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ruby stains Dec 2014
stony silence; not a
w. ord/not a sound. (rusty
ice pick *chips a way
เรื่อยก้าวร้าว : passive aggressive in thai form
ruby stains Dec 2014
stained with ink/lead/twists
words fill\lines\fill\spaces\fill
e mpt yh e a . rts::*find home.
akwụkwọ : paper in igbo
ruby stains Dec 2014
fingertips /ache/ and raise
to t(rembling .li.p.s)
excutite= shake in latin form
  Dec 2014 ruby stains
Robert Herrick
Th’ast dar’d too far ; but, fury, now forbear
To give the least disturbance to her hair:
But less presume to play a plait upon
Her skin’s most smooth and clear expansion.
’Tis like a lawny firmament as yet,
Quite dispossess’d of either fray or fret.
Come thou not near that film so finely spread,
Where no one piece is yet unlevelled.
This if thou dost, woe to thee, fury, woe,
I’ll send such frost, such hail, such sleet, and snow,
Such fears, quakes, palsies, and such heats as shall
Dead thee to th’ most, if not destroy thee all.
And thou a thousand thousand times shalt be
More shak’d thyself than she is scorched by thee.
ruby stains Dec 2014
heart up

(skips; j


breath cat-

ches on

e t w o t h r e e

.hair (tugs)

hands twist i

n frenzied locks;

slip s t g r o u g h.

(sleep escapes you:

dreams pur

dé luain : irish form of monday

— The End —