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Jun 2015 · 1.5k
Chloe Cresse Jun 2015
Living in fear and constant humiliation
Worrying about more than cleaning and organization
The pills are becoming dull
Everything is becoming worse, people becoming more cruel

She prays and prays for the pain to go away
But with tears in her eyes, she can't help but say
" I live in a small box and no one can get in.
How can I help myself when I don't even know where to begin?"

People mock and claim to suffer
but they don't know how much it crushes her
She wants to live in a world where she can be "normal"
but instead she lives where obsessions are forceful

She will over come it, everyone agrees
She will eventually have internal peace
She will be happy, she will never cry herself to sleep again
but for now, she ends her prayers for strength with amen
Once again, this is another poem for my friend who suffers from OCD.

The first poem I wrote for her is entitled "Suffering"
Sep 2014 · 379
What Am I To Do
Chloe Cresse Sep 2014
You are the wave of the ocean and I am the grain of the sand
No matter how hard I try you always pull me back in
You leave me breathless and with weak arms
How am I to breathe when my lungs are filled with you
You take over my body and leave my mind ashore
I am senseless and confused but whole in your arms
You see I'm hopelessly yours and you'll never be mine
For you are the ocean and I am nothing but a drizzle of rain.
Sorry for not posting in a while.. I've been trying to find some inspiration.
May 2014 · 1.5k
Chloe Cresse May 2014
We live in a generation where being alike is expected
Where following each others ways and believing each other's God is assumed
Our generation raises us to be perfect people
too bad perfect people don't exist
They raise us to be intelligent and successful
Beautiful and polite
Straight and homophobic
Skinny and athletic
Good with words but never to speak
They raise us with the aspiration of perfection

This generation is so narrow minded and scared of people being themselves
They are scared of being unique
They are scared of letting people live their own lives
They are scared to accept others for who they are
Many fall under the influence of this generation, but I will never
I will be unique
I will never be perfect
I will never be like someone else until the day
*all of our fingerprints are the same
Apr 2014 · 448
Chloe Cresse Apr 2014
Hold your breathe. Stop there.
**** in. Rely on air.
Don't eat. Watch your weight.
Be quiet. Don't stay up late.
Drink you water. Wash your face.
Shut up. Don't be a disgrace.
Don't smile at him! Do you know who he is?
Like a man who knows where his money is.
Shoulders back. Head up high.
Cross your legs and be polite.
Oh my! You gained a pound, you're going in a diet.
Always read, never write.
Those words you express are never right.
Stop crying. Your makeup is ruined.
Stop now. I can feel the trouble brewing.
Stop being who you are. Be who I said to be.
Why do you insist on messing up? Listen to me!
Thank goodness, you finally gave up.
Don't be you, listen to society!
My dears, these razors are not for wrists but for your legs.
Why would I use them there when I rather be dead?
Thank y'all for 10,000 views! :) I love y'all <3
Apr 2014 · 652
Chloe Cresse Apr 2014
You walked away
and with every bold step
Every bone is my body screamed don't go

In that instant, I wanted to wrap my arms around you
To keep you safe
To reassure you that I love you
and that you are perfect and graceful and worth my time and worth the fights and worth the nights I cried myself to sleep and worth everything I have ever owned and will ever own

I wanted to feel you hold on to me
as if I'm the only support system you have while being forced into a vortex
But it seems you found the vortex as a place of acceptance
because you left me for that black hole that leads to no where

It hurts because I know I have you in my heart
but I want you in my arms
I want you in my life, but it seems you rather be in space
You rather be blind in a vortex
You rather live among the stars than live in my life
You rather be far away from me
but  I can't blame you

