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 Mar 2014
I don't know how to say this,
the words walking through my mind.
I can't put what is on the heart onto a paper,
the sentence I can't find,
for the feelings deep inside my heart.
I pray to god for the right words to tell you,
how much I have fallen in love.
 Mar 2014
How do I describe the forbidden love !
My Heart Beats whenever I see you
My Heart Beats , Bleeds, Cutting me inside .....
Afraid from wishing you too much.
Without you in my life my loneliness will grow with time.
All what I'll have is just memories!
I'll be stronger than that & pray to God to let us be together .
 Mar 2014
I can see the LOVE in your eyes !
I know you can't pour your feelings .
When we talk we make eye contact
I know you love me , but you can't tell .
I look at your eyes a little then look down, and because I love you so much baby , I can't even look at your eyes !
If I could wish one thing only in this world
, I would choose you to be mine forever  
get married to you ,,,,
cute children running in the house  ,,,,
Great Manners just like their father ....  
I wish you could take my heart and feel My Love For You.
It Is True When Some People Said That *LOVE KILLS
 Mar 2014
Telling The Truth & Making Someone Cry
Is Better Than Telling A Lie & Making Someone Smile!
 Mar 2014
I swear you would cry at me
if you could take my eyes and see how crazy I am into you and not even noticing anyone else !
 Mar 2014
I never thought
that I would fall in love like this .
It's like there is no one in the world
but US
I feel like he knows
but I can't never know .
But I like living in a world
knowing that the one I love ,
loves me back
I promise no one can takes me away from this world
Until that day
I'll never stop loving you !
 Mar 2014
It's not a crush !
Between you and me baby there is something.
I dream of you
I open my eyes thinking about you , This is not a crush
but it's just a simple thing written on the stars .
I love you so much & I'll keep loving you till the end !
 Mar 2014
Steven Hutchison
I went looking...
looking through legs
so shiny and bare;
looking through the eyes of a stranger;
looking through arms
tangled in dances,
through fingers gripping
the satin sheets;
looking into eyes painted with fire,
across the lips of one saying
"more is never enough,"
across the lying lips
and wayward hips
of countless washed up sirens;
looking through the dessert
and courting each mirage,
each cracked and broken sea floor,
each petrified promise;
looking through the heat
from a thousand neon suns
shining down on the hopeless,
the secret;
looking through the savagery,
through rite and omen,
through the increasingly hypnotic gaze
of priestesses and virgins;
looking through open mouths
into the lonesome hollows
where souls bring pennies on the pound;
looking through piles of amputated dignity,
through prosthetic dreams
that have played themselves out;
looking through fiddle shaped shadows
and straining to hear their mozart memories,
watching them sway,
watching them play,
never hearing a whisper of music;
looking through daughters
and sisters long estranged,
through cousins and neighbors,
through the cause of someone's tears,
through the pain so blatantly fueling desires;
haven't you heard that heartache is kindling?
haven't you ever thrown yourself into a sea?
didn't its hands feel just like comfort
all the while building your cage?
haven't you heard the song of the ******
in many a mirror's conversation?

I went looking for satisfaction
in the soot covered ruins
of *****
and fell into the lake of fools;
where the ego swims freely
and should anyone condemn
you are never found without an excuse.
I went looking for you in Gomorrah.
You were no where to be found,
and the gods I once believed in
could not even speak your name.
You, whose tongue is made of lightning,
who spoke across my sky,
you saw me naked,
and looking,
and never blinked an eye.
Your love is a force unfailing,
never blind,
calling me back to the world of the living,
unlearning my ears
of the mirror's lie.
 Feb 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
The Ride Of Your Life

It begins as you are just a child
As you wait each year to grow
You watch as others go there first
Then you reach your stepping stone

They say there's rules to this ride
And try to lock you in your place
You begin your uphill journey
With a smile upon your face

You go slowly up a long steep hill
As you enjoy the scenic view
Then you rest a moment at the top
As time stands still for you

You crest the hill and begin to fall
Heart beating in your chest
The bottom comes so very fast
But your rides not over yet

You hit that curve you dont expect
And you hang on for your life
It throws you through a loopty loop
Then it rights you just in time

A few more hills and one last turn
Then a slow unwanted stop
You're happy that you took life's ride
But Lifes ride's not long enough

Carl Joseph Roberts
The story of life with many ups and downs.
At times it throws you curves and send you spinning.
In the end like any good ride, im guessing,  you're going to want to do it all again.
Enjoy lifes ride you only get one.
 Feb 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
A parents job is always tough there are no guarantees

There Are No Guarantees

Sometimes no matter what we do
It is still there life to lead
Outcomes for the choices made
Cannot be guaranteed  

Experience may just speak the truth
Still sometimes they will not hear
You hope one day they'll understand
And know that you've been there

Sometimes it matters what you say
Your actions play a part
The outcomes for a life well lived
You hope they take to heart

You need to see they understand
The true love you feel inside
Learn life lessons without regret
So they need never hide

Still sometimes no matter what we do
It is still their life to lead
A parents job is always tough
There are no guarantees

Carl Joseph Roberts
The joys of teenagers
 Feb 2014
...I just fell in love with the words that you said to me

And with the moments that you shared with me

With the better person that you made me be

And with the thought of you and me being 'we'

Yes,I only fell in love with a thought

With the 'maybe' of the 'just us two'

But falling in love with you yourself was something I never felt

I just fell in love with the idea of falling in love with you "...
...Is all I ever tell myself.
 Feb 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
Second Chances

If I were given a second chance
I Know what I would do
I'd take that chance and use it
To fall in love with you

I would somehow show you how I feel
And let you see inside
Not leave my feelings bottled up
My love I would not hide

I would give to you all I have
And allow for something new
Create that special moment
Known only by a few

If  I were given a second chance
I know what I will do
I would take that chance and use it
To fall in love with you

**Carl Joseph Roberts
 Feb 2014
I asked her how it felt to be in love and she said
loving and being loved was like feeling the warmth of the sun on both sides of your body
I was going to tell her "your shadow makes it impossible to have both"
But then again I didn't want to sound cocky

Whenever I think about her, my throat starts tickling  
So I guess the butterflies in your stomach feeling is all just a lie
For me its more like spiders crawling up my throat
And I would give anything for the fear to subside

After a very long time
Its finally healing
The black lump of muscles that pumps my blood
So I'll tell you about dealing with those ******* feelings

Just gather up all your feelings and pile them up
Then sit on them and start suppressing
And although it may sound a little depressing  
Trust me when I say its way better than accepting.
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