Frozen in time I lay here
Questioning how it got this way
When did I begging with holding truth from you?
Hours, days, even weeks may pass
Although I remain frozen in time
Asking the great God for an answer…
When did memories become regrets?
We both lied at some point
It is a fact we both cannot deny
Who did it first does not matter
All that does is we both lied at some point
Frozen in time our feelings remain
They grow as big as an oak
Yet somehow, we manage to hide then away
Why did we turn lying in to protection?
My shell reminds frozen
At some point, my heart stated beating
Causing a river to flow in my mind
Frozen we may lay here
Even though our heart still beat for each other
Asking for one last kiss
Asking for one more night at the park
Asking for the symphony, they once made