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circus clown Apr 2014
tomorrow morning,
i will brew up some coffee,
drink it black,
and lay in my bed with
waltz #2 on repeat
and i wont i won't
i won't
about it.

i've burned bigger bridges than you.
that image of us in your back yard sitting right outside the sliding glass doors, your back against the brick walls, under warm, dim lights when you lit a match with your teeth and then hummed a song by my favorite band while i gazed at you and thought i could never love anything else in the entire world more than that moment-- will no longer keep me up at night.
circus clown Apr 2014
isolation called you
and passed a tunnel into
a bright world where
you can ignore the
wonders of existence.
my heart can be a
little house for you
to stay, but
everybody's scared
of this place.
circus clown Apr 2014
how many bus tickets can you
cram  into  the  space  left  behind
where  your  hands  used  to
fall   around   my   waist?
how   many   pens   &
pencils    can     i     fit
in  my  bag  until  i  realize
these  words  aren't  getting  me
a      n      y     w     h     e     r     e     ?
"i miss you" is my thesis statement.
circus clown Apr 2014
"i'm sorry i can't
keep you safe."

                                                                                                           "i'm sorry i'm so
                                                                                                            clumsy that you
                                                                                                                 feel like you
circus clown Apr 2014
you                                                               eve
shouldn't                                                shouldn't
have                                                           have
touched                                                     eaten
her                                                               the
so                                                     forbidden
softly                                                         fruit
circus clown Apr 2014
i'm wearing nothing
but a blanket and
the glow of my tv

and i wanna talk to you about
and fragility

consider this my
loudest plea
circus clown Apr 2014
i walk down my driveway
and lie in the spot where
your car use to be parked
and think about its
p r e s s u r e
on my chest
i hate thinking about you
i don't know why i do
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