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19.1k · Jul 2014
Cora Lee Jul 2014
We all crave
In this world so
2.4k · Mar 2013
Snowflake - Haiku
Cora Lee Mar 2013
Dainty, delicate,
simple, and drifting quiet;
Alone in the sky.
1.9k · Dec 2012
Can't Take A Compliment
Cora Lee Dec 2012
It's happening.
I'm in your thoughts.
You've always been in mine,
But I never knew.
And now you feel the same.

It doesn't make sense.
No one thinks about me,
But you do now.
How can you?

You called me beautiful.
I laughed,
But only because I'm scared.
I'm scared that you think about me.
Because you can think whatever you want,
But I don't want it to be about me.

You say I'm beautiful.
I can't believe you.
I want to,
So badly,
But I can't.

If I believe you,
Then I can't hate myself.
Then I couldn't hide.
I can't believe you,
Because I'm scared.
Looking for suggestions.
1.1k · Dec 2014
Cora Lee Dec 2014
I have good intentions,
I promise.

I'm doing my best,
I promise.

I want to help you,
I promise.

I'm a good person!
Please listen to me, I promise you I am!

I need you to understand me...
974 · Jan 2013
Forgettable Nightmares
Cora Lee Jan 2013
Woke up this morning,
Blankets thrown off the bed.
I can only imagine
What had gone on in my head.
This one's a little different for me... let me know what you think, criticism welcome.
903 · Jan 2013
Petal- Haiku
Cora Lee Jan 2013
Soft, delicate, faint;
The petal drifts quietly
To the rigid earth.
797 · Dec 2014
Cora Lee Dec 2014
I have weird habits like:
Avoiding capital 'n's because they look harsh.
Eating food in the shower.
Only matching socks when I'm sad.
Always finishing a started book.
Wringing hands, tapping feet, shaking legs.
Talking to myself.
Always having a song stuck in my head.
Watching myself do everyday things.
Adding a squeak to the end of a sneeze.
Talking like a littler person when I am nervous.
Swallowing my food strangely.
Refusing to sit properly.

I don't understand:
Thumb twiddling.
The school system.
How pi was defined.
Brand names.
Cooked vegetables.
Lip gloss.
People that dislike reading.
My step mom.
High heels and flip flops.
Why there are wars.

I love:
Peanut butter.
Random knowledge.
My boyfriend.
Brushing my teeth.
Anime and Manga.
Patterns and colors.
My family.
Writing utensils.
Loud music.
Floor rugs.
My best friend.
Tiny containers.
Kind strangers.
Window shopping.

And your inconsequentialities -
May I discover them, dear?
I ache to know these things of you that define us all.
704 · Aug 2013
The Dark
Cora Lee Aug 2013
The Dark is my companion. The Dark is easy to be consumed in. Oh, there is a light, but the Dark is soothing, stroking, comforting, albeit with a cold hand.
*And what of the Light?
628 · Mar 2013
I Am Alone Again
Cora Lee Mar 2013
The silver pendant reminds me of your love, but it's cold.
It makes me feel empty.

The music gives me feelings, but they are fake.
I have no feeling now, and I am as numb as ever.

The window provides solace, but it is temporary.
It's cold outside, and I feel exposed.

The blanket is close, but nothing compared to your warmth.
It makes me wish you were here.

The notion of you is comforting, but only until I remember.
It makes me long for your thoughts on mine, and mine on yours.

The guilt and pain set in, but I can't bear them alone.
You are not here, I am alone.
Cursed to think, to care, to breathe.
Yet I will think about you tomorrow.
611 · Dec 2012
Can't Think.
Cora Lee Dec 2012
Why is it so hard?
My thoughts were always safe.
They were always there.
Always mine.

Why can't I think?
I ignore the confusion.
Push everything away.
Convince myself I'm alright.

Why do I cry?
I'm lost, confused, hurt, broken, and scared
Just me.
Is that why?
Looking for suggestions.
598 · Aug 2016
Cora Lee Aug 2016
Waiting eagerly for her to strike
To double you over in your own haste
Scramble to escape the fervor bestowed upon you
Burdening you

Obediently kneeling
Praying for that glorious slap in the face
To fling you into action

Inspiration's slave.
582 · Mar 2013
Cora Lee Mar 2013
Tomorrow is a new day.
The perfect time to start anew.
A blissful, reaccuring second chance.

Tomorrow, I will wear the same face.
I will not be seen.
I will be in pain all the time.

Tomorrow, I will not search for something more.
I will not try to fix the world.
I will ignore my longing to break away.

Tomorrow is a blessing.
A forgotten and perfect gift.
The strange comfort in it's presence.

But Tomorrow, I will give up again.
I will not feel.
I will stumble through without a second glance.

