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Chris Balase Jun 20
I shared with them
My fears
And they used them against me

They spat
on my face
Because I'm different

They don't see
That I am losing this
War that has been waging
In my soul for years...

So I
Now I
Will be alone.

Like a dying beast
Forever burdened
After its use
Has been abused

Like a worn-out tool
Its usefulness to the world

So I
Now I
Will tread this alone.
Chris Balase May 31
Please understand
that I'll do what I can
to move away from you, and...
to forget you while I can

so please, understand
Chris Balase May 31
God, your eyes
Slivering, tempting, unrefined
Luring my senses behind.
  God, your eyes.
Chris Balase May 31
I've prayed for you
a million times
before I laid
my eyes unto yours

I've dreamt of this
for a thousand summers
before your sunshine
shone deep unto my abyss
Chris Balase Aug 2023
Thank you for saving this poor old soul
tired and trembling on my knees
dazed and puked from spinning around
trapped in a cycle was me

In an untimely manner in this unlikely world
you came and brought life and glee
now we spend each day with promises held
there's now hope in thine eyes I see

Thank you for saving this poor old soul
thank you for saving me
Chris Balase Feb 2023
The soup was cold
The veggies were bland
The meat, mediocre
The dessert was placed
    in a paper cup.

But my heart is full
Because I am spending this special day with you.

I love you
Chris Balase Dec 2022
I realize

that I don't want to memorize
someone else's favorite color

I'm done with remembering her name
or her favorite artist...

I can no longer take
remembering her quirks

Or her slight wrinkle
around her eyes every time she smiles

to whisper her name
beneath my breath as I sleep

to listen to her heart beat
and pace my breathing to hers

to walk the same path with her
while I burn each step in my mind

this I realize
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