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Claudia Ramirez Apr 2013
It is such a simple word
Yet it can move a nation
It could even get you killed
The funny thing is
Does anyone even know the meaning anymore?

It is just four letters
Yet it creates all others
We all want it
We all need it
We all think we know the definition
However, all we truly know
Is that it is supposed to be called love
Claudia Ramirez Apr 2013
I wanted love so desperately
That when I got it
I did not know what to do with it

I wanted it so bad
That a kiss under the starts
Would soon be nothing more than pleasant memory

I longed for a love like yours
And when I got a better one…
I became scare and confuse

Such a needy person shouldn’t get such great lover
Claudia Ramirez Apr 2013
Four poems per day
Four poems per day
Soon they will pay off
All this thoughts will bring me joy
Letting my mind rest

Four poems at a time
Four poems at a time
I count each one and give it a special name
All with messages I only understand

Four poems
For you
For him
For all does memories I do not dare speak of
But specially
Four poems for me
Claudia Ramirez Apr 2013
[] tell Dominic that you were not jealous but hurt
[] ask Dominic if he really dated me out of pity
[] tell Dominic I love him
[] read poems to Dominic
[] tell him why I cannot move on…
so as a waitress i get really bored and write stuff so this was an actuall to do list but my sister said it should be a poem  so here it is. tell me what you guys think???
Claudia Ramirez Apr 2013
I became a bug
The day I realized this my heart grew with sadness
Because if I was the bug…
Then you were the light I blindly fallow at night
That light that might even lead me to my death.
I became a bug
And you the dangerous shine
Claudia Ramirez Apr 2013
Giving in once again in to the game of love
It sure is a gamble when it comes down to loving you
But when you are as hooked as me it is hard to let go
All I need for my knees to tremble is one simple joke
Claudia Ramirez Apr 2013
I am stuck here
Wondering how it got this way
Sometimes even questioning my own existence
Letting the good times **** me
As they come and go in my head
There are no more nights of loneliness
As I have found a new lover
My heart still grows cold from not having you
I am stuck here with new love
But looking for old news
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