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6.5k · Jan 2013
Quietly hanging above my head,
You protect me from myself.
The shadows, escapees from my darkest thoughts,
Get trapped in your web,
Unable to disturb my sleep
Your feathers shift with the sweetest dreams
Of  love and flight
Granting them passage into my slumber.
If only it really worked this way.
5.4k · Feb 2013
In our first kiss,
Surrounded by darkness,
Except the light in your eyes
I must have tasted a trace
Of a lotus flower upon your lips
That flower which takes all thoughts of home
And transfers them to the place
Tainted by the bloom –
Since that first timid kiss,
Leading to so many others
I cannot think of a place
I would rather be
Than in your arms
To taste that kiss
Sweetened by the lotus
Like tea by a drop of honey
Seemingly, just for me.
3.6k · Jan 2014
Blacksmith (haiku)
Commencement of goals
One build to forge many more -
Let the fire begin!
Celebrating the building of my boyfriend's first forge
3.5k · Oct 2012
Goodnight (Tanka)
Only in your arms
Do I sleep with utmost peace.
Only to your face
Do I awake with a smile.

Sweetly kiss, and say goodnight.
Today is September 11, 2012.

Last night, on  September 10, 2012, I went to bed thinking about classes the next day, things that had to be done, money that had to be spent.  I thought about problems in my relationships, things to fix those problems.  I thought about the horse whom I'd spent most of the evening riding.  I didn't think about the anniversary of the tragedy that happened 11 years ago.

When I woke up this morning, I got ready for school, made sure I had my homework done, grabbed a mug of coffee on the way out the door, and shivered in the morning chill of autumn.  I got in my car and turned on the heat, waited for the windows to defrost, and pulled out of my driveway.  I didn't think about the anniversary of the tragedy that happened 11 years ago.

I was on the highway and someone passed me, too close, and I wondered how some people pass their driving tests.  I got stuck behind a school bus while a very slow teenager boarded, and wondered how I would get to my class on time.  In town, I slowed to let a cat cross the road in front of me, and wondered how it had made it across so many times before.  I didn't think about the anniversary of the tragedy that happened 11 years ago.

On country roads, I turned up my radio when I heard my favorite song come on: “For You,” by Keith Urban.  I sang along with the lyrics, knowing that I was going to cry when I heard the lines, “And in his pocket, just like mine, he had a photograph, and they're waiting for him back home.”  At that moment, the significance of today's date popped into my mind.  September 11, 2012.  And I thought about the anniversary of the tragedy that happened 11 years ago.

I had twenty minutes to get to class, but I couldn't drive any more until I gave a moment to my thoughts about the day.  I pulled over on the side of a familiar country road and turned my music off.  I looked out the window to see the rolling farmland and I felt the cool breeze on my face, and thought about how much I take this world for granted.  This is my country, and the ones who perished on September 11, 2001 would have taken this day for granted too, if that tragedy had not happened.  It was time to think about the present, and see it for its beauty, and not for its frustrations.

I thought about my life, just for a moment.  I went to school, and throughout my classes, I could not stop thinking.  I remembered how I cried when I went to New York and saw the 9/11 Memorial in the footprints of the twin towers.  I thought about the tribute songs to the event.  I thought about my dear friend and my brother, who are fighting for our country as members of the military.  With every thought, I chose to look at something new; something I had seen a hundred times, but could possibly never see again.

The future is unpredictable.  My life is a small speck in a world of sand.  I owe it to thousands of people, because if one person did something differently on any day, in any moment, there is a chance that I would not be here. On September 11, 2012, I give thanks more than any previous anniversary of the event.  Today, I am an 18-year-old adult, free to make choices, free to vote for my country's leaders, free to fight for it.  And as I look out across the fields, and to the sky, and at the flag hanging at half-staff, I decide that I will fight for it, in one way or another, because people have died and more will die to let me appreciate these things and I will not let their death be in vain.
I wrote this as a journal entry.  It's far from professional or even being well-written, but these are my thoughts in order, as they came out on the page and it might be the most honest piece I have ever written.
2.5k · Oct 2012
Missing You (Sonnet)
I miss you every day
Your smile, your laugh, your voice.
So much I want to say
If I just had a choice.
You walk beside me now,
An angel in my breadth
I only wonder how
The memories can be kept -

