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If I could do it all again,

I would still die by her,
But I would live and love you.
20 words.
I want to SCREAM!
I want to never be seen...

But I saw you,

I keep feeling like you used me,
You lied to me and your love,
And one truth was more than the other,

Take your apologies,
                   They are the weight of paper
                                                                                                            *To me.
 Aug 2013 Claire E
Nat Lipstadt
The Other Woman (Kisses Incessant)

There always is one.
I am a man, and yes that's my excuse.

It's not as if I kept her hid from your penetrating eyes.^

She has icing on  her nose,
Heart shaped sunglasses hiding her pizazz,
She knows about my other woman too.

I write love poems for her too,
Like this one.

Kisses incessant,
ten thousand for the present,
ten thousand more,
stored away for the future,
secreted in this poem
lest my lips dare to forget how!

Hugs galore,
beyond no more,
defying foolish boundaries of
"enough, grandpa!"

Limit is an artifice,
a mind-made precipice,
kisses for the children,
are ethereal, open sky-wide,
limitless, here and now,
forever, for herein,
an oath sworn, taken.

Horizons demand demarcation,
physical selves,
containers for multi-taskers,
simultaneous five sense users,
ultimately biodegrade
after three or four choices made

But fret not, rest easy,
my love, my darling granddaughter,
here and now
and yet to come,
for the love I feel
and the kisses I provide
are spiritual cells,
that will divide and grow,
and never fade

Kisses incessant,
one for the present,
millions for the future,
lest my lips forget how!

Tears now, as I write,
thousands more to share
with you for when,  
the inevitable arrivistes,
heartbreak and sadness,
Boyfriend troubles,
infuse your inexperienced heart

Even my best friends,
these bespoke words
that I string together,
for our future together, unneeded,
for when I go silent...

The reality of this composition
of kisses incessant,
of hugs galore,
tears and thoughts,
is for you, for us,
for now, for whenever,
for our forever, whatever that be,
but that too, limitless,
for this poem will be stored, incised in our
cojoined hearts
and in our genes

**For my beloved, my Isabel full of Grace
Oct 22, 2011
^ you can check her out if you hit my name.
 Aug 2013 Claire E
You still cross my mind
From time to time
And I mostly smile

I want to go back
To that love I felt
To the person I was
To your warming embrace
But that's just a foolish thought

I remember all the small things
The way you'd gaze into my eyes
Before whispering to my lips

How gently you'd slide your fingers
In-between mine when we'd go on walks
Oh the butterflies

You're something I'll never get back
And something I'll never forget
It's been a while now
But I still miss you
Twenty-one weeks.
I'm surprised to find
That my lips and body don't
When I move.
Considering my face is made of Porcelain
Or glass
Or clay.
Anything fragile.

Its a mask.
A somewhat happy looking one
That's been shattered.
Broken and stolen.

I'm done hiding.
 Aug 2013 Claire E
Sir B
Don't boggle my mind
With your big words
Its okay
If you can't say them right

It takes time sometimes
You'll learn them
Just wrote it as a funny/inspirational piece, because I can't really pronounce a few words. Besides that... I am bored.
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