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When I was in the darkness
You led me to the light
When I was full of sadness
You made me feel joy
When anger was my companion
You calmed my raging fires
When I stood in the rain
You became my shelter
When I froze inside
You were my warmth
So many things you've done for me
So many I wish to do for you
You are my saviour
My knight in shining armour
The angel that appears
And chases away the dark ones
You are my life, my heart, my soul
And you have saved me from myself
 Jun 2013 Chrystal
Tom Orr
 Jun 2013 Chrystal
Tom Orr
Bitter cacophony, a swarm of raucous screeches
scratching against the infinite sides
of the sleeping labyrinth
desperate to be heard, to be known.
Climbing upon one another
using ladders made of lies.
Locust-like in movement
unite and disperse in detestable symphony
lazy and hollow
harrowing torment.
Shut away in a little box
and scattered amongst the open
universe of the ethereal untouched.
Never to be noticed.
 Jun 2013 Chrystal
I had my heart broken
By a boy who likes to pretend
That he never liked me
-- except my heart didn't really break,
because it was never his.

It was more like I was lonely, and he was there
so I let him hold me and, he let me hold him
-- and explained to others that
"this is my way of showing I care, but I don't really, truly care,
I don't love her"
"I don't have feelings for you" --
he told me after he had picked up the phone
this girl called (maybe another me)
I just said I didn't care and stared at the ugliest leaf I've ever seen

So I didn't really have my heart broken
But it's easier to say I did
and more exciting, tragic
more romantic to say I did
 Jun 2013 Chrystal
I found more,
When I walked out of the warmth of your arms into the freezing cold.
I looked beyond you and me,
There were so many other little things to fill up the space.
I tested the boundaries of our love to see if they were real.
I found addiction and obsession, things more powerful than your indifference.
I wanted to be loved singlemindedly, you gave me tolerance.
I lost myself along with you.
In half thought decisions and hasty actions.
I told myself you didn't care.
But why do you look at me with disappointment?
I wanted more but instead I lost you,
You could be everything.
She came into the class
Scared and confused
Perhaps tired and sick
Of wearing her mask…
Disgusted, she said,
“A boy stuck his tongue out at me!”

I looked her over
Up &
And very care
-fully did I see

That her very tiny skirt
Rested way above her knee

Did this girl,
really, not know?
That her body will beckon? And she ain’t 12 no mo’!!

That she is—
In fact,
No longer a girl
But woman of curves: a woman of nerve
Who must take on the world
And everything that it serves?

So for the rest of her life,
Wherever she goes
She will see the tongues of men
Both young
& old.

No matter what
She does
Or doesn’t

She’ll be pinned up against
The urges they possess.

Through no fault of her own,
She’ll become an object
to discuss
And she’ll cringe daily
At the ideas that
They thoughtfully
conjure up.
It's time to face the facts!
People always paint out a picture of how one is supposed to be.
Some paint a picture of you saying  you will become the next Alexander the Great! No No some one says they will be just like Paul the saint.
Pictures are so pretty but once they start to fade and the colors start to turn to haze there will always be someone to say this painting is awful in many ways!
You see the picture you paint should be of your self not of anyone else for there colors may change to bright not light the way you want them to be.
Be yourself don't paint out a picture they want to see.  Paint the BIG picture it is to be true in your art and in your ways, for you see that is what they call a true masterpiece !!

— The End —