I wasted so much time,
When every minute counts
Forgive me for my crime
I pray as I lay down
To see you once again,
If only through my pen.
2.5k · Oct 2012
Here’s a toast
To the time between
The time that makes me ache
And long for your touch
Here’s a toast
To the promise of companionship
The rock that keeps me anchored
Here’s a toast
To forever
The dream I’ve dreamed
Night after night
When I was alone
And you were there
A toast to those dreams
That have been replaced
By this life I’m living
Beside you
2.1k · Dec 2012
The way a moonflower shies from the sun
So I shied from you
Turning my face away,
Placing myself in shadow
So that your light would not penetrate me.
In shadow I remain, until the night arrives
When I look to the sky,
Reaching for the moon and
The only light I can grasp to,
Wanting to scream into the torturous quiet.
2.0k · Sep 2012
She stands with dignity in the middle of the field
Perks her ears at the sound of my boots.
She swings her big head toward me and looks.
I whistle to her, knowing it will never work.
She will wait for me, but never come.
I approach her and slip the halter over her ears,
Kiss her nose.
I brush her graying mane, and try to pretend she is not old.
And she trots with pride and
Is not embarrassed when she trips.
1.9k · Oct 2012
Love and Autumn (Haiku)
Your eyes are autumn

          The dance of the leaves falling

Whispering secrets
1.9k · Oct 2012
There is an eruption of silence
When we witness the miracle
Of a sunset
A thundering absence of anything
Except you, me and the glorious sky
Golden clouds passing us by
With our faces tilted together
Your protective arm always round my waist
The disappearance of the sun
Painting a portrait of pure divinity
Unbelievable how such a phenomenon takes place
When all is quiet
When there is no need to listen
To startling colors as the day darkens
To your sweet breath on my neck
1.8k · Jul 2012
Dandelion Fairies
The force of my sigh
Makes hundreds of tiny white fairies leave their home,
Carrying whispers spoken above them
They soar in the air,
Taken by wind gusts
Acting as messengers
As I indulge in a healing breath.
I imagine the paths they will take,
Some will falter and create new homes among the grass,
And others will
Continue on, by some miracle
To harbor my secret wish
And land in your midst,
Where they will whisper my words in your ear
Before their wings fail and drop them -
These dandelion fairies
Bearing my love.
1.8k · Feb 2012
This Kiss
This kiss is a love note
A never-ending promise
A sweet, tender touch
Saying so many things
Without any words
I love you
Stay with me forever
Keep me in your heart
As you are in mine
Your lips are a pen
Writing me a story
A breath-taking past, present
And future
This kiss is my addiction
I can’t live without you.
1.7k · Feb 2013
Soft Vignette
In another life,
We must have met
And with undying passion,
Admitted our love and
Lived by it
We must have made memories
And framed them in
Soft vignette
Of holding hands and sharing kisses,
And saying, in our last breaths,
That we would find each other again –
We must have embraced
And remembered the harmony
So that in this life
We could keep our promise
And not ever dream
Of breaking it.
Old one again.
1.7k · Oct 2012
Your Touch (10w)
Under your touch
     I am transformed from nothing

To me.
1.6k · Jul 2012
Just Another Night
It is time to think the thoughts
That I avoid in the day,
The thoughts that creep from
Shadows, and enter my mind under
Closed eyelids.
1.6k · Jul 2012
Take a look again
Am I what you thought I was?
Am I worthy of forever?
Do I deserve your heart,
And are you miserable
Holding mine?
1.5k · Feb 2013
I have walked blindly
Far too long
Wishing for the impossible,
The undeserved
I was a lone bird
Flying through endless clouds
Oblivious to my surroundings,
My blessings

I never saw you,
My wingman
Pulling me to safety, familiarity
Until I was too tired to fly on
And you caught me in time,
Mending my heart with your
1.4k · Jun 2013
Badge of Honor
I wear my strength as a badge of honor on my chest
Shining it with spit, because that's what tough guys do
I stand tall and march with confidence,
Staring down my enemies,
Grinning inwardly when they shy away

And then there are those that sneer at me,
Try to pluck the badge from my chest
Because I am not worthy of it,
Not capable of strength
Since I do not really stand tall, only average,
Since I am a woman, and we should be modest
We should leave it to the men.