While you are soaring the stars
and dancing in galaxies
Just now while you are trying to obtain the world
**You will always be my universe
Mar 2014 · 420
Looking Glass
Chloe Cresse Mar 2014
Ever since the beginning, I knew that you were different
You stood in a way no one else was capable of
You were fragile and graceful and so clear I could tell everything about you in one glance
But oh you were so beautiful to look at. You shined and glistened and reflected answers towards me with all I could ever ask about
In some ways, you were like glass
If I could drink all of your sorrows away I would
I would take the fears and worries out of your glass body and swallow into mine
I would fill you with what you needed
I would fill you with joy and courage and love for yourself
But while pouring these much needed liquids, you broke
You shattered
You fell
are gone
Every day after that I have been forced to explain to everyone about how you broke
and I know that if you were still fragile and shining you would be disappointed in me
In fact, I'm disappointed in myself
I should have emptied myself out like I planned to do with you
and fill myself with those important liquids
I wish I had joy
I wish I had courage
I wished I loved myself
but that is hard to do because I have the memories of the day
*i broke you
Mar 2014 · 863
Chloe Cresse Mar 2014
You say it so quickly, without any hesitation or realization of the pain you have caused
You say it with all seriousness and so much ignorance
It's as if you have no knowledge of the way that word rolls of your tongue as a rain drop does on a shingle of a house
That one single word gives me chills that begins in my toes and runs through my body like an electric current
The electricity might as well be anger also because that too is surging
Do you have any idea what you are even doing?
You say it with all of your loose minded friends who too suffer from ignorance
People like you make it hard to live in this world
Its people like you that cause sufferers of your ignorance to begin wars
to begin segregation
to feel hated
to feel lost
to feel depression
to end their lives
It is people like you, even the ones sitting in this very rooms, who have caused many people to die
It is people like you who will never truly know what the term "gay" means
Mar 2014 · 1.3k
Chloe Cresse Mar 2014
She suffers from mental flurries inside her head
Questions and worry keep her awake in bed
Looks that paralyze, statements that can make you numb
People don't realize the habits she can overcome
Wishing for an end of this unreasonable pain
Causing tears that fall like rain
Tears like crystals, concealing the hurt she suffers
Standing for herself relating to no other
Obsessions that **** her slowly with nothing to hide
With everything lost, her hope never died
Shes stands with a strong will and courage to shed
Nothing can stop her, not even the questions and worry inside her head
this poem is about a friend who suffers from OCD
Feb 2014 · 387
Rants of Few.
Chloe Cresse Feb 2014
Overturned futures, using dark rooms as comfort
Flooding tears and always thinking of others
Letting people put their doubts, troubles, and fears in my weak hands
Allowing me to make their changes for their sake of living
Making me change their future
I heal their relationships with words held back
Only to watch them fall apart with one little action
I build up these mansions of friendship and trust
Only to let them be destroyed with one wrong look
I pray and wait for the day that my so called best friends realize the impact they are making on my life
They make me smile and laugh everyday with their grateful presence
But at home with these little snaps and messages lead me to tears
and making my family angry
I know they do none of these on purpose because they care about my well being
and they know I do this for them because I care about them too
I love being able to change their thoughts about life and make them happy
But I am tired of being the only one who tries
Some times I feel like I am surrounded by people who feast off of attention
They all have their way of making others come my way
One who is full of opinions and thoughts always tends to be outspoken and damages some one else
One who is full of need. She too feasts off the attention and needs eyes on her at all times.
One who wears a tough persona but also puts her feelings as clothing.
One who is tired. One who is weak. One who is trying to fix the world. One who is doing one of the sort. One who is completely messed up. One who needs as much helps as she gives.
I rant and fill your heads with opinions, but in complete honesty.
**I am the only one who is making my life a living hell.
Feb 2014 · 354
You Were Always There.
Chloe Cresse Feb 2014
Visions of blurs, these moments happened fast
But everything is remembered, everything was made to last
Blood covered your scarred and helpful hands
I wish I could help you, but I can barely stand
When your loving arms wrapped around me that night your comfort sank into my skin
Just like my tears in your shoulder, we both knew we weren't going to win