But Tomorrow, I will try to be better
I will not give in to the cycle.
I will live my life to the fullest the day allows.
554 · Sep 2013
The Recent Rain
Cora Lee Sep 2013
A lone gnat, glides to climb easily upwards against the rain, expertly dodging the drops. A tiny spider skitters onto the porch, seeking refuge from the drizzle, is joined by another, also seeking asylum. Another gnat, entombed in a clear prison, escapes it, seconds before it crashes to the earth, spraying in all directions. I'm not usually a fan of spiders, but the two that joined me are quiet enough, I'm glad they found shelter. A third spider, scurrying onto the bottom step, pauses, believing he is safe. He waits there several seconds, before a stray droplet catches him on the rear and sends him up on to the porch in a flurry of black legs. A moth tacks back and forth again the slight breeze, finding a dry corner amidst the leaves of the walnut tree. The splatters tickle my outstretched hands. The cool drops force my eyes to close, though I wish I could truly take it all in.
Just a simple descriptive piece. Critique is welcomed.
541 · Jul 2014
Butterflies - Haiku
Cora Lee Jul 2014
Keen, fierce butterflies.
Striking and daring dancers,
May we soar with you?
Another side to butterflies?

Collaborative work. Co-Author: Ashton Rae
533 · Jan 2013
The Sad Part Is...
Cora Lee Jan 2013
I get straight A's,
You worry I don't have a social life.
I hang out with friends,
You never see me any more.
I spend time with you,
You worry about my grades.
The sad part is,
I keep trying.

I keep to myself,
You worry I'm depressed.
I come out of my room,
You get sick of me.
I'm quiet,
You worry I don't care.
I say how I feel,
You ignore me.
The sad part is,
You don't try at all.
530 · Jan 2013
Butterfly- Haiku
Cora Lee Jan 2013
flitting silently
butterfly is light as silk
glide, flutter, float, rise.
510 · Jul 2014
Cora Lee Jul 2014
Letter to the Letter K:
To my favorite letter,

You are incredible. Present in the coarsest and most uncommon of words, you confound me. Your asymmetry is balanced by your astonishing performances. How I envy you, striking Letter K...

Letter to the Letter B:
To the letter that most irritates me,

You are infuriating. You are not soft enough to be considered delicate, yet not hard enough to be considered harsh. You include your self in words beautiful and bulky, bold and benign, never making up your mind. You are frustrating, Letter B...
509 · Aug 2016
Letting Go
Cora Lee Aug 2016
He's rebellious
But I won't tell...

He's cried twice today
But always strongest.

He's empathetic
But a formidable temper.

He's a sweetheart
But impenetrable walls.

He's rebellious
But they'll never know...

He'll make a good soldier.
Cora Lee May 2014
I look into your eyes,
Greeted by the struggle inside you mirrored in me,
Our stare conveying everything.

"I want to be selfish..."
"I do too."
"Can I do it for the both of us?"
"Don't worry, I'll do my part... For now."

I nod and smile sadly.
"For now."

Our lips meet the very next instant,
And gentle is not in our nature.
491 · Jan 2015
Cora Lee Jan 2015
I do not envy ignorance.
We are breakable.
We are fearful.
But we are human.

I do not wish anyone an end.
We can be cruel.
We can be fake.
But we are all human

And to be human is to be beautiful.

We are kind.
We are proud.
We are curious.
We are resilient.
We are vulnerable.
We are meaningful.
We are human.

And we humans are so *beautiful...
490 · Jul 2014
Forgotten Future
Cora Lee Jul 2014
They call it:

and dangerous...

I don't see what's the matter with that...

I am:

and dangerous.

So please... let me be.

Allow me to dream...
If only
Because I know you can't
485 · Jul 2014
Sky - Haiku
Cora Lee Jul 2014
Envelop the world
In your greyest majesty.
Prove grace and power.
484 · Feb 2014
Eyes (Abstract Short Piece)
Cora Lee Feb 2014
The girl is quiet. With dark brown hair laced back with care into a delicate bow, and her eyes focused with an intensity only to be achieved by someone so young, she watches intently as the grain swirls beneath her dainty limbs. She paces in her tiny, chocolate dress, twirling her hands, plastic bracelets clicking to the soft sound of her little feet rustling as they alight on the worn wooden floors. Her lips and toes are silent, but oh, if we could only hear her thoughts.
        The man is still. His many wrinkles long set in his now tired features soften what was. His pale green eyes seem vivid only when compared to the chair he now rests in. His shoulders sag, his face turned to the sky beyond the ceiling. He cannot remember her, his daughter, for she exists only in lost hopes; but he has seen her, once, and his eyes do remember.
        The woman is asleep. Her hair spread across a white pillow long-since gone cold, along with blankets of all shades of green, her favorite color. She thinks of him and him of her, what could have been, and who now lies peacefully surrounded by loving, brown, warm, earth.
        Her eyes remember what her mind may never. Her daughter dances in a scene of sepia.
        I have one green eye and one brown eye. The green eye sees truth, but the brown eye sees so much more.
Wrote this is in Creative Writing class with the last two sentences as the prompt. This is my first abstract piece and it's been something I've wanted to get involved in for a while. Critique and questions welcome of course. I've heard it's not the best reveal...
482 · Jul 2014
Say no To Religion
Cora Lee Jul 2014
Don't turn to religion and
Don't get ****** in.
Hundreds of 'good-doers'
Eradicating sin.

