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There're things I want to tell you
but don't know how to say
Like words inside a speaker
that stops before it plays
Within its wooden cabinet
the notes are not disguised
Peripherals attesting
the music's in your eyes
To write the perfect lyric
is not an easy task
Although it could be simple
if you would only ask
Yet here we are repeating
our homophonic tunes
I'm cutting through the silence
but you are singing too
Let me speak or talk louder.
I know a man who melted in the layers of my skin
And I will call him Icarus, now where do I begin -

I met him in the middle of the earth and all its time
A moment I cannot recall, a true forever's why
The wax from every question mark his mind could ever draw
Had taken on another form, a vein he never saw
And so it was a pair of eyes much different from his own
Became a house he'd recognize and even call his home
The company he found within enabled him to wake
A kind of curiosity he fought but couldn't shake
For underneath the rigidness his character sustained
Was but a man alive and well with everything to gain
title taken from The Bear Romantic's, "The End"
Descartes and Isaac Beeckman,
Monsieur de Chandoux
and Jacob Golius
are talking

Monsieur de Chandoux
asks if Descartes will attend his next lecture
and Descartes replies: “I don’t think so”
And Descartes disappears
*Cogito ergo sum* (I Think, therefore I am) -  Rene Descartes (1596-1650)/poem based on an online joke
 Apr 2013 Christopher Tolleson
The finish line,
Within reach,
Running for my life,
Then running for my life.
Tell me who I am to you and beg my thoughts again
So I can rest assured this time that truth will never bend
I am not clay for you to mold or mix with what you will
Diluted into something you can neither hold nor spill
The substance of my flesh decays, corruptible indeed
But soil only brings to life my neatly planted seed
With shell intact I bare the weight you've placed upon my ground
Finding rest inside a world you've neither sought nor found
And were I to defend myself, respond to what you've said
The words I'd speak with tainted tongue would fall upon my head
A guillotine to execute, suspended thoughts the blade
My recompense - the blood I shed for what it is we've made
All that's left of what remains
Are rythemz of a ****** Reign.
Now the shadows of a shallow grave
are long dark streaks that will not save
the memories of being young.
The brand new tastes upon the tongue
linger lightly on the air.
Aparitions of what's not there.
All those things just out of reach.
Like Live Sand Dollars on the Beach.
*copyright JohnD.Christmas
hush, hush,
keep your rumbling down. let us not wake him!
he has no idea of this.
oh, this started so long ago, i cannot even remember
the first time i touched your heat,
tasted your iniquitous liquid.
i kept coming back, for one more sip, one more
sniff of your lip-smacking aroma.
oh, how my glands moisten at the mere thought of you!
how my nerves tremble without you.
so, shhh, shhh,
my joe, my java, my jesus.
keep your whistling down, my lover sleeps.
but tonight, we’ll share
another taste in my favorite mug,
we’ll swim in your bitter ocean
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