With every fading tear came every everlasting memory
When she had too many and couldn't remember me
No lock in the house could hold back your comfort to me
You were always there with every shaky sentence I breathed
You always had that look in your eyes that no one else could replace
It was the look of understanding. I could always see it all over your face
You carried me to bed whenever I stood no chance
You could tell every emotion inside of me with just one glance
But it seems now that when you are the one red eyed and dripping tears
I had no words to say even after all these years
All I could manage to do was hug you just like you use to do me
Maybe you would feel comforted just like I use to be
You were always there whenever I felt I couldn't go on
You were always there to sing my favorite song
You were always there to hold my hand in situations with no light
You were always there to whisper good news to me during those terrible nights
You are the reason I am strong
But what am I going to do when you are gone?

I love you more than there are ripples in the sea
and without you, I wouldn't be me
You dried my tears, hugged all the sadness out of me, and cried with me just because you could
If I could choose you to be my big brother again, I would
Feb 2014 · 810
Love You
Chloe Cresse Feb 2014
I love you more than the stars love the moon, forever and always
I love you more than there are seconds in a day
I love to to the moon and back a million times
When I'm with you, my time sure flies
I love you more than the moon and the sun
But my dear, my love to express will never be enough

You say you love me more than the moon and the stars
But my dear, you have pushed it way to far
I love you across the oceans and beyond the seas
But friends is all we will ever be

Forget is not in my dictionary of love
When I see you I go beyond and above
I forgive you for not understanding my hearts deepest desire
But I am losing hope and my hearts tired
For if you do not see now than how will you ever learn?
I love you more than a mother loves her new born

You are confused just stop, just go
Loving me is stupid and usually unknown
Forget the memories, get over the past
We tried this once and the feelings didn't last
But if I once dared to try to see from your point of view
Maybe then I'll understand the nonsense, maybe then I'll understand you
I feel happy and warm and loved when in your lovely presence
I want to accept but the thought is dangerous
But I must forget the memories, get over the past
For people change and old feelings last

Right when I was on the verge of letting it go
I asked you for the last time, my dear, and the answer was anything but no
You responded in the most lovely way
and on the most perfect rainy day
I love you more than the stars love the moon, always and forever
I will follow you where ever
I don't know how to say this without expressing it enough, and finally you said, I love you.
Without any doubt I whispered, I love you too
This poem is a conversation of two people. A boy who is madly in love with a girl (starts the poem off with the first stanza) and a girl who doesn't accept love until the end. The two take turns in the stanzas (stanza one- boy stanza two- girl stanza three- boy etc.).
Jan 2014 · 707
What Do You Call Yourself?
Chloe Cresse Jan 2014
For centuries now and centuries beyond
We have been told stories of the holy one
The Lord our Savior Jesus Christ!
To the name, all Christians rise.
But have you heard this story?

Christians of this generation
Shun the homosexuals with no hesitation
Speak of their sin and their journey to Hell
But do not judge until you have brought water out of their well
What do you believe you are bringing?
Joy and pride to the King?
You are pleasing the great one, but killing some
You find them foolish, you find their choices dumb
But this is not a choice, this is a reason
They are not harming you or committing treason
You are not them, neither do you own
So if you have never sinned, please throw your stone