So I wear this badge of honor,
Always carrying something to prove
Longing for respect from ones who should be my equals -
They don't realize that the extra weight
Will only make me stronger.
1.3k · Jul 2013
I am the third pair of hands when only two are needed,
The second set of ears when the first is otherwise occupied.
I am the follower in conversation,
The chimer-in of small, unimportant thoughts.
I give good advice that is rarely taken,
But never say "I told you so."
I am the one in the background, seldom noticed
*But I am always there
1.3k · Feb 2012
Magnolia in an April Storm
Shivering in the wet air,
Grasping to the last of the pink, fragrant
     petals for whatever warmth
     they may provide –
Rain runs over the soft, moistened bark
And falls off in sheets.
The wind tousles outreached branches,
And sighing, it waits
For the sun to bring warmth once more.
1.2k · Mar 2012
This song evokes the deepest longing within me
Each beat constricting my heart and breath
My skin tingling with the line of melody plucked on the whispering guitar

     Please set me free

The slowing cadence calms my wandering thoughts
And places me just outside your grasp

     Please reach for me

The piano starts to fold me in your arms
And we kiss so delicately through the soft decrescendo

     Please stay with me

Hold me as we listen to the harmony
Be the voice in my world of music.
1.1k · Oct 2012
Weeping Willow
Sit beneath the weeping willow,
Let its tears caress your face
Observe the weathered bark
Its gnarled, reaching limbs
As its cascades and waterfalls overcome you
I am your weeping willow,
You are my healing touch,
My sun.
1.1k · Mar 2014
One by one they come and go,
Well-wishes and farewells
Killing me deeper with each word and embrace
I am a warrior, I stand strong
But behind my sword and shield,
I weep.
1.0k · Aug 2012
Trust is a dark silhouette,
Easily seen in the day,
Against the brightness of the light.
It is romantic under a colorful sunset,
And disappears to the background of darkness.
1.0k · May 2012
A World Unattainable
A path has led me to a wall,
Overgrown with moss
Barely there, beyond the vines
And as I stare at it, 
I realize that there is no door,
No rusted lock with a missing key
No secret garden beyond the crumbling brick
Short of climbing,
No way to see past the barrier.
And knowing that a mystery exists
That I cannot decipher
Is enough to spark my imagination
And create a world, unattainable,
Which provides all of my deepest wishes.
Sighing, because I know it is not real,
I turn from the wall
And realize, as I trace my footsteps back
That all of my wishes
Have already come true.
1.0k · Feb 2013
Remembering Grandpa (Tanka)
Playing at the park,
Not knowing what was coming
I try not to cry.
The funeral comes, sadly
Grandpa P. has passed away.
I found this when I was going through a box of my old school work.  It was written March 30, 2006, when I was 10 years old.
1.0k · Apr 2013
Finding You
It is not a choice among angels, nor demons
It is not an enchanted journey with a heroic end,
An effortless denouement.
It exists only where there is life, not fairy tales -

It is a dandelion picked from a field of daisies,
It cannot be marveled for its beauty, nor perfection,
But I can breathe a thousand wishes into the air, and
Have faith that they will come true.
1.0k · Oct 2013
More Than Words
At the touch of love, some become writers.
I become the leader of a life more beautiful
     than words are worthy of
So that scribbled-out lines and torn pages
Are now my works of art
And moments of laughter and bliss
Are what I am proud to display -
     Reflections of my heart
as it now exists.
1.0k · May 2012
The Moon with Cloudy Vision
It is one of those nights
When I can only stare out the window
at the yellow crescent moon
As my thoughts rage.
But the moon is fuzzy because my
eyes aren't perfect
And finally the clouds obscure it
So that I just give up
And make another attempt to sleep.
993 · Feb 2012
A dark room,
A dusty attic
Memories long forgotten.

