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Clarkia May 2021
My intuition isn't broken?
So, then, you love me...
Or is it only broken
When it comes to you.
Clarkia May 2021
Another day of missing you.
When will this end?
When will my heart and soul move on?
My mind gets that it's a no go.
The rest of me is slow.
I love you.
Clarkia May 2021
I would say forget it
Forget me
Forget my love
Forget you ever knew me
But you already did.
Clarkia May 2021
I guess you're just a muse to me now
I'm just Amusement to you anyhow
Actually you were always just a muse
The love I feel is there to confuse
You never felt it, that's old news
Regardless how my heart you infuse
Good luck at your show tonight. I'm sure you'll be great.
Clarkia May 2021
I want to block you so bad
But whats the point
When I'm just going to
Turn around and unblock you
Seeing your face
Seeing your kind words to others
Triggers the memory
Of how you first ignored me
How you gaslit me
With the "my guns are so tight"
How you treated me
Like I wasn't worth your time
Except where you
Could use my material
To fill airspace
You treat everyone differently
Than you treat me
I wish I could keep you blocked
But I don't
I sometimes think
I'll wash my hands
Of the entire community
Walk away and
Leave all of you behind
Perhaps someday
I will
Love me, want me, talk to me
Or don't I don't f'ng care
I deserve better treatment
Than I can get from you
I'm good enough
I'm worthy
You're blind
You'll only miss me
When it's too late
Just like all the rest
Clarkia May 2021
Just before bed I give up on you
I wake in the morning and I give up on you
Throughout the day I give up on you
Another night and I give up on you
Why cant I forget you
The way you forgot me
Why must I love you
Knowing you never loved me
Knowing I became
Nothing to you
The first time you ignored me
Why must I think of you
Just to give up
Again and again
Please be erased
From my mind and heart
Another morning
Another love Jumpstart
Clarkia May 2021
My hope
And my perseverance
Have always brought me
Everything I wanted
Made every dream come true
But when it comes to loving you
They lead me, alone
Down a dusty
Dead end road
Called heartbreak
Again and again
On a loop
Like a carnival ride
In Carsen City
Please let me
Off the ride
Turn from the road
Let go of hope
Because we do not persevere
We are only apart
Me with my love for you
And you with no memory of me
In your heart
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