Sadly, today we Christians believe
That scaring you into Christian hood is the only way to receive
Some may disagree and some may disapprove
But this is where I stand and I will not move
No one deserves to be shunned or given a title
Just because they do not believe every word out of the bible
Stop scaring people into religion
So that they may want a new beginning
You call yourself a Christian
But all you do is make people feel distant
I am Christian and I walk with God
But you are doing things wrong
Calling things gay
Isn't and never will be okay
It is rude and widely offensive
You have no right to
That includes giving people titles for what you believe to be true
It is awfully immature and beyond rude too
So lets be the Christians God wanted us to be
The ones who love his people no matter the Race, Gender, or Sexuality.
Jan 2014 · 1.2k
Chloe Cresse Jan 2014
Red water, thick fluid
It's all the same
The blood running through us
No matter the life. No matter the name.
We all reek of selfishness
with the aroma of sin
We find hatred as pure bliss
Allowing demons to sink in
Letting them take over our intellect
Poisoning our flowers which sprout out of our veins
Our harmony is wrecked
The collectors of our guilt keep them locked in chains
We meditate on the thought of letting go
We raise our wings towards the sun
The sunflowers in your palms begin to grow
Once again we are one
Breaking through the barriers of doubt
We assassinate the demons we own
Our body will no longer fear droughts
We sing along to the melody the wind blown
The drums beat to our valuable souls
We nod our head and grin an incredible grin
Running free and wild with the foals
With a deep breath we feel the sun against our skin
We have escaped
This is our only chance
Without hesitation when the sky is draped
We lift our hands in perfect harmony and begin the sundance.
Jan 2014 · 2.3k
Bare Bones.
Chloe Cresse Jan 2014
Tired of the useless attention that seems to be received
Tired of being mourned. Tired of being grieved
Shouts of NO! and shaking heads
The thought I study inside my bed
No morning, no noon
Trust me. You can have some soon
My insides growl begging for more
But the fear of being noticed lurked my direction so I ignore and stare at the floor
At the break of dawn I awake to prepare
Unmasking my rib cage, I look in the mirror and stare
Bones defined by a thin layer of skin
Tired of being self conscious. Tired of ******* in.
Guilt I own collapses in my heart
Wanting to disappear. Wishing to fall apart.
"You starve yourself you know you do"
They shower me in comments over the things I know to be true
So here I am admitting my fears
After all, isn't that what everyone wanted to hear?
On the inside I accepted it, on the outside I ignore
Trained in the art of being a coward, I drag my lack of courage on the floor
I've always have had the fear of eating in front of the human race
Frightened of the judgement and looks I might face
The usual hunger pains begin right on time
I want to change, I want to conquer that climb
Head of fear. Body of depression. My stomach slowly moans.
I'm tired of bare bones.
Jan 2014 · 1.3k
But I'm A Writer
Chloe Cresse Jan 2014
Many openings and a lot of close encounters
Denied offers and spared hours
Countless compliments on the personality and face
Sometimes with promises, I slip away without a trace

It seems that I keep my heart behind rod iron doors
So love and promises cannot be forced
I try and try until trying isn't enough
So I accept the fact and keep on acting tough

When dealing with love, only time can tell
Hopefully someday I can tell the story of the day I fell
Young and blessed with a passion filled soul
I decided that "You can't love until you love yourself" is getting old

I love myself, I truly do
It took a couple of years to learn how to
So if I love what lies within
Why can't I love? Where do I even begin?

I love my friends, family, Nirvana, sunflowers, tattoos, books, writing, and tea
If that's not love, I don't know what can be
I'm an ignorant fool who's blind to love
I've tried to see. I went beyond and above.

Some call me a heart breaker, a heartless savage even
But honestly, I'm a walking bag of organs who doesn't know where to begin
I carry with me a stone in a rod iron cage
But I'm full of passion and full of rage

I'm too ignorant to love and too careless to care
But I'm a writer and here's what I dare
Don't follow my footsteps and find a passionate guy
For when a writer falls in love with you,
you'll never die.
Dec 2013 · 898
Lunar Lullaby
Chloe Cresse Dec 2013
My insanity lies in your hands.
Every move you make are my commands.
You stole away the apple of my eye.
Leading me on to every bad guy.
Leaving me to fend for myself.
Then like a toy, putting me back on the shelf.

My stone cold soul lies in your hands.
Every thought creates a new demand.
I always end up falling for your tricks and schemes.
This why no person is what they seem.

