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Chloe Feb 2019
A constant ache

I feel it in the day
I don’t know how it got this way

I feel it at night
Will I be alright?

Chained by my sorrows
It will still be here tomorrow

It never goes away
It comes everyday

A constant ache
Chloe Nov 2020
Love me!
She screamed
But his lips remained silent
Chloe Apr 2019
When you said
We can fix us
You really meant me
But I’m too broken
Chloe Jun 2019
Your fist hit the wall
But no sound escapes
Tomorrow won't come
Chloe Nov 2020
A lonely echo smiled
when you said you loved her
Chloe Dec 2019
Go away
I screamed
But the thoughts kept coming
Chloe Nov 2020
Minds unwind
As the waves soothe their souls
Filling them up with golden serenity
Chloe May 2019
Heartbroken fits me perfectly
Like a dress that clings to every curve
It’s sown it’s way into my soul
And it’s there to stay
Chloe Mar 2019
How many ways is there
To rip my heart out
To bleed me dry of tears
To crush my spirit and soul
Beyond repair
Chloe Mar 2019
You had no clue
That i loved you
Now my heart
Is so f*cking blue
Chloe Nov 2020
Broken and blue
Is how love leaves you
Chloe Apr 2021
Her smile lights up
Even the rainiest of days
My beautiful Violet
Chloe May 2021
He left a broken soul
And bruised fragments
Chloe Mar 2019
The clock struck twelve
Oh crap
I flee
Racing against reality

Come after me
And then you'll see
No one can love the real me
Chloe Oct 2019
Her tears fell
Leaving stains on his shoulders
He didn't wipe them away
Chloe Dec 2019
Waves of sadness
Salt filled rain
Messed up makeup
Despair filled soul
Chloe Nov 2020
A single splinter
Pierced my heart
Leaving nothing but a hole
That won’t fill
Chloe May 2019
If darkness could speak
What would it say?
Chloe Dec 2019
You're like poison,
Toxic and deadly.

Will it **** me?
I'm not sure,
Because even breathing feels like a chore.
Chloe Feb 2019
Im falling into deep depths of despair
I can feel my self being drawn in
Like a penny falling to the ground

I can't drag myself out this time
Despair has hold to tightly
Theres no escape

What goes up must come down
And down is where i'll stay
Chloe Aug 2019
And just for a second
I thought we were real
Chloe Nov 2020
A gentle kiss upon her forehead
Allowed a drowsy peace to settle deep within her
Chloe Dec 2019
One glass
Or two
That should be enough for you
But instead
You do not stop
Now you'll surely drop
Chloe Feb 2019
One sip
Two sip
Three sip
All gone
You’ve drank me all up
Nothing left
Used up
Hope you’re satisfied now love
I’m nothing more than an empty cup
Chloe Sep 2019
The abyss looks back
As I gaze into its
Chloe Dec 2019
If time never ends
Then neither will
My love...

Forever is my promise
Chloe Aug 2020
If the rain disappears
Then so shall your tears
Chloe Nov 2020
My dreams circle around me
But still I cannot find them

This poem was inspired by an amazing writer named CZ, definitely visit his page!!!! I really loved his poem a “circle of dreams”
Chloe Jan 5
She was afraid
Afraid Sadness was immortal
Anxiety was eternal
Misery was everlasting
And happiness was out of reach
But she still smiled
Chloe Feb 2019
Stop staring at the ceiling
The answers you're looking for aren't within the cracked paint

They are within the cracks of your heart
Your mind
Your soul
Your body

You can't be fixed
A broken soul
Chloe Oct 2019
“My hearts like glass” she whispered
But he was not careful
Chloe Jun 2019
I wanted to cry
When you said goodbye
Chloe Nov 2020
The moon speaks to me
He keeps me up all night
He says he’s seen it all before
He's told me a million times
Chloe Jan 2021
Loving you was like
Watering dead flowers
Chloe Mar 2019
The thin red layers
Laid on her pale white skin
Black waves rested on her shoulders
Paint stuck to her gentle features
Sapphires ran through her tired eyes
The orange embers burned through her
Like a candle left out in the cold
Chloe Feb 2020
I love you she said
So he devoured her
Now he’s full of love
Chloe Feb 2019
The black ink spilt into my soul  
It seeped into every corner
Every crack
The black stains run so deep
They’ll never fade
Chloe May 2021
Let the rain fill your soul
So you don’t cry
Chloe Dec 2023
Oh Ivy green
She twists and twirls
Straight to your heart
Now we can never be apart
Chloe May 2020
If you’re the sun
Then I’m the moon
And together
We eclipse
Chloe Mar 2019
Dark minds can be freed
With a certain type of key
One with a cute smile
A heart of gold
And a soul of purity
Chloe Dec 2021
She died before her death
But no one noticed
Chloe Feb 2019
He ran his fingers along my shoulders
Dragging them lower
And lower

Do you even love me?

He looked at me with his thirsty eyes and whispered
No one f*cks for love

I let him have me
Chloe Nov 2020
I felt the cold set into my bones
When you said you didn’t love me
Chloe Nov 2020
A heart left cold
Will break
Chloe Nov 2020
Don’t forget the moon
When you’re swimming in the sun
Chloe Apr 2019
Eyes of sapphire
Skin of snow
Lips with words that ruin
You head to toe
Chloe Oct 2019
Love with secrets
Love with lies
What’s going on in your mind
Chloe Nov 2020
Clouds of passion crash together
Intertwining lonely hearts
Now the sky is grey
Chloe Jan 2020
The waves fall over the rocks
The same way you stumble for her
Quickly and all at once  
Crashing and hitting at big impact
Slowly eroding your soul
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