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How can you live with such a negative mind
Only thriving on misery and tales unkind
You wonder why you have such bad luck
When its all Happiness you drain and ****
Your outlook is dark and bleak
No positivity do you seek
Inflicting your woe on all that will listen
Like a plague, sorrow you do christen
Your outlook physically drains me
I have one and only single plea
Is that you seek some positivity
What will it take for you to see
That from the bad comes negativity
No good can come from misery
This is the truth you fail to see.
sssshhhhhh hear that? Iam your inner voice calling
Iam what you confide in when you are falling
so near so close never far away
always listening to what you say
Iam the reason for restless sleep
quietly nagging away; buired deep
Iam that gut instinct that avoids danger
Iam the thought process thats a bit stranger
I will call out "I wouldnt do that if I were you"
i'll be there for everything you go through
Iam the result of pain that produces strength
Iam what you are sure of and what you ment
unheard unseen by others the inability to speak out
only voiced when supported by a confidence bout
Iam carefully masked behind politeness
The part of ones being so contrite and righteous
A whisper from your inner voice can change ones views
I can spread doubt fright fear and leave one quite confused
Your inner voice is something we all have in common
Wether you choose to listen to it is a positive type of phenomenon.
Dear Me iam speaking to you from the future
i want you to heed what i say as iam your tutor
you will meet a man who seems different to all the rest
with his unusual manner he will put you to the test
he will draw you in portraying an easy going personality
dont be fooled by this false pretence and give in easily
you will find given time hes controlling you
and subtly disapproving everything you do
if there was a warning of what's to come
these following words fit his ways if you should succumb
Your life is not your own no more you should put my feelings first
Ill take away your confidence
Self worth will day each day
Acknowledgment will be received its done my way
Your tastes will change to fit my likes and when your spirits gone..
I will continuously put you down and convince you that your wrong
Cut you off from your friends
Socially confined
Overtime il take it all, but never be satisfied.
he is the wolf in sheeps clothing
a person you will end up loathing
three long years you will devote to the cause doomed to fail
a spirit smashing Sanctimonious selfish dictating male
so i warn you to watch out for him entering your life
and making you miserable with endless amounts of strife
i can guarantee you will succeed in all of your endeavours
but don't be one of life's failures being one of the regret'ters.
Time to grow up behave like an adult now get away with anything in twenties somehow
But now a year older that milestones been reached
30 years old  time to join the scrapheap
Its better to be over the hill than under it how old are you now? not easy to admit
Not to worry though *** your not on your own
As im 30 too with me you can let go and moan
One step closer skidding towards the grave
Now knowing that its time you must behave
Looking forward to having wrinkles all around
And the sound of your ***** dragging on the ground
Coz gravity isn't kind to those past 30
Not believing anyone again will be flirty
Luckily enough there's Botox for the cracks and push up bras
And wheelchair access in motor cars
But don’t let it get you down , don’t feel blue
Because im right there aging more so than you.
Its now your day and  time to celebrate
So have a happy birthday to you on this date.
I know at the moment you cant see a good outcome arise
But with given time you will be alright, you just need to realise
Realise how special you are the caring, sharing soul you can be
Let beauty on the outside shine that others don’t see
I know you feel disgruntled you have wasted 5 long years
At least that time taught you well to learn, nothing is as it appears
Now is the time to take control make positive changes happen
Good things do come to dreamers and to those who do imagine
You must realise you were too good for him ruling and ruining your life Bringing only sorrow  and trouble with endless amounts of strife
Enjoy the feeling of being free, from confidents of a wasted time
You are reaching that time in life, your now in your prime
Must look to the future gladly and leave the past behind Mistakes are meant to be learnt from
especially unkind times As your friend I can promise I’ll be there to keep you strong
I’ll keep you in the right direction to point out if somethings wrong
Please don’t dwell on failures you’ve recently endeavoured
It’s  vast improvement to your life with all ties are now severed
Use failure as the building block to create a new life to start once more
To find love that’s worth your devotion someone you truly can adore.
My friend was going through a break up that inspired this poem.
Time and time again I am completely misunderstood
Not conforming to social norms that I should
I will rebel if people disapprove the way I live my life
If told to do something I’ll do it more for spite
As I cause no one trouble I am my own worst enemy
I cant be the poison and the remedy
I do things my own way even though seen worse by others
there's one thing they can not say I do not harm another
Despise being told what to do
I’ll do what I want and see it through.
Past actions cause much regret Sometimes I wish I could forget
Although character building is gained from error From ties of past mistakes  I must now sever.
We have not got a lot of memories that are fond
Do not share the norms of a family bond
Lacking shared memories seen as fond Of times that  we were happy for once
Tied by blood shared a home so differently raised You unnoticed and my misbehaviour praised
Discarded me as a wayward child
From how you’ve reacted with what ive compiled
Compiled a basis to resent you
You’ve never been there from all I've been through
You’ve had a way of always making me feel guilty
From adolescence to adulthood its now hit me
Cause all that ive done you couldn't do
Never would you or could you
My previous affection has gone and retracted
A true callous nature is what you’ve contracted
You couldn't even begin to empathise
The loss I felt when mum met her demise You only focused on monetary gain
Not showing any sadness did you Lorraine?
I was in severe shock losing mum so quick
The wrong time to pressurise me that you’d pick Live and let live so they do say
But your attitude has caused me such dismay
I can not forgive and forget so **** easy
No contact is something that will Please me
Even the last time we spoke Sparked  more  anger you’d provoke
Unable to recall is it two years or three That mum had been gone, disrespect really
The cold hard truth you wouldn't be able to bear
So I will leave you to do what you do best, not to care.
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