My poison drenched heart fills your hands.
With every trembling beat comes a wretched new plan.
Drizzled in ink, it leaks out sorrow.
Sorrow that fills my veins and prepares me for tomorrow.
Nov 2013 · 642
Dream on Dreamer
Chloe Cresse Nov 2013
I have a secret
but who wants to know?
A hopeless dreamer
with hope as thick as snow
They are all lies my dear
everything you thought was true
Keep your thoughts and feelings hidden, beautiful
because who wants to hear from you?

You are a mistake
But you stole our hearts, aye?
Correction. You're life is the only thing we want you to take
sit and breath in your wonderland fumes
go ahead and chug your forgetful liquids
all we have is an useless creature in doom.

Dream on Dreamer
maybe tomorrow will be better
maybe all those thoughts will leave me
and someday with a pitiful smile that no one knew existed
I'll whisper without a shadow of the doubt
"Here's the secret. I'm twisted."
Today I am sad.
I'm not feeling like I usually do.
Nov 2013 · 556
Chloe Cresse Nov 2013
I'm terribly confused and lost my sense of sight
It's been forever since I've seen the day light
I'm locked inside your chamber, your soul
I'm locked inside a place unknown
I carry guilt. I carry blame
I dragged around your love like a ball and chain
I wore chains engraved with promises
While surrendering to your sweet darkness
Whispers like poison run through my head
Memories like acid in my blood spread
I got to get out of this place
but I still find myself sane in your sweet embrace
Your arms are like a rope hugging my neck
******* the life out of me with no respect
Still I find myself staying with your chamber of souls within
Because my flawless darling, I'm addicted to your lovely sin.
Chloe Cresse Nov 2013
Be yourself. Stand out and Shine
But this saying has became a crime
To shine is to beautiful on the inside out
Though some are too afraid to let it stand out
Bullying and hate is what we seem to anticipate
Yet love and compliments is what we downgrade
We have trouble accepting what is a flawless mistake
and put our very own lives at stake.

Standing Out shows too much personality
Love is love no matter the gender, race, or nationality
We judge the things we are ignorant about
Everyone is human. Everyone is God's creation, yet we still doubt.
Love is love. No matter the gender, race, or nationality.
Chloe Cresse Oct 2013
February 20, 1967
When Aberdeen, Washington became home to a legend
Throwing pebbles at cops
and falling in love with Punk Rock
1985 is when it all fell apart
The divorce shattered his poor, frail heart
Then along came Krist, Pat, and Dave
Who made his life worth the wait
"I Rather Be Hated For Who I Am Than Loved For Who I Am Not."
Against judgement, racists, and sexualists he fought.
He's an inspiration to few
because of what he chose to do.

April 5, 1994
Down he feel with the gun in his hand on the floor.
"Peace, Love, and Empathy." was left on the letter
A Document that Courtney and Frances struggled to read later.
Fans left with faithful lyrics and sorrow
He always said they weren't promised tomorrow.
Rumors of conspiracies and ****** spread
Courtney finally announced that he wanted to be dead.
"It's Better To Burn Out Than To Fade Away."
and just like that Kurt Cobain had changed  my life in every way.
Kurt Cobain has been my inspiration since day 1. Nirvana has always been my favorite band. Everything he has quoted I can relate to, and that's what I love.
Chloe Cresse Oct 2013
For the sake of society we choose to
Blend In.
We choose to fall for judgement and unnecessary sin.
We dedicate our lives to pleasing the eager souls
Who captivate and change the personalities they stole.
We smile and skip in an evil trance
Never looking back at the memories and focusing on the beautiful flaws we can enhance.

The society is our sculptor and we are the clay with tiny whispers we promise everyday
I'll Change My Ways.
They paint on us a captivating yet sorrowful grin
Where a depressing frown had once been.
The thoughts of being independent lurk in our mistreated minds
Convinced those are tricks we continue on being blind.
We never come up with the idea of being unique
because now-a-days popularity it what we seek.

