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Claudia Ramirez Apr 2013
People come in and out
Some to never be seen again  
Asado rojo
People come in and out
Asking if their food is done
Yelling at you because the wanted cheese
Some are nice
Other are greedy
Not always leaving a tip
People come in and out
Some to never be seen again
Time goes by and food keeps coming out
Here so many difrent people
Who come and go
Just leaving their face engraved in your mind
To some night be seen again in your dreams
Claudia Ramirez Apr 2013
My heart best by love
But who is supplying it?
Who feed my need for passion?
Who dares feed this soulless body?
A wondering mind is all I am
Looking for new prey
Looking for a heart to feed from
I am what is left when all hope is gone
Claudia Ramirez Apr 2013
Countless poems on a note
Poems that will be washed away for being forgotten in pockets.
Poems with beautiful words no one will read
Poems that could move nation
Poem that turn into letters to my once lover and forever friend
Claudia Ramirez Apr 2013
My mind is able to dance around in the rain
To listen to the stories trees have to tell
And even, fly with birds

However, my heart….

Just watches the storms go by
Shutting everyone off
Isolating itself; becoming  old and grey

Now you might ask,
“Where is your soul?”

Well, he is a ****** who left both of them alone.
Claudia Ramirez Apr 2013
I see a couple holding hands
As I try to not think about you
…they remind so much of us.
He starts to kiss her neck
I remember how bad our PDA was
…almost hooking up in the bus
Now I spend my nights
Wishing I could talk to you
And my days at work
I try not thinking about you
However, that is not enough.
Its 5:51 pm and I am at work
Writing pointless poems for you
..Even though I know…
You will never again read my poetry
Claudia Ramirez Apr 2013
I knew life was not fair…I even believe in karma
However, not that every sin would be paid at the same time.
I try my best to hold the tears off and just keep on a smile
Yet each time I think more about you…
My heart breaks with each vivid memory
Bringing pure misery to my body.

I knew we would drift apart…I knew you would stop loving me
Although, never to the point where you would make me cry
Putting my best efforts in to knowing what is reality…
Turning on an empty space, I call bed; I know I will spend my nights alone
Waking up a quarter to two begging you to hold me

My heart runs on caffeine due to the restless nights.
After dawn, all I sense is your abandonment
Realizing you left me in the dark…
Claudia Ramirez Apr 2013
Frozen in time I lay here
Questioning how it got this way
When did I begging with holding truth from you?

Hours, days, even weeks may pass
Although I remain frozen in time
Asking the great God for an answer…
When did memories become regrets?

We both lied at some point
It is a fact we both cannot deny
Who did it first does not matter
All that does is we both lied at some point

Frozen in time our feelings remain
They grow as big as an oak
Yet somehow, we manage to hide then away
Why did we turn lying in to protection?

My shell reminds frozen
At some point, my heart stated beating
Causing a river to flow in my mind

Frozen we may lay here
Even though our heart still beat for each other
Asking for one last kiss
Asking for one more night at the park
Asking for the symphony, they once made
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