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 Jul 2013 claire darling
I'm not going to write an angry poem about you.
Stop looking.
I took a shower and went to sleep
immediately after I was *****
I tried to wash it off
or sleep it away
but it stayed
in denial
I thought the past isn't permanent
and that nothing is
because I thought time would heal me
friends would hear me
and I would always recognize my own face
none of those things turned out to be true
I don't know who I am
or if time and friendship really exist
because I can't find them anywhere
looking under crystal rocks
Plato says that we know what love is
by understanding everything it is not
I'm finding out what permanence is
by process of elimination
all I know is
I couldn't wash it off
Still working on it.
It figures that when I finally realize the full extent of what I've done,
You're so far away that by the time I see you again it'll be far too late.
She has very high walls

And they are made of sadness

What a firm foundation

What a fragile heart she has

Then she met him

His happiness made her feel something

She has only felt very few times


She has very short walls

And they are made of trust

What a firm foundation

Oh and how he makes her


A feel she has never felt

“I love you” he said

And what a smile came to her face

One that has never fell upon her face

What a fragile heart she has

He didn’t know any better

He couldn’t even start to comprehend

What a fragile heart she has

What a fragile heart she had

What a firm foundation

She had
Yes, I'm fine. I'm all better now!
I wish...
Oh I'm sorry I let that slip, didn't I? Don't worry, I'm fine that didn't mean anything ;)
I act fine in real life, poetry is one of my only outlets left...
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