Forget the times when liberty ruled
Because independence and freedom are for fools.
For now we stand in a controlling nation
stealing every soul that is thrown out for starvation.
Together as a nation we stand with
Indifference, Denial, and The Pursuit of Despair.
I feel like this is what our nation is leading up to. Forget the times of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness because now is the times of indifference, denial, and the pursuit of despair.
Chloe Cresse Oct 2013
Your eyes are like angel's eyes.
When I look in them I die.
My mind goes blank.
Then suddenly, my heart sank.
I can't have you, you're beyond my reach.
I'll never have you no matter what actions or speech.
You can stop time with a glimpse of that stunning smile.
But instead of a glimpse can I get a while?
Darling, you're an angel and I'm an unwanted demon...
So while you walk by me, I'll keep dreaming...
This came to my mind while messaging my lovely best friend, Blaise Caldwell. Go look at her poetry! She is truly talented :)
Sep 2013 · 522
You Are Not Here.
Chloe Cresse Sep 2013
....8 Months....
The feeling of loss and regret sweeps over me again
The thought of your stunning smile makes me miss you even more
The fact that you are not here.... Oh, my darling... You Are Not Here.

My Purple Winged Angel with flawless perfection
The judgement got to you
The remarks circled in your mind
Thinking of ways to get away
And you finally decided.
8 months ago on this very day.

Oh, how I miss you and the welcoming hello I received every morning least an angel hears that hello every dawn....
I never forgot you
and never will.
But I can't believe someone broke your strong power of will

My Purple Winged Angel
8 Months Ago
You Decided To Leave
8 Months Ago
I Couldn't Believe
You Are Not Here
My Flawless Angel are not here......
Dedicated to Victoria Wallace.
It's been 8 months since you left and I still have a problem believing you are gone. You were SO beautiful and SO talented, you had a glorious future ahead of you... But now you have a glorious view of Heaven... After hearing of your suicidal decision I went into a state of shock and that's how I feel right now and every other 25th day... I miss you so much and love you until the end of time <3 Stay Strong My Purple Winged Angel
Chloe Cresse Sep 2013
Every time I close my eyes I see a glimpse of staggering virtue
Your beauty and passion is the thing I dream to pursue
Your amazing grace and flawless laugh
Is the one thing I can never seem to grasp
Behold the tidal wave of fear
But I need not shed a tear
Because my dear, you are near.

Imagine our troubles and sorrows being as light as feathers
We would never have to deal with depression, loss, and peer pressure
We would be young and youthful and live our wildest dreams
Blocking out the ignorant screams
Our nightmares would burn down into ashes on sand
Like invincible brick walls we stand
Blocking bullies hand in hand

Ignorant fools is what we'll look like when we dance around
They think we're crazy? Good. Let them surround.
With the angels, we'll stroll on cloud 9
Right then I'll be claimed yours and you'll be claimed mine
I promise, it was love at first glance.
Please. Give me a few more minutes before I wake from this faultless trance.
"But you just have to realize if he or she laughs at your silly mistakes then they do not deserve the beautiful and pure hearted you. If they can't accept you, that's their loss not yours. You have to remember although you don't know it someone out there is dreaming of you, thinking of you, and thinking of ways to say hi to you. Although that person may not be who you expected it to be, it is still someone who loves and cares for you." -Me :) Just another quote by me to help y'all through this hell we call life <3
Sep 2013 · 527
....i love you....
Chloe Cresse Sep 2013
What is love?
Love is understanding
Love is supporting
Love is forgiving
Love is relentless

Love is helping the one you gave your heart to through anything
Love is seeing the beauty in everything she does or says
Love is wanting to be yours
Love is boundless.

Love is never underestimating their self esteem
Love is not even thinking of damaging their fragile heart
Love is to be taken seriously
Love is respect.

Love is to always have a flame and never give into the ashes
Love is to never let the trees settle down after a wind storm
Love is to never let one get frightened
Love is to care for.

