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i needn't tell you where i've been for you have known it too
the very trails i've walked upon are those inside of you
revealing more each passing step, i ask and you respond
and i no longer feel myself a wandering vagabond
i'm spilling out, you're soaking in these fragments of my soul
and one day soon within your self, i'll finally unfold
a blanket sea of what we are will cover what you've done
and make the bodies we've unearthed a perfect setting sun
Title taken from a song by Bright Eyes - Sunrise, Sunset
How many years will it take me to
forget the days we lapped the corners
of your mother's artless garden
tottering on Autumn's fruitless season.

The sunken mornings brought winds of
rupture in our chests; mingling in our
underwear, standing in the doorway
while I whistled you a song about how
intimacy can be undoubtedly forgettable like the
moon-blued waves we saw the weekend before
sleeping on the south shores of Astoria.

I expected every wave would have swallowed us up.
Sea salt stuck in my scrawny hair and we wasted
the afternoons trembling beneath layers of
flickering guilt. This moment, yearned to have
its imprint swollen shut into the crevice of my bones.
But now, its tides later and you married last October
and I don't see the point in remembering you.
Now half-drunk on an absentee love.
I would really love a good critique, positive words & areas to work on with this poem. It's for my poetry workshop class. give me something, anything really. There were lots of restrictions for this, the first line must be used & lots of words as well like: tottering, rupture, whistled, scrawny, etc.
I hear bones twitch in the flower bed
turning over their trembling groan to the
deep soil with bitter solitude in some strange way.
Autumn swirled her cracked wind that shook the
willowed branches as I clung desperately to my
rhythm in the wilderness blindly following the
flicker of an empyreal garden that glowed
along the path in a mysterious way.
And me happiest, when the earth offers
a place to sleep amongst the billows of the sky.
Most beautiful as sunlight pours itself across
my body, a reminder of simply being alive.
Pleeeeeeeeeease critique. please. please. title?
the more you say you are a beast
the more I want to kiss you
the more you say you are not beautiful
the more I want to shower you in love
and prove you wrong
When I find me utterly destroyed
I look into your eyes
and melt
forgetting all the knives in my soul
if only I could just see those eyes beyond my mirror
deeper than a picture
your stare must eradicate diamonds
when standing before your warmth
Am I not hungry for you
am I not starved
when I finally taste you
will I ever stop drinking
such sweet, pure sustenance
my life force, my drink
my breath and life
What was broken
as obliterated as I was
let me reach out
pick you up
place you within my soul
God I love the pieces at my feet
reflecting my own tormented demons
and how I wish to grab you within my embrace
jump down into an abyss
climb back up with every piece
and my bottle of glue
it may be thought recreation is impossible
but isn't that the beauty
we are not born
we are created
let us create one another
If Gods do have a God
and the cycle is unending
where did it begin
does a beginning even exist
I think I just destroyed my mind
otherwise this cannot be proven
and wise the usual way cannot be proven
pondering is the best way to find an answer
even then no answer is to be found
so what the hell is going on out there
in the abyss of our space
do you ever imagine
the billions of planets
what is going on
does it ever devour your mind and consume you
as it does mine
when I think about it truly I go mad
this planet, corruption, evil, hatred
what if some other planet is Utopia
and if so
why am I on this one
for peace is what I crave and I see it when I look into the milky way
so when gods have gods
are they criticized
who is the ultimate creator
or was there never one
how the hell did it start if ever
or was there no beginning
and with no beginning is there no end
Would you like me more if I were a different color
how about if I were older
what so invokes your hatred of me
it is a shame I do not have *****
I would love to have you kick me in them
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