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 Feb 2014 chloffee
tessa salahi
why the sun is out, we will never know
perceptions of the yellow glow all differ
and who loves it and who doesn't all depends
but what would the world be without it?
we depend on it, just like you do with
his eyes
the warmth we receive from the sun
is the same you gain from his stare
glancing with the ocean blue gleam
"i know you, i walked with you once upon a dream"
and as you float back to reality while gazing into his world viewers,
you notice your life is this dream you dreamt
and you're walking with him
as the sun takes the background
and there you have it,
all the warmth a human could sustain

Just hanging around stuck in the background where Echo and the Bunnymen sing sad songs,they're not funny men and I'm not one too.
Going to take my Queen and fulfill a dream,dine in style at Mile End,wend my way down to Nandos,pay for chicken,sticking less to the plan because I'm only a man I travel to Hackney where the wild men of Shoreditch come out to attack me with rolled up newspapers,their capers amuse me until I blink twice, and I see, that my Queens seen it all and goes off in a huff,
Puffs of smoke are no joke when you're born as a bloke because the magic don't last,blast it nearly passed it,the turn off for middle age,junction twenty six on the revolving glass mirrored stage,but I made it and now I'm back in the sun waiting for my Queen to come,my apology accepted along with the promise of a day trip to Poundland,stand and deliver while we shiver our timbers and limber up for the party on interstate four,
sore from the laughter we take a bath shortly after because we like to stay clean,my Queen thinks I'm ***** and men go that way after thirty but I'm not so sure.
I have pure intentions and clean underwear,does she care? I think so but it's so hard to know what she's thinking,she tastes of melons when I'm drinking her in.
In this flotilla where the will of the one doesn't win,we all stick together, whether it's a good thing or not,
but I've got a plan and because I'm only a man it's a good one and so I carry on and she carries me,I meet her mum and she marries me..sounding obscene,I mean I married my Queen,not her mum.

It's all in the spaghetti which I'm sure that SHY YETI'S BEST OF BRITISH - PART 1 doesn't cover,so it won't keep me warm but no harm in me looking through this facebook and cooking a dish,should I wish, for some it's back to interstate four,where the cops will be waiting with a ticket to the potteries and a fine for the finder of the stopped timex watch winder.

where was I
in Mile end?
going to spend but stay lean as I talk with my Queen,
and so it goes on.
 Dec 2013 chloffee
Jessica Taylor
Three words
And over
Then he
threw me
to the side
 Nov 2013 chloffee
langit b
 Nov 2013 chloffee
langit b
pieces of pain
fly into the crescent moon
we walk through the falling snow
storm and broken road
are we alive or just pretending?
wisdom of the nirvana
tell the mysterious diety
yellow grass and smoked old man
strong promises people made
promise it won't be breaking
seeking the shadow of your savior
survive the long cold night
with an eclipse
torn fall between us
pale lips with a cigarette
living our future in a ***** promise
lead me, surviver
to the end of this tunnel
standing in the rain to see the lights of the buildings
galaxy and hidden planet
walk to the flower shop
rose or jasmine
red with madness
or white with sadness
painting your soul with blood

Round of twin *******,
Circle thighs, hips, moon bottoms,
The round of my palms.
 Sep 2013 chloffee
we laid on the bed and didn't touch.
i wanted you to hold me but i was afraid you'd catch this disease i have, apathy.
insomnia and heartache are synonyms,
you told me.
everything looks different in the dark.
you think you know your heart until the blackout illuminates a new one entirely.
i told you i was afraid and you wrote a lullaby down my spine.
that's not right.
everything is different in the dark.
you didn't touch me.
i forgot you didn't touch me.
the loaded question was on your lips as i pressed mine to yours. bang.
kissing doesn't count as touching but you stopped me anyway.
it was raining cats and dogs and you told me to lighten up or it would never stop.
i choked on your tongue and you called it a laugh.
silence is an accent i wish more people had.
you didn't say anything.
you didn't touch me.
 Sep 2013 chloffee
Lauren Burgess
Tonight, I want to sleep
I want to daintily float on clouds of
Merciless peace
Tonight, I want to fall into a pit of
Symphonies and melodic tunes
That frighten away my demons and
Stop my pain
Tonight, I want my heart to smile
Because you're not in the images my mind
Plays for me on the carousel of thoughts
That burn my being
Tonight, I want to break free of all that is you and
Dive under the vast sea of all that is me
***** my finger on the thorn that is my reality and
Bleed what is my hate
My nightmare
Tonight, I want to sleep

— The End —