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He descended lost and lonely into this world
fast did he fall, like cold winter's rain
his body broken and his mind shattered
yet he tried to keep himself contained

He felt like a ghost by a warm fire place
but, none of the living could see his form
he was a stranger, a stranger of passion kind
still in love with his sweet crying moon

Solitude and longing had become his good bed fellows
each night in his empty house they would paint nightmares
and when morning was claimed by the screaming of sunlight
they would pack up their paint brushes and go into hiding

His joy was the shimmer of a new dawn sun
it gave deliverance from the pain of loneliness
yet sweet justice came with those wonder nights
for the stranger and his love the crying moon

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
The smell that pulls me in,
And holds me closer,
To that familiar place,
And comfort.

Is it his scent that pulls me in,
Or his arms that holds me closer,
To that familiar scent,
And pheromones.

The smell that pulls me in for more,
And holds me closer to him,
To that familiar feeling,
And sensation.

Is it his scent that pulls me in for more,
Or my desire to be held closer,
To long for that familiar happiness,
And pleasure.
First Poem...
 Jul 2013 chris m
Joseph Goodwin
Please, stop talkin' 'bout yourself that way
as if you have a smaller brain
No one's buying that but you

You care too much about your good grades
and all the things your teachers say
Don't you know those thing will never last?

Educated idiot
In the desk right next to me
Educated idiot
Writing on the board where you teach
Educated idiot
Your words, they sound so sweet
From the pulpit where you preach once or twice a week,
once or twice a week

Well I don't want to know how much you get paid
or hear the ***** details 'bout the last time you got laid
Sometimes you really make me sick

You act like you have somethin' important to say
but then you treat people like animals
no, only a fool will listen to a word of it

Educated idiot
In the desk right next to me
Educated idiot
Writing on the board where you teach
Educated idiot
Your words, they sound so sweet
From the pulpit where you preach once or twice a week,
once or twice a week

Oh, how do drugs and cigarettes
help us to achieve
the greatness locked inside of us
that no one else sees
We're all wandering aroung
on nameless roads
the destination
no one knows

Lookin for a chance to bathe in the see

Please, don't be

The Educated idiot
In the desk right next to me
Educated idiot
Writing on the board where you teach
Educated idiot
Your words, they sound so sweet
From the pulpit where you preach once or twice a week,
once or twice a week
 Jul 2013 chris m
is the ache
You leave behind
when you leave

is the broken
Person I was
before I had you

is the carvings
on my wrist
that you kiss

is the sense of defeat
I often felt
when I was alone

is the elatedness
that fills me
when we speak to each other

is the friends
that I made
because you believed I had to give them
a chance

is the good
I can finally see
that's always been around me

is the hope
that you give me
that I'll see another day

is the imagination
that graces my mind
when I think of you

is the joy
that you give me
even when you're gone

is the kindness
you showed me
that fixed me

is the love
that I feel
because I have you

is the time I mourned
when you were gone
for good

is the newness
of the empty feeling I get
now that you left

is being ostracized
because I'm too depressing
to be around

is the pain
I feel when I see
Happy couples everywhere

is the quiet
indifference I feel
towards every **** thing

is the refrain
it takes me
not to plunge that knife
into my throbbing heart

is the suffering
I feel to get through
every ******* day

is the torture
I put myself through
looking at our old photographs

is the underwhelming
need to live
dissipitating day by day

is the vows
you promised to make
but you didn't make it.

is the words
you used to say
to make the pain go away

is the mark
on the calender
of the anniversay we didn't have

is the question
I ask everyday
since you died

is the end
of this poem
of our love

All these alphabets
mean something to me
no amount of morphine
Takes the pain away from me

You made me happy
and now that you're gone
I'm back to the ghost
I once was
 Jul 2013 chris m
someday · i
will be brave
enough to ask
someone to stay
alive for me & hope
that bravery did not
come too late

— The End —