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 May 2013 Christina
I always thought it was lovely,
the way you climb out of sleep
You unfold your back up out of the
sheets before you blink your eyes

I always thought it was lovely,
the way you unbutton my flannel
You start at the bottom
& save the best for last

Well, I guess I'm driving home tonight
You have cider leaking from your pores
but still I'm melting into every
half-hearted word

You came here with me on a limb
You said I didn't have to travel alone
But now I feel lonelier than I've ever been,
looking at your lazy eyelashes falling up
and down from the passanger's side
Knowing that you're not looking at mine

I drag you to shore
everytime you start to drown
I love you
even when you're hard to like

I have pain drenched pillow cases
from every night you said
"hey I'm stayin in tonight"
& I have half-empty pill bottles
from every month you spent
falling away from me

This is not as lovely,
as it looks to us
This is agony,
all dressed up
On the sewage puddles of Sabra and Shatila
there you transferred masses of human beings
worthy of respect
from the world of the living to the world of the dead.
Night after night.
First they shot
then they hung
and finally slaughtered with knives.
Terrified women rushed up
from over the dust hills:
"There they slaughter us
in Shatila."
A narrow tail of the new moon hung
above the camps.
Our soldiers illuminated the place with flares
like daylight.
"Back to the camps, March!" the soldier commanded
the screaming women of Sabra and Shatila.
He had orders to follow,
And the children were already laid in the puddles of waste,
their mouths open,
at rest.
No one will harm them.
A baby can't be killed twice.
And the tail of the moon filled out
until it turned into a loaf of whole gold.
Our dear sweet soldiers,
asked nothing for themselves—
how strong was their hunger
to return home in peace.

Translated from the original Hebrew by Karen Alkalay-Gut.
 May 2013 Christina
Erin Drummond
Again once more I feel paralyzed through my bones,
fatigue talks hold and rests me in the stone.
The weakness and delicacy welcomes themselves home,
above me they scream "We have greatly grown!".
Before long, they nestle themselves back into their almighty thrones.
Powerless against these cruel foes,
I buckle down to their gruesome toes.
hey you over there
the one in that chair
with a family and friends
no haircut and split ends
you are one in the many
nothing special
worth a penny
don't worry your mind
you will never have to shine
so go on get ready
at least try to look pretty
look straight in the mirror
run a brush through your hair
wait and listen for our final call  
apply your makeup
and soon
you won't even recognize yourself at all
On a Monday Morning we dawned our wool sweaters
and walked into the cold
so cold
so cold
Into the crowd we looked out to their faces, looked straight into their eyes,
and felt their stares
so cold
so cold
Late into the evening on a Friday she sits alone
and remembers their judgement
so cold
so cold
I used to watch you while you slept and hate you
that you could sleep
while my mind was racing
while my heart was aching
while I wept.
the alarm clock lit your face with a blue glow
you slept like you had earned it
while my mind was racing
while my heart was aching
while I wept.
without waking, you'd reach for me, pull me to your chest
I'd breathe your scent, feel your warmth
while my mind was racing
while my heart was aching
while I wept.
I used to lie in your arms while you slept and hate you.
 May 2013 Christina
K Mae
Poet with the wounded soul
            Let your lover suffering go
        It is time for you to know
            beyond the pain a light will show
                  another path to follow now
  Dare this step and you'll see how        
         you're welcome as a blessed chance
              in partnership to join the dance
Hearts are everywhere need healing
   help to raise a body kneeling
Offer grace to one who's lonely
Find your joy if you will only
    choose to part the veils that hide you
Love is flowing full inside you
*to be shared
                      Be not scared
                          You're not done
                                  Welcome One
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