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This ideal that i am not reaching
This ideal of finding my perfect half
Of touching this other soul that will complete mine
This ideal of looking in another person's eyes
And feel, Yes am settling down
Sitting down and feeling its accomplished
Finding this half and told myself
Now, I have someone to stand by my side
Dear Cousin,
Why you let us in such a silence?
This silence that overwhelms
This silence that hurts
This silence that weighs on our soul
So much love around you
And your old days still awaiting for you
Your sudden departure
A departure which for me has no reason to be
Will your dumb lips talk to me one day
Will they soften your departure
Soften my aching heart
This heavy despair behind your departure
And you Giving yourself this poisonous gift
Why do you closed your eyes for Eternity
Shall I wish that your heart find peace
The Peace You need and needed
That probably this life has not been able to give You
Why were my eyes so blind?
It should have been clear to me
that in your eyes i was a ludicrous material
to be used, abused and thrown

Why was my heart so wide?
Ready to open and giving you
the best out of my chest,
you sly python luring me
with your appeal

I should not have forgotten
that what shines this bright
Is not forcibly real and true
That you python has become
so good in the mesmerizing game
by now
Why was I so blind?
To let you in
To let your venom
getting its way my veins

Who are you to those who cross your way?

A Blessing or a Curse of that day
When their steps cross yours
Lovely Syria
You who once stand as a Brighten Sunflower
I am seeing your tears
Feeling your sinking heart
All your Tulips are dying
The white, the pink, even the violet
Lovely Syria
I am asking God to have Mercy
Mercy on you and your Tulips
How your moon has turned red overnight
How your sea is now a survival bay a way of hope
Some fading Tulips at sight
Floating on the tide
Syria, Oh Syria
How the living bruised Tulips are crying for those who are no longer there
How the Dawn which brings hope
Is for you now a  Dawn with a bitter sense of hopelessness
For all your living creature seem to be dying from the inside
Dying from the unrest they brought to you
Your children are crying for Mercy
The spread Tulips are not even better on the 5 huge lands
Syria our once Land of peace for all your Flowers
Please, get back on your saddle
Our Lovely Syria
Loving someone is not just to love the person
Loving someone is to have a protective eye on the person that we love
Loving someone is to bear the person in every of our single prayers
Begging God to take care of the person's soul, health and life
Loving someone at times demands us to reprimand the Loved one
When he or she is doing something bad against himself or herself
Loving someone implies taking care of the person's health
Making you want to control what the person even eats all this because you want to preserve the person's life
You want he or she to live longer so you have more time together
Loving someone implies doing efforts to put a smile on the person's face at every occasion that presents to you
Loving someone is seizing every occasion of spending time with the person you love
The essence of Love is the caring of our Loved one making them a priority and making ourselves last so we are here for them
Behaving well asking God to preserve our lives so we can be here for them
A Life full of Love is the goal
To Love and to be Loved
We meet 100 people and fall in Love with only 1 off the 100
So why not to preserve our Loved ones and ourselves
Why not to take care of them and ourselves
Prey to these wolves
Who make you believe
The sun can be pink
And the sky indigo

Prey to the lion-worms
Who even when they left
Leave some creepy scars covered of dirt
Which you have to get rid of

You cannibals of women souls and hearts
Here is my hand full of tears
May it bring you some rest
So you can stop the hurts
    On Us
On that particular Friday morning
With the slow sun rising
In order to give us its light
On this newborn day
He told me good morning sunshine
He said the good morning and gave me a picture of a smiling sun along with it
Sunshine! I thought
It reminds me of the sun in front of my parents’ house
The smile of my mother who now is gone
My best moments of deep laughs
And Mostly of his smile
How when he smiles at me his eyes brightens like a blue sun
His smile which is just like releasing sun rays onto me
And my life enlightening my body and soul  
And I felt deep into me, “Good morning you too my Sunshine”
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