Lovely Syria
You who once stand as a Brighten Sunflower
I am seeing your tears
Feeling your sinking heart
All your Tulips are dying
The white, the pink, even the violet
Lovely Syria
I am asking God to have Mercy
Mercy on you and your Tulips
How your moon has turned red overnight
How your sea is now a survival bay a way of hope
Some fading Tulips at sight
Floating on the tide
Syria, Oh Syria
How the living bruised Tulips are crying for those who are no longer there
How the Dawn which brings hope
Is for you now a Dawn with a bitter sense of hopelessness
For all your living creature seem to be dying from the inside
Dying from the unrest they brought to you
Your children are crying for Mercy
The spread Tulips are not even better on the 5 huge lands
Syria our once Land of peace for all your Flowers
Please, get back on your saddle
Our Lovely Syria