Women, Divine creatures
With beauty and intelligence
With tender hearts and strong convictions
Lovely Creatures of God
Women of All Horizons
Of All cultures, always progressing
From gaining the right to vote
To exercising jobs that were long
reserved to man, from doctor, to lawyer and builder,
You just keep on marching up the ladder,
And now stands as Parliament Members
The fight was long,but
There seems to be a Rosa Parks in all of us
Refusing to yield her seat,
But fighting for what she thinks, she deserves,
From one generation to another, you have shown that
your resources were unlimited,
That when your mind was made up to reach
Some Goals nothing could stop you,
That you were not to limit yourself to be a simple housewife
Should the "Yes We Can" apply more to You
Divine Creatures, The Power is in You
As long as the Passion of Walking ahead burns!