Our world says I Love You out of context more than often
We should only use I Love You when we mean it
When we trust each other
Then we can say
......i love you....
Chloe Cresse Sep 2013
Let's Go.
Let's go make memories we'll never forget
Let's go chase our dreams
Let's go make fools of out ourselves
Let's run until our youth wears off

We can prove ourselves to be loyal, beautiful, respectful, bold, and fierce
****** maniacs
We will be those girls who don't care what people think about them
We will be the girls who care for others we love
We will be those girls who will succeed.

Who told us to start growing up?
Who demanded we stop living?
Who wants to steal our youth?
Those demands are pointless.

Because us girls who,
will make ourselves invincible.

And We Will Run Until Our Youth Wears Off.
This poem is for my stunning best friends Blaise, Joanna, Emily, and Caroline. Those girls know everything there is to know about me. They are beautiful, trustworthy, supporting, crazy, amazing, and fearless. They understand me and accept me. I love them with all my beaten and tattered heart.... So my four and only Quack Pack Ducklings ;) Let's Run Until Our Youth Runs Off <3
Chloe Cresse Sep 2013
Why must I be so in love with you?
Every thing I do brings back the depressingly lovely
thoughts of you.
Maybe it's the nonchalant way you smile when you see me
Or maybe the way your forest deep eyes gleam when you read my poem
Or maybe it's just God's way of perfection.

I'm sure I could become an Olympic Track  runner after sprinting down the halls everyday
Just so I can stand next to you...
The way you laugh at my silly gestures brings joy into my compressed heart
The way you draw illustrations for my poem about depression makes me wonder
why did I ever write those when my cure is right in front of me?

If you only knew how much I smiled, cried, thought, and dreamed of this one text from you
Maybe then you'll understand
"...But you can call me your Batman..."
You would be my superhero.
My knight in shining armor.
My protection. My warmth. My security.
My First Love.

Maybe. Just Maybe.
This is God's idea of perfection.
You have no idea. You have no idea how many emotions you have brought upon me. You have no idea how much I want to feel your comforting arms around me. You have no idea how much I hope for a "Good  Morning Beautiful" text from you. You have no idea how many times my friends have heard the same stories about you again and again and again. You have no idea how much of an impact you are in my life. If I ever lost you, my poems would have no meaning. I wouldn't have met you, I would never have felt love....

P.S. Before I met you, my poems have all been about hate, depression, and loneliness. The first poem I wrote about you was my first "happy" poem... You changed me and my life forever.... <3
Sep 2013 · 554
Chloe Cresse Sep 2013
Like looking through an ocean.
There's multiple things blocking me from you
Other fish wanting your attention
Pollutants causing problems in the space between us
Are my tears causing a thin layer of ocean also?

Baby, if I built you a mountain
Would you climb it to look towards the west
To look at me?
Or would you loose control and look east
Away from me?

Like Smoke.
The air between us is thick
but could be thin without carelessness
I would crawl through the smoke to make my way towards you
Would you be there to meet me?

Every time I dare glance your way
A wildfire of emotion starts
Taking initiative
Every time I dare glance at you...
I'm in love.
Sep 2013 · 958
Stand Tall Old Soldier
Chloe Cresse Sep 2013
A situation happened a couple of years ago
Pain no one will ever know
I was pressured and forced to be right
but on the inside I knew I would never win this fight

Every night I would cry alone
Sometimes I thought about taking my life, yes my very own
I walked into the court house on July 5th or my birthday
Only to be forced to be sent away

I still feel your tears as you wept on my shoulder
Please don't cry.
Stand Tall Old Soldier.

