my Concept to Thank
Regardless if Certified your Profiles based
Then plomb this Gift; Appreciate be Frank
Like to the Learning of your own Good Faith
Until then, when your Avid Eyes digest
When Beauty's Kind be Beauty's Faith revealed
The Tongue-Tied Suitor; Glued to his Invest
As Roses sprinkled with his Puckers sealed.
Behold my Verses. Un-Worthy for your Name
Forgotten by Time; Though Loyalty sane.
Through the Glittering Seas brought your Survive
Which both your Good Ends managed to Perform
From my Views placed Honours to your Guide
And Pray that such will Sustain your Reform
Having much by Models and Sects thereof
With Voices astound then doomed to Interpret
Of all your Best Efforts labelled by Thought
Thrown to the Bin then Destroy your Effect
Such the Life of Stars. Which their Moons un-sate
Evenly known my Thickest Shields weather
Though your Entourage betray such Rebate,
Cancel Late Programs then find Another.
So Still Friendships be; By Modest acclaim,
The Simpler the Form; The Greater the Fame.
#kendalljenner #kyliejenner
Maiden. Lovely Humble displayed so far
And kept your ******-Cloth from Sharks despite
Witnessed his Meet - then Tweet his Time would Par
Hoping your Fine Reply would Glaze his Sight
Though in my Views by your Royalty known
From your Famed Elders mummed your Darling Head
Though many Tempters stake to have you Blown
Praised on your Decide for Common Life instead
Rather - the Keek - as Private Expressions flow
And caused your Degree of Healthy Fame renew
Snip-Videos swarm; Since caught his Eye behold,
If Open for your Sentiments be True.
Once more Un-Known my Pillared Hands can Spare
To Brand your Virtues if his Daring Hands fare.
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