With the discovery of that old, worn box
Comes a new world
That which was once the norm

The faint, yet redolent smell
Of an old perfume
Takes her to a place long ago
Where they danced and smiled
Blushed and kissed.

A tattered picture of their younger selves
Makes her yearn for the past
His strong, tender touch
His glowing eyes, filled with passion

A package of love letters,
Each envelope worn thin from many readings
Her survival,
In the times of his absence

Her fingers trace over the blotted circles
Created from tears shed over the paper
Her heart breaks again,
Aches for her loss

She clutches the items to her chest
Closes her eyes against the pain
Bows her head, and whimpers,
“Do you remember?”
982 · Jul 2012
Singing You to Sleep
Allow me to serenade you with my lyrics,
Sing you softly to sleep in mysterious expression
Do not fight your slumber - smile for me as you
Succumb to your dreams, whispering a melody
Slowly, slowly
Save your worries, just listen to the sound of my words,
While I enjoy the sweet sound of your sigh
As your senses give way to sleep.
973 · Mar 2013
The words I desire evade my grasp
Flitting about beneath my fingers
Dodging what I thought would be a sure catch.
A child-like frustration grows within me,
Playing tag with these teasing lyrics,
Chasing them until I grow tired,
Giving up when I want only to say,
"You're it"
946 · Jun 2013
The Leap
There is no definitive moment,
No epiphany or revelation
When a child makes the leap to adulthood -
When a child becomes accustomed to death.
Thoughts of fear and mourning vaporize
Replaced by acceptance of "the way things are"
When it is easier to break the neck
Of a dove with a broken wing
Than it is to hold it close in comfort
And wish for it to fly.
923 · Apr 2014
We could stay in this room for hours
Talking about everything and nothing
We could watch the stream and
forget our lives
Like we had forever to spend together
We could stop thinking about
what is to come
And relish in every moment before

We are masters of being in love -
But we will never be good at goodbyes.
896 · May 2012
The Web
I never thought I would be here again,
Caught in the web of
Love and happiness
But I once remained in the center
Catching both of the wondrous emotions
And now I dangle at the bottom,
Too heavy to hold.
I grasp to both with all I have
But the silk is fragile
And I am hit in the face
By everything that the web catches not,
By everything that I never wanted to see again
And I want so badly to pull myself up
But I lose strength every day.
I miss what I once had.
883 · Feb 2012
This beauty enthralls me
On the journey
To find my meaning
I haven't yet met my destination
But if this is just the mission
How can paradise compare?
873 · Mar 2012
Til The End of Time
I would live this life
A hundred times over
If in every one,
I could see your face
For every tear,
A smile from you
For every disheartened sigh,
An embrace for strength
For every despaired utterance,
The whispered words,
"I love you"
If for all eternity
I cried for the sight of you
It would be worth every second
Because to have you in my thoughts
Is a greater gift than I could ask for
To have you in my life
Is heaven's good deed
To have you as my own...

An inexplicable wonder
That I will treasure forever
And grasp to
Until the end of time.
871 · Feb 2013
And You Call Me "Sunshine"
You steal the darkness away from me
Place it in a sack and send it sailing into a river
To be swept away by the swift water
You light a candle with your eyes,
Make it grow with your smile -
Light my world with your kiss

And you call me "sunshine"
868 · Jul 2012
River of Dreams
I cupped my hands
To drink from my River of Dreams
The water was sweet,
It stained my tongue
And cleansed my tear-stained cheeks
My dreams took flight
At the first swallow -
That is when I first saw you.
Unsure and hesitant, I was -
Until I tasted your kiss
The River I drank from so long ago
So here I sit,
For you are my sweetest dreams,
Come true.
862 · Dec 2012
Have you ever watched someone begin to cry?
The realization of pain,
The fleeting denial, momentary battle against emotion
Then submission,
Tears brimming as the eyebrows tighten
Involuntary grimaces,
The drops searing paths of cold pain down the cheeks