I remember driving away that day
Watching everything turn to gray
I thought you would never forgive me
I was only doing what Lawson wanted I plea

Now I only see you 15 times a year
I wish everything was clear
You were my faith, my rock, everything I had
but others would call you my loving dad.
This is a VERY old poem of mine that still has a lot of meaning to me. I wrote it on February 11, 2013. Now my life is clear and I am happy.
I have a loving family, trustworthy friends, and poetry who will always help me release emotions. I remember reading this poem to my poetry club last year. I couldn't help myself but cry.  Although it felt like like I was looking through a thin layer of water, I still stayed up there and finished... I love my father with all my heart and soul. No, he isn't the perfect dad but no dad is. No matter what I will love him forever <3
Sep 2013 · 651
Empty Glass
Chloe Cresse Sep 2013
Finally, I was on the mountain.
Howling for answers no one could answer
Reaching out with my mountain scared hands
Expecting answers but receiving fear
An empty glass that is somehow always filled
Never satisfying but always relieving
Shaking with sorrow, I accept the decline
Back down the mountain of regret I climb
Sep 2013 · 578
Purple Winged Angel
Chloe Cresse Sep 2013
Your life went down in a crumble
I'm sorry my purple winged angel
This shouldn't have happened to you
Your life was hard and you struggled to get through
This gun shouldn't never been held in your hands
Darling, how long has this been planned?
What about your sister? How will she react?
I bet her heart will feel under attack
You were beautiful in every single way
Now all we can do is pray that our purple winged angel will be peaceful someday
Dedicated to Victoria Wallace
Darling, I love you to the moon and back. I will miss you more than you will ever imagine. Your suicidal decision was one of the hardest things to deal with in my life. I was shocked, confused, hurt, and  hours away. I should have been there to help you through this. I don't know who brought you to that decision, but it never should have happened. Stay beautiful my purple winged angel...
Sep 2013 · 875
My Dark Paradise
Chloe Cresse Sep 2013
Over and over again I fall
But this time I'll stand tall
Loving you is a sin
But baby, this isn't love we're falling in
It's torture, rage, and frustration
Never love, trust, and admiration
I'm drowning in my own vexation
Never swimming in an ocean of affection
This vacation isn't all sugar and spice
You are my dark paradise
Sep 2013 · 967
Lionhearted King.
Chloe Cresse Sep 2013
If you only knew how much you meant to me
Then you would understand how we're meant to be
When you smile at me with those beautiful stars
Everything stops, everything is silent, the moment is ours

Your eyes.
A golden flame cascades as a flowing green meadow dies
You're a lion heart.
Courageous and brave. You had pride from the start

A hurricane of thoughts of you begin in my head
I'm blindfolded. Where am I being lead?
Light overcomes darkness. Joyous bells ring
And there in front of me stands
My lionhearted king.
Sep 2013 · 866
I'm Just There.
Chloe Cresse Sep 2013
You're irresistible.
I disintegrate.
You're beyond perfection.
I'm just there.

Everything you say comes out pure
The way you move makes it look like you own the earth
The way you smile makes me believe in angels even more
The thought of you makes uncontrollable tears pour

You're a galaxy.
I'm a star in it.
You're beyond perfection.
I'm just there.

I want to feel your comforting arms around me
I want to hear you whisper promises in my ear
I want to make lovely dreams into an unrealistic reality
I need to hear your heartbeat in your chest

You're a breathtaking ocean.
I'm a ripple.
You're beyond perfection.
I'm just there.

My need for you in incurable
My love for you is out of control
My hope for you is endless
Is yours?

You're irresistible.
I disintegrate.
You're beyond perfection.
I'm just there.
Aug 2013 · 1.2k
For You My Flawless Darling
Chloe Cresse Aug 2013
Stone cold blue.
They are beautiful like granite
Your poems.
Breath-taking. My eyes are open to a world of clarity

I try to let you go
But it gets me the pain
Because you are my everything.

Like a star in a pitch black night
A rose in a decaying garden
You're flawless my darling.

When the moon shines high
That is when I think of you the most
You're my beating heart in this dead body we call world
My one thought in this pointless mind

I try to let you go
But it gets me the pain
Because you, my flawless darling, are my everything.

— The End —