he planted flowers where you buried weeds in my head.
so why are you surprised when i begin to bloom instead of sit, continually withering away.
why are you stunned that i let him hold me a bit closer than i let you?
you signed the grave stone you planted in my chest, so that i wouldn't forget that maybe once, some time ago, you did in fact live there.
you opened windows inside my veins
to shout that i belonged to you,
but only blood came out.
i cover your tracks with pulled down sleeves
so that maybe not a soul will notice
the things you have done to me.
after all, i don't ever want him to know
that you are reason i forgot what my smile looked like.
darling, i pulled all the thorns off the rose bush he planted inside of me because they reminded me of you.
i'm begging you, stop haunting my chest with the ghost of who i made you out to be...
i need you to let me bloom now.