The ugliest view of beauty one will ever see.
860 · Jan 2013
All Roads Lead to Home
You never say a word
As I stroke your skin,
Tracing the veins along your arm -
Just watch my fingers
Traveling the road map of the blood
That courses through your body.
I have tried so many times
To find a different path
Discover a detour
But I have only found a common route -
Whatever vein I choose,
It leads to your open hand, outstretched
The only place I feel at home.
855 · Mar 2012
Mirrored Refrain
Spreading light around this place,
Refusing any gray,
We will live our lives in love
In the world we built today

Looking down upon our home
And the trees we rise above,
In the world we built today,
We will live our lives in love

We dance together across the sky
Here we will forever stay
We will live our lives in love
In the world we built today
850 · Nov 2013
Wind and Philosophy
Wind gusts through darkening fields
Grant a somber chill to spoken words
Philosophy and inspiration are illustrated
through thrashing trees
Memories are carried in wisps
To land upon your lips,
Shared in whistling accompaniment.
I close my eyes against the burning
Listening to the song of nostalgia in your voice
My hair whips around my face and
I look up to meet your gaze -
We smile softly against the wind,
Sighing with content in your thoughts.
846 · Feb 2012
Feeling Lonely
Surrounded by silence
Sequestered in a quiet corner of anonymity
I am the unknown.
The soft lamp light on closed eyelids,
Shining through just enough
To cast confusing images on the eye inside
I am the unknown, the forgotten.
A diary hidden in a deep drawer,
Memories buried in their dusty tomb
Buried alive, and screaming for release.
I am the thinker of the night
Haunted by images and scenarios
Eyes squeezed shut with no hope of sleep
What-ifs and whys.
I am the dreamer of optimism
The lover of misfortune.
790 · Mar 2012
You take my heart and make it fly,
Each time your touch lands on my face
I dread the time we say goodbye –
The stars shine in your eyes tonight.

I feel warm in your strong hold
My ear rests lightly on your chest
To your form I covet to mold –
The stars shine in your eyes tonight.

I pray to be the same to you
Your beloved, as you are mine
And when you stare, I know it’s true –
The stars shine in your eyes tonight.
785 · Feb 2012
The Candle's Legacy
Light the candle fast,
We will not live in obscurity.
Over the flame, we will think of times passed
Contemplating shadows thrown on purity.

We will not live in obscurity,
Burdened by clouds of hate
Living our lives void of security
Never knowing that it was too late –

Burdened by clouds of hate,
They step on through darkened streets
Assuming that it was only fate
That sorrow they would never defeat

They step on through darkened streets
While we admire the flickering light –
Comforted by its small heat,
We know that love is worth the fight.

While we admire the flickering light,
We see the shadows – accept their vacancy
And the others, they will miss the sight
As we dance, creating a new legacy –

We see the shadows – accept their vacancy
But we will live in the candle’s fire
Refusing to endure life separately,
And giving in to its desire

Light the candle fast –
We will not live in obscurity
784 · Aug 2012
The Labyrinth
Frequently my eyes go unfocused,
Blocking me from the world I know.
I find myself wandering through the labyrinth of my thoughts
Fighting the dilemmas and demons that
Live in the shadows of my mind.

Sometimes I weave through flowered fields,
Wishing to stay there forever
Visiting those I mourn and miss,
Smiling in the sunlight of my perception.

But I must continue through the maze,
Withstanding the darkness and savoring the light
For only in the center,
Past the dead-ends and passageways
Will I find myself and
Allow my eyes to see clearly again.
756 · Apr 2012
Sometimes it takes the silent tears
when I'm lying alone at night
  to remind myself that I am alive
749 · Feb 2012
Oh, Solemn Statue
Oh, solemn statue,
What is your story?
You perch upon your marble pedestal
Protecting your environment
With your threatening stare
But in your eyes
I find no menace,
Only loss and longing
What has been taken
For you to assume this sad stance?
And is it your troubled soul
That is represented by your grimace,
Or is it the soul of your maker
Finding no cure for the turbulence in his mind
Only to create himself
In this model of you
From the stone he carved from?
I wish I could find the source of your despair
But since I cannot,
I will leave this gift of a rose
Upon your throne
In the hope that you can find some happiness
In the midst of this gloomy place
Where you have been doomed to stand
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