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Chloe Jun 2020
Go to sleep
She said
You’ll see him in your dreams
Chloe Jun 2020
Your touch
Leaves erosion
There’s barely anything left
Chloe Jan 2020
She gazed at the sunset and smiled
Will you miss me? she whispered

I never got the chance to reply
Chloe Sep 2023
Oh violet sky
Purple hue
You light me up
Happy with you
A tribute to my daughter, she brings me so much happiness
Chloe Mar 2019
Darkness has seeped through my skin
It’s made it’s way in
I wanted to scream  

My mind hazed with blackness
My eyes glazed over like a tinted window
Why can’t I feel anything
Chloe Jan 2020
If love could overwhelm
I’d be surrounded by waves
Chloe Aug 2019
Is simply something
I cannot seem to grasp
Chloe Aug 2021
It rains now
As you rest your head on me
Chloe Aug 2020
I lay the storm on my shoulders
to keep you from the rain
Chloe Feb 2020
There are times
When I feel like crying
So I stand in the rain
And pour
Chloe Mar 2019
You plunged the knife into my heart
Regret filled your soul
I was all you had left
But you still killed me
Chloe Nov 2020
Sat waiting
If I even exist at all
Chloe Apr 2019
Pleasure seeps through the sheets
Gasps left soft lips
Bodies pressed together
Stuck in rhythm
Chloe Apr 2019
I could smell your cologne on my neck
Your taste on my lips
Your touch on my hips
Your lies in my ears
Why can’t I be rid of you
Chloe Apr 2019
Do you believe in angles?
She said softly
His lips formed a smile
Their eyes met
Her cheeks turned red
Chloe Nov 2020
The cold dead air
pressed against my skin
trying to get in
but maybe this time
I won't let it win
Chloe Dec 2019
Darkened soul
Chipped and stained
Wash I try
But black it stays
Chloe Dec 2019
The harsh wind wraps around you
Like a blanket of black ice
Melting into your bones
Blood and soul
Chloe Jan 2020
Life is unfair
I fall into despair
Will I get out of this nightmare?
Chloe Apr 2019
Your expression didn’t change
It remained empty
Even when I gave you a smile
Chloe Mar 2020
A soul so delicate
Yet so stained
Broken and frayed
She still keeps trying
To scrub it away
Despite the pain
Chloe Mar 2019
We’ll stay young forever
Death will never touch us  
We shall f*ck for eternity
Never to taste the freedom of death
Stuck in time
Chloe Jul 2020
The sadness settled on my skin
Like a warm fluffy blanket
Now all I do is cry
Chloe Jan 2020
My thoughts
Bump and spin around me
Like clothes in a dryer
The cycles on repeat
Chloe Sep 2019
Love for you
Chloe May 2019
Till death do us part
You said sincerely
You took my life
And left me drunk
And dreary
Chloe Dec 2019
The night always seems to slip away from me
My mind never fails to keep ticking
Will I ever rest?
Chloe Nov 2019
Your kiss was sweet
But poison
Chloe Mar 2019
Come with me he said
I felt compelled to follow

He gifted me a kiss
Lead me into a trap

He caught my heart
And kept it
He broke it

Then he left
Chloe Nov 2020
You were sent from hell
But became my heaven
Chloe Nov 2020
She didn’t know what love was
But she knew it wasn’t this
Chloe Dec 2019
I’m sad for days
My life slips away
When will I be okay?
Chloe Dec 2019
I once flew above the clouds
but now I lay beneath the ground
Chloe Mar 2019
Waves wash over me
Soaked from head to toe
With sorrow
It fills me up
But i'm so empty
Chloe Sep 2021
Just let the waves wash over you
The storm will calm
Chloe Jun 2019
If my heart was your game
What would happen
If i won?
Chloe Jun 2019
I can’t see the stars anymore
Just empty space

— The End —