They'll tear you down
To build up their throne,
Tell you there's no other way.

They'll take you in
To spit you out,
Tell you you're impure.

Turn to the rest and
Don't be contained.
Hundreds of outcasts
One and the same.

They'll tear you down
To build up his throne,
Teach you all his ways.

They'll take you in
To let you out.
They'll show you that you can be good...
473 · Mar 2013
Alike and Alone
Cora Lee Mar 2013
My bed is the floor.
My food is the air.
My drink is my thought.
My clothes are my worries.
My thoughts are my poison.
My feelings are my surroundings.
My happiness is lost in my confusion.
My only comfort was you.
Cora Lee Jan 2013
Is happiness so strong,
that it is difficult to capture?
Or are we all too ready
to feel something else?
409 · Jul 2014
Cora Lee Jul 2014
Red splatters all around,
Once-white canvas cold on the ground.

Creation of sweat and blood
In an emotion-bound rage.

Not a work of art by any means, but a heinous crime.
It was an accident...
403 · May 2014
V is for Vanity
Cora Lee May 2014
I’m proud of most of who I am, I care how I appear, and I fear being misunderstood but these lead me to place too much value in how I act and what I say for fear of being ridiculed.
This isn't a part of who I want to be.
I know that no one is perfect, but I care about them all the same, so could they care about me like that too?
I know that it inspires me when I meet people perfectly comfortable with who they are, so what if I were to be?
I try on purpose every day to be imperfect in some way to try to get over it, but it’s not enough…
I think what I really need to do is be honest about my flaws and faults so that people can see them immediately, realize they don’t define me, and then be able to figure out who I really am without needing to discern what’s wrong with me because I will have already shown them.
I don’t want to be misunderstood, so could being honest about even the bad things be the best way to go?
Maybe then, after I have accepted my faults, can I move past them.
Maybe then, I won’t be misunderstood.

And then if being honest about what’s wrong with us allows people to better see what is good in us, then what could emphasizing our flaws do?
396 · Feb 2014
Cora Lee Feb 2014
Why can't the words just come out?
Already formed, perfect, and true.

You think I'm a liar,
I think you're a hypocrite.

You said, "I'm done with you."
"How could I have said it nicer?"

And your promises?
"Those were just words."

No. I'm done with you.
I'm sick of the games.
What, are we second graders?
You know I don't do silent treatments.

I don't hate you.
I wish things had gone better.
I wish you'd grow up.
I wish you hadn't talked bad about me and ruined my friendships.

How dare you?
I never thought you would treat me like that.
I never thought you could treat anyone like that.
You are not who I thought you were.

So this is my closure.
You won't talk to me.
You won't ever realize you were wrong.
You don't feel sorry for what you did to me.

And that's okay.

I'm fine.
I'm still me.
I'm stronger now.
I've proved you wrong.
I don't need you anymore.
I don't even want you anymore.

I'm more me than ever.
I'm happier than I can ever remember.

And I'm happy for you too.
395 · Jan 2013
Cora Lee Jan 2013
If beauty is in the eye of the beholder,
You have the most beautiful eyes.
392 · Mar 2013
Cora Lee Mar 2013
You are not here, I am alone.
Cursed to think, to care, to breathe.
Yet I will think about you tomorrow.
Excerpt from "I Am Alone Again"
390 · May 2014
What if We Went Back?
Cora Lee May 2014
I know we're not sure,
Though I can't help but to think...

What if we went back?
Skip all the bad parts,
And replay the rest.

If we did, I promise
I'll hold your hand,
And tickle your neck.

If we went back?
You'd pick me up when we hug,
And I'd kiss you like this.

If we went back,
Would we fall in love this time?
Would we hurt each other again?

Can we go back?
I would never let you go,
And you would never ask me to.

I want to go back...
Things would be perfect...
You'll see.

Maybe if we went back,
We'd discover we don't need to.
We'd realize that all we want is here.
And now?
This is what I want... I want you.
But how...?
We have other people to deal with too...
380 · May 2014
Us Again
Cora Lee May 2014
I missed you so much...
I didn't know it until I didn't have to anymore.

You still confuse me,
And still infuriate me,
But I don't ever remember feeling like this before.

We kiss now.
We touch.
We tell each other we want more...

But we're still just friends...

Just friends that can't take their eyes of each other.
Just friends that hold on for as long as possible.
Just friends that kiss until the guilt becomes overwhelming.

I want to tell you everything...
Tell you what I want.
I want to be selfish and make you mine.

You say you want that too...
But that it wouldn't hurt if I let you go.
And that you don't want to be honest about your thoughts anymore.

You say you'll never leave me again.
You say you're sorry.
You say I read too much into what you say.

Forgive me for being confused...
Forgive me for wanting to be yours...
Forgive me, David...
Because I never want to lose you again.
I want to mean the world to him, like he means the world to me... is that so wrong?

— The End —